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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: BAE FAQ :: Installation
Bartels AutoEngineer® - Questions and Answers

Bartels AutoEngineer® Installation

Bartels AutoEngineer® Questions and Answers
FAQ110-001 How do I install the BAE software?
A DOS install program is provided on the BAE CD-ROM. Simply start an MS-DOS prompt, select the appropriate drive (e.g., E: when installing from CD-ROM drive E:) and start the BAE install program from the root directory of your drive after mounting the BAE CD-ROM. On workstations, simply use the tar utility to install the BAE software file provided either on CD-ROM or on tape.
FAQ110-003 Is it possible to install both the DOS and Windows version of BAE on the same machine?
No problem! Simply run the BAE install program from the BAE CD-ROM twice and use different BAE program directories for the Windows and the DOS versions of BAE (e.g., baewin and baedos, respectively). Note that you can exclude parts of the BAE software (such as the Symbol and Part Libraries, the example jobs and the User Language programs) by simply deleting the corresponding destination directories from the directory specification menu provided by the install program. I.e., you can first install the complete BAE DOS version including libraries, User Language programs and example jobs, and, at later stage, you can install only the BAE programs directory for a BAE Windows version.
FAQ110-010 How do I chose the BAE Demo software version?
Simply select the demo.cfg software authorization file during installation or copy demo.cfg to router.cfg in the BAE programs directory after successfully installing the BAE software.
FAQ110-011 After having installed the Bartels AutoEngineer Software, I get a Please check Your User Authorization message!
Please contact Bartels System for a Workstation specific router.cfg file. Please supply your uname serial number on HP and/or your Ethernet number on Linux systems. For the PC, please check that you have installed the hardlock device and copied demo.cfg to router.cfg in the BAE programs directory created during BAE software installation.
FAQ110-050 How do I chose a different DOS graphic device driver?
Copy the graphic driver (.dev) file supporting your graphic system to bae.dev in the BAE programs directory created during BAE software installation.
FAQ110-100 I would like to use different drive or directory names!
No problem, the BAE programs directory is located from the PATH variable, the baelib library directory is known from the bsetup.dat setup file. To modify bsetup.dat, create a copy of the stdset.def file, specify correct library paths with the SCMDEFLIBRARY and LAYDEFLIBRARYM statements in the DEF file and call the bsetup utility program to compile the new DEF file.
FAQ110-101 I cannot locate any test jobs!

Use the AutoEngineer like a text editor or compiler. Step into the baejobs or any of your jobs directories, start the BAE main shell by typing

> bae Return/Enter Key (CR)

to the operating system prompt and call the desired BAE program module. Use the Load Element function from the File menu for loading existing design/library elements or use the New function for creating new elements. Under Windows, file dialogs are provided for more comfortable project file selection.

FAQ110-110 How do I install and/or start User Language programs?
All standard User Language programs and source files are located in the baeulc directory created during BAE software installation. To compile the User Language programs (and thus make them available on function keys or by name) simply call the cplsll.bat batch file from the baeulc directory. The compiled User Language programs are stored in the ulcprog.vdb file of the BAE programs directory. The ulcprog.vdb file of the BAE software comes with the BAE User Language programs precompiled. I.e., re-compilation of the BAE User Language programs usually is not required after performing a complete/new BAE software installation.
FAQ110-200 What memory standards are supported by the PC version, is there a 640K barrier?
As the Bartels AutoEngineer is a Protected Mode program, there is no 640K barrier. BAE uses the PharLap DOS Extender, which supports DPMI, VCPI, EMM386, XMS/HIMEM, VDISK and INT 15.
FAQ110-201 I have annoying long program load times when running the BAE software under MS-DOS 6.x!
This problem was introduced with MS-DOS 6.0. Use the NOVCPI switch with the EMM386 driver to avoid this problem.
FAQ110-250 I have problems installing the TIGA graphic device driver for MS-DOS!

Some particularities are to be considered when installing the tiga.dev graphic driver for operating the TMS 34010/34020 graphic processors with the TIGA (Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture) graphic standard. An interrupt parameter value smaller than 0x70 should be used for the TIGA interface or otherwise problems might occur with the Phar Lap 386|DOS Extender used by BAE. Interrupt level 0x60 is recommended; the following command must be added to autoexec.bat for setting the TIGA interrupt level:

SET TIGA=-i0x60

Please refer to the corresponding installation guideline of your TIGA graphic system for more details.

FAQ110-300 How do I install/connect a HP7574A pen plotter to my DOS system?

To connect a HP7475A plotter to one of the serial ports (e.g. COM2) of your computer, the serial plotter interface must be connected to the serial port with a cable wired according to the diagram in the following figure.

HP Plotter Cable Wire Diagram

HP Plotter Cable Wire Diagram

A MODE statement such as

MODE LPT1=COM2:9600,N,8,1,P

must be added to the autoexec.bat file to operate an HP 7475A serial plotter at COM2.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: BAE FAQ :: Installation

Bartels AutoEngineer® - Installation
© 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 11 October 2010, 10:45 [UTC]

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