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Fragen zu Bartels AutoEngineer® Schaltungsentwurf, Packager, Backannotation

Fragen und Antworten zum Bartels AutoEngineer®

Die folgende Information ist im Augenblick leider nur in Englisch verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

FAQ200-010 Is it possible to assign different schematic symbols to a single physical part, e.g. for relay definitions or for op-amp's with separate power supply?
Please use the LOGLIB mainpart/subpart commands. See chapter 7.11 of the BAE User Manual for a description of the loglib utility program.
FAQ200-011 Can I create hierarchical schematic diagrams?
Yes, please select the block name for every schematic page and create a corresponding (local) part using the call command in the LOGLIB DEF file part entry. An example job is named HIRSCM. For more detailed information on hierarchical SCM design see chapter 2.4 of the BAE User Manual.
FAQ200-015 How can I specify net-specific attributes such as priority, trace width or minimum distance?
Please have a look at the ROUTE schematic library which contains symbols for said attributes to be added to the selected nets. You can also create other net-specific attributes.
FAQ200-050 The select group by polygon function is very flexible, but a bit cumbersome, is there a way to use a simple rectangle selection box, where the user only has to specify two corners?
Group selection and deselection functions through rectangular polygons specified with two corner points have been implemented with the SCMGROUP User Language program of BAE Version 4.4.
FAQ250-001 How do I annotate design changes?
The Packager supports automatic forward annotation, the Layout Editor part menu provides placement update functions, and the Autorouter supports automatic update by using Load Layout and then Full Autorouter (Re-Entrant Routing).
Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: BAE FAQ :: SCM

Fragen zu - Bartels AutoEngineer® - Schaltungsentwurf, Packager, Backannotation
© 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Aktualisiert: 11. November 2009, 11:03 [UTC]

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Fragen zu Bartels AutoEngineer® Schaltungsentwurf, Packager, Backannotation - Deutsche Version Bartels AutoEngineer® Schematic Capture, Packager, Backannotation - English Version