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loglib - Logical Library Maintenance


loglib loglibfile libraryfile


The loglib utility program compiles an ASCII text file containing the relationship between logical symbols and physical parts into a Design DataBase (DDB) file. The information transferred by loglib includes assignment of SCM symbols to layout parts, logical to physical pin mapping, pin/gate swap definitions, predefined power supply pins, fixed part attributes, etc. This information is required by the Packager for translating logical net lists (generated by SCM) into physical net lists (processed by the layout system), and it is also required by Backannotation for transferring net list changes (pin/gate swap, part name changes) from the layout to the schematic circuit.

loglib accepts the loglib file name loglibfile as first argument. loglibfile is an ASCII file containing logical library part definitions. This file must have an extension of .def but this extension must not be included with the command line.

loglib accepts the layout library file name libraryfile as second argument. This file must have an extension of .ddb but this extension must not be included with the command line. The libraryfile is expected to be in BAE DDB (Design DataBase) format and should contain the layout part definitions.


The loglib utility program must be used to update the logical library whenever a new SCM symbol is added to the library or when an SCM symbol and/or a layout part definition has been modified in a way that changes the relationship between them (e.g., change of a pin name). Usually the SCM symbol is the first to be designed (or edited). Then the layout part will be defined (if not yet existing). Finally, the loglib file is created and the logical library definitions herein are translated to the layout library using the loglib program.

Input File Format

Start Data, End Data, Comments

The loglib input file format must start with the keyword LOGLIB and must end with the keyword END.. Commentary text can be placed between /* and */.

part Command

The part command is applied for assigning an SCM symbol to a layout symbol. The formal syntax of the part command is:

part <llname> : <plname>

where <llname> is the logical library name (i.e., the name of the SCM symbol) and <plname> is the physical library name (i.e., the layout package type). Keyword default can optionally be set before <plname> to enable different (non-default) layout package assignment by setting a value for the $plname attribute at the corresponding SCM symbol:

part <llname> : default <plname>

The part also supports alternate package type definitions which can be assigned during part placement in the Layout system. The part command syntax for defining alternate package types is:

part <llname> : [default] <plname>[,<plname>,...,<plname>]

where <llname> specifies the name of the SCM symbol, and the <plname> entries specify the list of valid part package types. The first <plname> entry is used as default package type. The subsequent <plname> entries define the list of alternate package types for the corresponding part. Alternate part package types can be assigned using the Alternate Part function during part placement in the Layout Editor. The sequence of the alternate package type menu entries provided by the Alternate Part function corresponds with the sequence of <plname> entries specified with the part command. Note however that any package type assignment defined with $plname attribute settings override Alternate Part assignments.

The class keyword can be used to assign the part to a part class:

part <llname> : class <partclassname> [default] <plname>

Part class assignments are used by the Packager to check whether alternate part definition assignments through the $rlname (Requested Logical Library Name) attribute are permitted.

The following part command format is used for deleting part assignments from the logical library:

delete part <llname> ;

The part command provides special format

part <llname> : virtual ;

which does not reference any physical part. This is applied to avoid errors when symbols have been used in the schematic that don't relate to parts in the PCB (e.g., company logos, drawing borders, etc.). This format is also used for setting net attributes (see below).

The part command also allows for the definition of pure logical parts by using the keyword logical as in

part <llname> : logical ...

Logical parts do not have a physical package assignment and can be used for generating logical (e.g., EDIF) net lists for PLD and/or LCA design.

Some parts have elements that require different symbols, for example relays. The symbol for the relay's coil is very different from that of the contacts and springsets and these may well need to appear on different sheets of the schematics. One symbol is chosen to be the main symbol and given a logical library name whilst the other symbols are given other logical library names. The relationship between the symbols is defined using the keywords mainpart and subpart as in

part <mainllname> : mainpart <plname>
part <subllname> : subpart <mainllname>

Note that the subpart definition provides a link to the logical library name of the mainpart (<mainllname>) instead of a <plname>. This feature can also be applied for providing power supply symbols.

The relationship between the pin names in the SCM symbol and the pin names in the physical part definition could be 1:1. I.e., the pin names of a resistor could be 1 and 2 and these could translate to 1 and 2 in the physical part. In this case only the relationship between the names of the SCM symbol and the physical part need to be defined as in

part <llname> : <plname> ;

where the semicolon is used to complete the part command. In most cases however additional information is required (such as pin/gate swap definitions, fixed part attributes, power supply pins, etc.) with must be provided with part <commands> as in

part <llname> : <plname> { <commands> }
net Command

The net command is used to define pins that don't appear in the symbol but need to be connected to particular signals or nets (e.g., power supply pins). The net command syntax is

net "<netname>" : ( <pinlist> ) ;

where <netname> is the signal or net name to connect and <pinlist> is a list of the physical pins (separated by commas) connected to the net. Each pin name containing special characters must be enclosed with quotes.

By preceding the net name with a dollar sign ($), the net command allows for the definition of net name attributes as in

net "$<netname>" : ( <pinlist> ) ;

With this feature it is possible to assign a part-specific power supply by assigning a variable net name attribute value (such as vcc or +5v) for the net name attribute (e.g., $powernet) to the desired SCM symbol/part of the SCM sheet.

In some cases more than one pin is connected to a particular signal but only one connection is desired in the symbol. The syntax of the net command for defining internal pin connections is:

net internal : ( <pinlist> ) ;

where <pinlist> is a list of physical pin names (separated by commas) that are to be linked together but only one of these pins needs to appear in the SCM symbol.

bus Command

The bus command allows busses to be defined directly on a symbol making multiple connections a single operation. The formal syntax of the bus command is:

bus ( <buspinlist> ) ;

where <buspinlist> defines a list of bus connection pins <buspin> (separated by commas) in the SCM symbol. Subsequently pin and/or xlat commands (see below) can be applied to define bus signals using special pin name specifications as in


where <buspin> is the name of a pin in the <buspinlist> and <bussignal> is one of the signal connections on that bus pin.

pin Command

The pin command is used to define SCM symbol pin names. This command is not normally required since the pin list can be defined with the xlat command as well. It is mainly used to provide additional information in cases where 1:1 pin mapping applies, i.e., where the pin names otherwise can not be shown in the loglib file. The formal syntax of the pin command:

pin ( <pinlist> ) ;

where <pinlist> contains a list of pin names defined on the SCM symbol.



pin name range pattern can be used for specifying pin lists. This allows for definitions such as pin(a1-a4); for pin(a1,a2,a3,a4) or pin(c2-c10:2) for pin(c2,c4,c6,c8,c10). It is also possible to include multiple pin name ranges such as pin(a1-a32,b1-b2,c1-c32) within a single command. Pin name range patterns are only pin list aliases, the system still saves and displays (function Show Symbol Logic) the complete pin name lists.


pin none ;

suppresses automatic 1:1 assignments of symbol to layout pins for missing pin commands to allows for, e.g., the definition of mainpart symbols without pins for general use.

xlat Command

The xlat command is used to define the relationship between the logical pin names and the physical pin names. It can be used to translate one set of logical pin names to one or more sets of physical pin names, i.e., the xlat command is used to define the logical gates of a physical part. The formal syntax of the xlat command is:

xlat ( <lplist> ) to ( <pplist> )
  or ( <pplist> ) or ... or ( <pplist> ) ;

where <lplist> is a list of the logical pin names on the SCM symbol and <pplist> are the corresponding physical pin lists. The logical pin name set can translate to more than one physical pin name set to provide gate definition features. The number and sequence of the pin name definitions must match.

xlat commands with alternations (i.e. xlats with or options for gate specifications) automatically introduce cross-part gate swap definitions if no explicit swap internal command is defined with the corresponding part.

swap Command

The swap command defines the way in which pins and gates can be swapped when working in the layout system. I.e., the definitions stored with the swap command is used by the BAE layout system to check whether particular pin/gate swaps are allowed or not. The formal syntax of the swap command is:

swap <swapdefinition> ;

where <swapdefinition> defines the relationship between pins and gates. These definitions use brackets to identify the swap hierarchy as in

(      Part  Swap      )
([   Pin Group Swap   ])
([(    Gate  Swap    )])
([((    Pin Swap    ))])

where the square brackets can be omitted if no pin group exists. Optionally, the internal keyword can follow the swap keyword to forbid swaps between different parts.

newattr Command

The newattr command enables information to be included in the physical net list data that can subsequently be extracted with Bartels User Language or the userlist utility program. It sets up user-definable attributes associated with the physical part. These fixed library attributes could be for such information as cost, company part number, internal stock number, etc. The formal syntax of the newattr command is:

newattr "$<attname>" = "<attvalue>" ;

where <attname> is a user-defined attribute name and <attvalue> is the attribute value assigned to the attribute of the corresponding part. Attribute value assignments can be shown in the BAE layout system by defining the "$<attname>" text on the corresponding layout part (e.g., on a documentary layer).

The newattr command optionally allows for the definition and assignment of pin-specific attributes as in

newattr "$<attname>" = "<attvalue>" to ( <pplist> ) ;

This feature can be used for specifying arbitrary pin-specific attributes such as pin types or pin fanouts for electronic rule checks (ERC) or for generating net list interfaces to simulators such as PSpice.

The Packager evaluates $pintype pin attribute settings to perform electrical rule checks (ERC). It is recommended to assign fixed ERC pin types through the logical symbol/part definitions. The following pin type attribute value settings are supported:

$pintypePin Type
in Input Pin
out Output Pin
bidiBi-directional Pin
anl Analog Pin
sup Power Supply Pin

The ERC issues a warning message such as Net 'netname' has only inputs! if a net with one or more input pins has no (normal, bi-directional or power supply) output pin. A warning message such as Driver collision on net 'netname'! is issued if a normal output pin is connected to another output pin, a bi-directional pin or a power supply pin.

The syntax of the newattr command also allows for the assignment of variant-specific attributes by specifying a comma-separated variant number after the attribute name quotes. This allows for the assignment of different fixed attributes to different predefined project variants such as 110 Volt and 230 Volt or deutsch and english. newattr attribute values without variant number specification are assigned to the default/base variant.

The newattr command can be used to trigger automatic ID attribute value generation by the Packager through the assignment of ?id?, ?symid?extension and ?partid?extension values. ?id? creates consecutive ID values (id1, id2 etc.). The ?symid?extension and ?partid?extension values append the specified extension with underscore to the schematic symbol name and/or layout part name (?partid?diffpair1 results in ic1_diffpair1, ic2_diffpair1, etc.). Automatic ID generation is useful if a newattr command refers to multiple pins, as this allows to create a reference between pins as required for differential pair indication.

The newattr command accepts special !unique! attribute value settings which prompt the Packager to assign gates to layout parts with matching !unique! attribute values only. The swap commands adhere to such assignments and swap gates only between layout parts with matching !unique! attribute values. I.e., the !unique! setting can be used to control the packaging of gates with different attribute values without using $rpname attributes. This is useful for certain part types such as resistor arrays:

part ra_so16r : so16r {
    newattr "$val" = "!unique!";
    pin (1-16);
    swap internal (
        (( 1,16)),(( 2,15)),(( 3,14)),(( 4,13)),
        (( 5,12)),(( 6,11)),(( 7,10)),(( 8, 9))

The following example illustrates the application of the !unique! value in the definition of an opamp with power supply assignents through attribute values:

part op_lm324 : dil14 {
    pin (/i,i,o);
    net "$vplus" : (4);
    net "$vminus" : (11);
    newattr "$vplus" = "!unique!";
    newattr "$vminus" = "!unique!";
    xlat (/i, i, o)
      to ( 2, 3, 1)
      or ( 6, 5, 7)
      or ( 9,10, 8)
      or (13,12,14);
    swap internal ((2,3,1),(6,5,7),(9,10,8),(13,12,14));
netattr Command

The netattr command can be used for the design of special SCM symbols for setting net attributes. The formal syntax of the netattr command is:

netattr <netatt> "$<attname>" : ( <pinlist> ) ;

where <netatt> is the name of the net attribute, <attname> is the name of the part attribute to be mapped to the net attribute, and <pinlist> is the list of logical pin names. Arbitrary net attribute names can be set with <netatt>, but the following keywords have special meaning for the control of the Autorouting process:

routwidthnet-specific routing width (in mm units)
powwidth pin-specific routing width (in mm units) for the signals and/or pins defined with the net command (see above)
mindist net-specific minimum clearance (in mm units)
priority net-specific routing priority (in positive integer units; the greater the value the higher the priority)

The route.ddb SCM library file is provided with the AutoEngineer. route.ddb contains virtual SCM symbols for setting net attribute values. The corresponding loglib file (route.def) includes the following definitions:

part att_rw : virtual
    pin (x);
    netattr routwidth "$val" : (x);
part att_pw : virtual
    pin (x);
    netattr powwidth "$val" : (x);
part att_md : virtual
    pin (x);
    netattr mindist "$val" : (x);
part att_pr : virtual
    pin (x);
    netattr priority "$val" : (x);

With each of the above listed net attribute symbols a pin named x and a net attribute is defined. Net attribute setting then is applied by connecting the desired net to the net attribute symbol's pin and setting the corresponding attribute value.

With arbitrary user-specific net attribute definitions additional net information can be processed for special purposes. Such net attributes can be used for controlling the layout process (maximum/minimum allowed trace length, parallel routing restrictions, layer assignments, etc.) or they can be evaluated for subsequent simulator processes, run-time analysis, checking ECL/EMC rules, etc. Tools for accessing and evaluating user-specific net attributes can be provided with Bartels User Language programs.

The netattr command can be used to trigger automatic ID attribute value generation by the Packager through the assignment of ?id?, ?symid?extension and ?partid?extension values. ?id? creates consecutive ID values (id1, id2 etc.). The ?symid?extension and ?partid?extension values append the specified extension with underscore to the schematic symbol name and/or layout part name (?partid?diffpair1 results in ic1_diffpair1, ic2_diffpair1, etc.). Automatic ID generation is useful if a netattr command refers to multiple nets, as this allows to create a reference between nets as required for differential pair indication.

call Command

The call command is used for hierarchical SCM design in order to assign SCM blocks to SCM symbols for later reference on SCM sheet level. The formal syntax of the call command is:

call <blockname> ;

where <blockname> is the name of the SCM block, and the corresponding part must be defined virtual. The block symbol pins are assigned to the name-corresponding module ports of the SCM block.

architecture Command

The architecture command can be used to define virtual logical parts consisting of different arbitrarily connected SCM symbols and/or layout parts. The formal syntax of the architecture command is:

architecture { <partlist> }

<partlist> contains the list of used symbols with comma-separated pin lists in parenthesis, where each pin specification has the following format:


<connection> can be the name of a pin of the <architecture> symbol. A connection to a global net can be established with <net netname>. <net & intnetname> or <& intnetname> specifications can be used to refer to a local net of the <architecture> symbol.


Loglib file example.def containing two part definitions:


/* Example Loglib File */
part 74ls00 : dil14, so14
    newattr "$partnumber" = "A-NAND-X11B82";
    newattr "$pintype" = "in" to (1,2,4,5,9,10,12,13);
    newattr "$pintype" = "out" to (3,6,8,11);
    newattr "$pintype" = "sup" to (7,14);
    pin (a,b,y);
    net "vcc" : (14);
    net "$groundnetname" : (7);
    xlat ( a, b, y)
      to ( 1, 2, 3)
      or ( 4, 5, 6)
      or (13,12,11)
      or (10, 9, 8);
    swap (((1,2),3),((4,5),6),((13,12),11),((10,9),8));

part tx27 : default sot23;

part tr_bc547 : class "npn-transistor" default to92
    pin (e,b,c);
    xlat (e,b,c)
      to (1,2,3);

The example above shows the definition of the gate 74ls00 which can be packed up to 4 times into a single dil14 package. The logical pins (a,b,y) can be assigned to either of the pin sets (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (13,12,11) or (10,9,8). Within the layout system, this package type assignment can be changed to so14. A fixed attribute named partnumber has been assigned with attribute value A-NAND-X11B82. A fixed pin-specific attribute named pintype is assigned to each pin, thus designating the pin type to be either in (input pin), out (output pin) or sup (supply pin, i.e., power or ground). Pin 14 of the dil14 package is a pre-defined power supply pin on signal vcc, whilst pin 7 can be connected to a signal net by assigning the desired net name (such as vss) to the $groundnetname attribute of the 74ls00 symbol on SCM level. The swap command is applied to define the following pin/gate swaps:

Pin Swap: (1,2) and/or (4,5) and/or (13,12) and/or (10,9)
Gate Swap: (1,2,3) with (4,5,6) or (13,12,11) or (10,9,8)
Part Swap: (1,2,3,4,5,6,13,12,11,10,9,8)

The example loglib file above also contains the tx27 and tr_bc547 part definitions. tx27 is assigned to default sot23 package with 1:1 pin mapping. The tr_bc547 definition includes an assignment to part class npn-transistor.

To compile loglib file example.def and store the result to DDB file mylib.ddb:

>  loglib example mylib Return/Enter Key (CR)

The following example illustrates the use of mainpart and subpart for assigning different SCM symbols (relay part with two contacts and one coil) to the same package:

/* Relays part */
part rel2 : mainpart dilrel
    xlat (a,b) to (1,7) or (8,14);
    swap ((1,7),(8,14));
part rel2sub : subpart rel2
    xlat (p,m) to (2,6);

The following example shows the definition of part buspart with busses b1 and b2 including the bus signals 0, 1, 2 and 3 (the corresponding SCM symbol must have pins b1 and b2 defined for connecting and tapping the bus):

/* Bus part definition */
part buspart : sot8
    bus (b1,b2);
    xlat (b1.0,b1.1,b1.2,b1.3) to (1,2,3,4);
    xlat (b2.0,b2.1,b2.2,b2.3) to (5,6,7,8);

The following example illustrates how to define a virtual part for hierarchical circuit design. This applies for the assignment of SCM symbol dff to SCM block dff with pin names s, r, q and /q referring to the module ports defined on the corresponding SCM hierarchy block element/sheet:

/* Hierarchical D-Flip-Flop */
part dff : virtual
    pins (s,r,q,/q);
    call dff;

The following example shows a synthetically generated symbol definition. The delay SCM symbol consists of four internally connected 74ls04 inverters.

/* Synthetically generated Inverter/Delay Circuit */
part delay : virtual
    pin (in,out);
        part "74ls04" (a:in,y:&connect1);
        part "74ls04" (a:&connect1,y:&connect2);
        part "74ls04" (a:&connect2,y:&connect3);
        part "74ls04" (a:&connect3,y:out);


The symbol and part library directory installed with the Bartels AutoEngineer software contains the loglib(*.def) files for alle SCM library files. All loglib files of the software are already compiled into the laylib.ddb layout library file.

See also


The functionality for compiling Logical Library definitions is also implemented through the con_compileloglib User Language system function.


The error messages issued by loglib are intended to be self-explanatory.


Input file identifiers such as part names, pin names or net names containing special characters (-, +, /, (, =, ...) must be enclosed in single-quotes or double-quotes.

The Packager copies logical library definitions from the specified layout library to the project file when first referenced. Certain SCM or layout symbol modifications from the project file such as pin name changes must be reflected by a logical library definition update. I.e., loglib must be applied to the project file if the original logical library definition has already been transferred to the project file during an earlier Packager run. The Packager issues error messages such as Part not found in library!, Part not defined! or Pin not found! loglib definitions are wrong or missing.

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