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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: BAE FAQ :: User Language, Utilities
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Fragen zu Bartels AutoEngineer® User Language, Utilities, Zusatzfunktionen (Add-Ons, Plug-Ins)

Fragen und Antworten zum Bartels AutoEngineer®

Die folgende Information ist im Augenblick leider nur in Englisch verfügbar. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.

FAQ600-001 What is the purpose of User Language?
The User Language concept allows for quick implementation of urgently required add-on functions and customer-specific features without the need to release a new version of BAE. This means that you don't need to wait for the next BAE update to get additional functions, and the system can be tailored to customer-specific requirements of almost any kind. You can write your own (C-like) User Language programs, modify existing programs or simply ask Bartels support for doing the job. The User Language Compiler is delivered with the BAE software, thus allowing for compilation of User Language programs to be executed by the User Language Interpreter which is integrated to the interactive BAE modules.
FAQ600-010 I want some ASCII input!
Please have a look at the readlplc User Language program for an example on how to apply the in-built BNF processor. The BNF format description of a specific input format can be included to a User Language program using the #bnf clause. This allows for fast and flexible input interface implementations.
FAQ600-011 I would like to import a third party netlist format!
Please use either of the conconv, netconv, valconv or redasc utility programs (advanced User Language program versions of conconv and netconv are also provided with the software) or write a User Language program using the con_* functions for storing netlist data. This allows for the input of any netlist format, even together with placement and/or part/pin attribute data. The BNF processor can also be applied for analyzing and/or parsing foreign netlist formats (see the conconv and netconv User Language programs for examples).
FAQ600-020 I need additional features!
Please refer to the 150+ User Language programs and/or source files provided with the BAE software. The User Language Compiler is supplied with the BAE system and you are free to modify existing or create new User Language programs for enhanced CAD functions. If you have a more complex task simply contact the BAE support.
FAQ600-021 Is it possible to access existing interactive menu functions from User Language, i.e. can I create macros?
Yes! Please use the bae_store*iact and the baecallmenu User Language functions which allow for the definition of macros and/or scripts.
FAQ600-040 I would like to extract trace lengths and other geometric information for my simulator!
Please use the ged_setnetattrib User Language function to store such information. This information is feeded back during the Backannotation process.
FAQ600-050 Does the AutoEngineer provide a relational database with SQL query method to handle any type of manufacturing data?
Please use the sqlcmd User Language function to store any type of e.g. part list, price list, manufacturer name and address for direct attribute setting or e.g. order form output. Please have a look at the ssymattr User Language program for an application example.
Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Support :: BAE FAQ :: User Language, Utilities

Fragen zu - Bartels AutoEngineer® - User Language, Utilities, - Zusatzfunktionen (Add-Ons, Plug-Ins)
© 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Aktualisiert: 11. November 2009, 11:03 [UTC]

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Fragen zu Bartels AutoEngineer® User Language, Utilities, Zusatzfunktionen (Add-Ons, Plug-Ins) - Deutsche Version Bartels AutoEngineer® User Language, Utilities, enhanced/additional features (add-ons, plug-ins) - English Version