Bartels AutoEngineer® Next Version Release Notes * Preliminary Information *
The Bartels AutoEngineer® - Next Version - Release Notes - * Preliminary Information * provide detailed information about new features, enhancements, changes and bug-fixing introduced with the next Bartels AutoEngineer version. Forward compatibility from earlier versions to the latest Bartels AutoEngineer version is always ensured, but not backward compatibility.
The next Bartels AutoEngineer version is currently under development. This documentation is preliminary and may be subject to change or extension without prior notice. Suggestions on how to improve the Bartels AutoEngineer and/or the Bartels User Language by introducing new or improving existing functions are highly appreciated.
1 General
1.1 Installation
Installation Guide
Bartels AutoEngineer® Installation Guide (file
inst_en.htm from the
baedoc directory of the BAE-CD-ROM) provides detailed
Bartels AutoEngineer installation instructions for all supported hardware and software platforms.
1.2 User Interface and General Functions
Window Activation
AUTORAISE_STD bae.ini parameter setting for automatic BAE window activation upon mouse hovering over the BAE window has been modified for the BAE
Windows versions to restrict BAE module window and BAE dialog box activation to BAE windows/dialogs which are not overlapping with other BAE windows/dialogs.
SETTINGMPOS_STD parameter for controlling whether
should be the first entry in the context menu or whether it should be placed further down in the rule assignment function block has been added to
bae.ini .
Jump Absolute
button for picking coordinates using, e.g., the
p key and the
button for inserting coordinates from the clipboard (e.g., for manual sign changes to carry out positioning symmetric to other elements) have been added to the coordinate input dialog box of the
context menu.
2 Schematic Editor
2.1 General
Eagle Interface
sbaedmp_new.ulp ULP program for exporting schematic data from
Eagle project files which have been created with newer
Eagle versions and cannot be processed with
sbaedmp.ulp without error messages has been added to the
eagleulp directory of the BAE CD-ROM.
2.2 Symbols, Labels
Symbol Database
function has been added to the
button of the symbol database.
compares part number specific symbol database base settings with symbol attribute value settings and creates a report with the differences. This feature can be used to find project-specific attribute values which have been manually modified without adapting the part number.
mode is now the default button in the symbol database search mask. The default search action is carried out when pressing the return key, thus allowing for symbol database searches to be started through a keyboard interaction rather than a mouse button click.
If a symbol/entry in the symbol database search result list is highlighted, then the
button now
jumps to the sub-selection of the selected symbol (with the selected symbol also selected) rather than to the last selection.
Value Assignment
p key dialog function
for copying symbol attributes as text to the clipboard is now also available in the
/ / submenu and in the right mouse button symbol context menu.
Attribute Value Transfer
/ / / function for transfering an attribute value to a different attribute and optionally removing the old attribute has been implemented. This functions is useful when changing from
$rpname attributes usage to
$rbname attributes usage, or if different attribute names such as
$val and
$wert need to be unified when merging projects from different sources.
Logical Definitions
configuration for automatically loading the saved element has been modified to load any generated logical part definition for editing with the
2.3 Connections
2.4 Graphics
2.5 Text, Attributes
Text Derivation
function for attaching a copy of a mouse-selectable text with all positioning attributes to the mouse-cursor for editing and placement has been added to the right mouse button context menu for texts. This feature can be used for, e.g., placing copies of already positioned/rotated texts on symbol macros.
Attribute Display
parameter with the
mode for suppressing the display of attribute name texts for unset attributes has been added to the
/ dialog.
3 Packager
4 Layout Editor
4.1 General
4.2 Display, Design Rule Check
4.3 Parts, Placement
Part Report
The layout element data report which can be called by pressing the
1 key has been extended to include part coordinates and rotation angles in the part lists on layout level.
The warnings for parts with part package deviations from the net list are now displayed beside the part side information rather than as a replacement for the part side information.
4.4 Traces, Routing
Bus/Pair Trace Data Manipulation
The property dialog of the
p key for busses and paired traces has been modified to support the modification of parameters such as the number of parallel traces, traces distance and corner rounding mode.
Via Placement
/ / functions sometimes returned incomplete via placements at the inside of areas and closed polygons. This problem has been fixed.
Via Macro Selection
for setting a padstack name pattern to be used on default for filtering padstack selection lists for the placement and definition of vias has been added to
bae.ini . The default setting for the
VIAMACPATT_GED parameter is
* for including all library file padstacks in the padstack selection lists.
Corner Manipulation
c key functions for rounding trace corners can now be applied to trace bundle anchor lines.
4.5 Graphic, Copper Areas
4.6 Text, Drill
Text Derivation
function for attaching a copy of a mouse-selectable text with all positioning attributes to the mouse-cursor for editing and placement has been added to the right mouse button context menu for texts. This feature can be used for, e.g., placing copies of already positioned/rotated and layer-assigned texts on part macros.
Attribute Display
parameter with the
mode for suppressing the display of attribute name texts for unset attributes has been added to the
/ dialog.
5 Autorouter
6 CAM Processor
7 CAM View
7.1 General
7.2 Data Import
Batch Data Import
/ / function has been modified to support batches with file names including variables which were queried with the
batch step.
8 Utilities
9 Bartels User Language
9.1 General
This section describes general changes to the User Language specification. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Chapter 2 for a detailed description of the User Language specification.
9.2 System Functions
This section lists new and changed User Language system functions. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Appendix C for a detailed description of all system functions.
9.3 BAE User Language Programs
BAE installs
more than 220 pre-compiled
User Language programs to the
ulcprog.vdb file of the BAE programs directory. Additionally, the
User Language source files
(more than 10 Mbytes; some 330,000 lines) are installed to a special directory
(baeulc ). See
Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Chapter 4 for a complete listing and short descriptions of the BAE User Language programs.
User Language Include Files
The User Language include files have been revised and extended by a series of new definitions and functions.
Changed User Language Programs
The User Language programs already delivered with the previous BAE Version have been revised and extended by many new features and functions.
Bartels AutoEngineer® - Next Version - Release Notes - * Preliminary Information * © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 08 January 2014, 11:02 [UTC]