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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE V6.4 Release Notes

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

Bartels AutoEngineer®
Version 6.4
Release Notes

PDF Version (165 KB; updated 24 October 2008)

The Bartels AutoEngineer® - Version 6.4 - Release Notes provide detailed information about new features, enhancements, changes and bug-fixing introduced with Bartels AutoEngineer Version 6.4. Forward compatibility from earlier versions to Bartels AutoEngineer Version 6.4 is ensured, but not backward compatibility.



1.2User Interface and General Functions
1.3Symbol and Part Libraries
2Schematic Editor
2.2Symbols, Labels
2.5Text, Attributes
2.6Group Functions
2.7Plot Output
2.8Hierarchical Circuit Design
3.1Test Point Generation
4Layout Editor
4.2Display, Design Rule Check
4.3Parts, Placement
4.4Traces, Routing
4.5Graphic, Copper Areas
4.6Text, Drill
4.7Group Functions
4.8Automatic Copper Fill
5.1Autorouter Algorithms
6CAM Processor
6.2Control Plot
6.3Gerber Photo Plot
7CAM View
7.2Data Import
9Bartels User Language
9.2User Language Interpreter
9.3Index Variable Types
9.4System Functions
9.5BAE User Language Programs


1 General


1.1 Installation

Installation Guide

The Bartels AutoEngineer® Installation Guide (file inst_en.htm from the baedoc directory of the BAE-CD-ROM) provides detailed Bartels AutoEngineer installation instructions for all supported hardware and software platforms.

Parameter Settings

The bae.ini file has been changed to allow for the configuration of parameter lists. Previously, this could only be done in User Language source code files, which meant that these had to be edited and/or recompiled with every BAE update. With parameter lists configured in bae.ini it is not necessary anymore to edit and/or recompile any such settings such as SCM plan header attributes, part list output attribute lists, fixed tool tables for drilling data output, etc.


1.2 User Interface and General Functions

Mouse Button Function Assignment

The Pulldown RMB Context option has been added to the Menu type parameter in the Setup dialog of the BAE main menu, and the Pulldown option has been renamed to Pulldown LMB Context. Pulldown LMB Context activates the BAE pulldown menu interface with context menus assigned to the left mouse button and function repeat assigned to the right mouse button. Pulldown RMB Context activates the BAE pulldown menu interface with context menus assigned to the right mouse button and function repeat assigned to the left mouse button, a setup with which Windows users might be more familiar.

The input format of the bsetup utility program has been extended accordingly. I.e., the PULLDOWN_RMB_CONTEXT option has been added to the WINMENUMODE command.

Grid Placement

Shift/arrow key combinations can be used during interactive placement to move the placement object to the next grid position in arrow direction. The Enter key finishes the placement operation at the current position.

Pressing the Enter key whilst holding down the Shift key is equivalent to left mouse button clicks (as, e.g., applied for setting polygon corner points without exiting the polygon definition function). Pressing the Enter key whilst holding down the Ctrl key triggers a Center/Pan Window to the mouse position and moves the mouse cursor to the center of the window.

Design View Windows

Design view window configurations with references to other than the current element are now being saved with the currently loaded element. The reference element and file names are displayed when reloading such design view windows; the referenced element needs to be loaded to update the design view window.

Key Programming

The Key Programming function has been added to the Utilities menus of the BAE modules.

Menu Programming

The Menu Extension function for adding menus and/or menu functions to the current user interface has been added to the Utilities menus of the BAE modules and a button for activating this feature has been added to the dialog which can be activated through shortcut key 5. Menu Extension can be used to make frequently used submenu functions more accessible and to integrate user-defined macros and User Language programs into the menu.

Favorite Menu Configurations

New buttons for saving and loading different favorite menu configurations have been added to the favorites menu definition dialog. This allows for the definition and/or activation of different favorite menus for different tasks such as library element definition, schematic capture or layout placement.

Command Repetition

Automatic command repetition through right mouse button clicks has been deactivated for commands for which repeated calls don't have any effect or don't make sense such as Save or Settings.

Undo Buffer

The Setup dialog from the BAE main menu has been changed to allow for the number of Undo steps to be set in between 20 and 100. Different Undo buffer sizes can be specified for the Schematic Editor and the layout system.

Data Security

To prevent from irrecoverable loss of data due to unintentional use of file element access functions, the functions for deleting and copying elements and for saving elements and/or groups under different names have been changed to automatically create backup copies of the deleted and/or overwritten .ddb file elements in a corresponding .bak file.

Window Positions

BAE window configurations are now saved separately for each BAE module. I.e., different window positions and dimensions (possibly on different screens if using dual/multi-monitor systems) are restored when switching between and/or restarting different BAE modules such as the Schematic Editor and the Layout Editor.

Element Name Selection

The Pattern for restricting the list of menu entries to a name pattern such as dil* or *16 has been added to the DDB element selection dialogs.

DDB Element Copy

The source file selection dialog of the Copy Elements function from the Library Utilities submenu of the Schematic Editor and Layout Editor File menu has been changed to allow for the selection of any (non-DDB) file names. I.e., it is now possible to copy DDB file elements from, e.g., .bak files without having to leave the BAE user interface. A dialog with Windows standard features for selecting multiple entries has been provided for the element selection. This dialog also provides a button for the selection and/or deselection of elements through element name patterns.

Project File Name Display

The TITLEMODE_STD entry for activating a project file name display (without file name extension and directory path) in the BAE title bar has been added to the bae.ini file. This simplifies the selection of BAE sessions through the Windows task list/bar if multiple project files are open at the same time.

The name of the currently processed project file is now displayed in the title bar of the BAE sidemenu configurations.


1.3 Symbol and Part Libraries

ROUTE - Router Control, Rule System

The tag symbols tag_net_netfill (for assigning layout copper fill parameters to SCM signals), tag_netarea_* (for assigning net attributes to pin nets withing a net range area), tag_netpin_* (for assigning net attributes to pin nets), tag_net*_routdisable (for $routdis net attribute assignments), tag_net*_testdisable (for $notest net attribute assignments), tag_net*_viapadstack (for $viastk net attribute assignments), and tag_net*_routlayers (for $layers net attribute assignments in BAE HighEnd) have been added to the ROUTE symbol library.

STDSYM - Standard/Template Symbols, Labels

SCM sheet templates (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, letter and tabloid landscape and portrait formats) and the planhead SCM plan header symbol have been added to the STDSYM library.


2 Schematic Editor


2.1 General

Pick Point Display

The Pick Point Display entry with the No Pick Point Display and Pick Point Display options has been added to the Settings dialog of the View menu. Pick Point Display activates a pick and corner point display with small circles being used to indicate pick and corner points. Indicators for text pick points, connection corner points and polygon corner points are displayed in the corresponding element color. Indicators for symbol origins and polygon arc center points are displayed using the currently selected color for origins. No Pick Point Display deactivates the pick and corner point display.

Dynamic Element Boundaries

The Element Boundary entry with the options fixed and dynamic has been added to the Settings dialog from the Settings menu. The default option fixed does not allow for any objects to be placed outside the element boundaries. The new dynamic option allows for the placement of objects outside the element boundaries, in which case the element boundaries are automatically adjusted.

Default Parameter Settings

The DEFBUSDISP_SCM (bus display mode), DEFSYMNUM_SCM (symbol numbering mode), DEFSYMTMM_SCM (symbol position mode) and DEFSIGROUT_SCM (signal router setup) default parameter entries for new SCM sheets have been added to the bae.ini file.

Automatic SCM Sheet Frame Insertion

A new feature for automatically offsetting the plan origin and loading a frame graphic has been added to the function for creating new SCM sheets. For landscape formats, the plot rotation is automatically set to 90 degrees. Defaults for the origin offset, the SCM library and the frame graphic/group for standard sheet sizes can be configured through new bae.ini entries.

New SCM plan frame groups have been added to the STDSYM default/standard SCM library. These frame groups are using the planhead header symbol with attribute definitions suitable for the Set Frame Attributes function. The header group name is assigned to the SCM plan frame elements to allow for quick selection.

Keyboard Input Coordinate Confirmation

The enter/return key can now be used alternatively to the left mouse button to confirm and/or enter the current mouse position. When editing connections and/or graphic lines, the current input coordinate is added to the input point list and the connection and/or line input function is terminated.

Toolbar Drawing Functions

New symbols (line, dashed line, area, and T for texts) for quick access to the Add Graphic Line, Add Dot Line, Add Graphic Area and Add Text (standard or comment text) have been added to the Schematic Editor toolbar.

Glue Elements

The Glue function with the Glue Symbol(s), Unglue Symbol(s), Glue Group Elements, Unglue Group Elements, Select Glued and Deselect Glued options has been added to the Rule Attachment function from the Settings menu. This allows for the placement of elements to be permanently fixed ("glued"). The positioning of glued elements cannot be changed, nor can glued elements be deleted. Only the re-positioning of name and attribute texts for glued parts with rotation-independent text visibility is allowed. Texts on glued symbols with rotation-dependent text visibility are automatically glued to prevent from unintentional editing.

Global Net Highlight (BAE HighEnd)

The Highlight Net function from the BAE HighEnd View menu has been changed to support cross-probing (project layout net highlight synchronization) for unnamed nets. With this feature, the Highlight Pin Net function from the Other Functions menu became redundant and was removed.


2.2 Symbols, Labels

Symbol Name Extension

The Append Suffix and Delete Suffix options for automatically appending and deleting part name suffices have been added to the Renumber Parts function from the Other Functions submenu of the Symbols menu.

Automated Pin Placement

The Place Pin List function from the Symbol Edit Tools submenu of the Symbols menu has been renamed to Place Pin List/Row and new buttons for automated pin row placement have been added. Automatic pin placement has been extended to support not only numeric pin numbering but also pin naming based on alphanumeric index name patterns. The Place Pin Texts function has been extended accordingly.

Attribute Locking

A new button for optionally locking attribute value assignments has been added to the Attribute Default Values dialog of the Set Attributes function from the Other Functions submenu of the Symbols menu. The Assign Value(s) function still displays locked attributes but doesn't allow to change them anymore. Locked attribute value assignments can be used as an alternative to fixed attribute value assignments through the logical library newattr command. Unlike fixed attributes, locked attribute values can be included with SCM displays and/or printouts.

New procedures for locking and/or unlocking attribute value assignements have been added to the Symbol Edit Batch function.

Net Name Selection

The system now automatically performs a Project Scan when loading a schematic sheet to ensure that the project net name selection menu for the Add Label function is always up to date.

Cross Reference List

A column for displaying symbol attribute values has been added to the symbol list output of the SCM Cross Reference function from the Other Functions submenu of the Symbols menu.

The $pageref system attribute has been added for SCM labels. On SCM sheet level, the $pageref attribute value is automatically substituted with the list of the SCM sheet names on which the net is used.

Edit Symbol Logic

The Edit Symbol Logic function has been changed to prompt for the layout part macro name for a default logical library definition if applied on a symbol without logical library definition. The layout part macro can be selected from a dialog which lists the layout part macros from the project file and the default layout library. The pins of the selected layout part macro are stored to the logical library definition for easier logical library definition editing.

The Edit Symbol Logic function automatically loads the first layout part macro from the logical library definition to the project-specific Layout Editor window if used in BAE HighEnd and if a project-specific Layout Editor window is active.

Symbol Browser

< and > buttons for switching to the previous or next symbol of the currently browsed library have been added to the symbol display dialog of the Symbol Browse function from the Other Functions submenu of the Symbols menu.

Symbol Database

The Symbol Pool button for activating facilities for managing a repository of parts for subsequent placement has been added to the Symbol Database function. The Next Symbol/Label has been changed to place a part from this symbol pool which best matches the previously placed part. Parts from the symbol pool are removed once they are placed. The symbol pool is saved with the DDB project file, i.e., it can be used throughout different Schematic Editor sessions. The symbol pool also supports part definitions with different subsymbol types. E.g., are added to the symbol pool if two a selection of two lm324 parts adds eight opamps and two power supply symbols to the symbol pool. With this feature, the Schematic Editor automatically provides information about free and/or unused gates.

The Doc for loading the documentation for the currently selected symbol database entry has been added to the lower selection level of the Symbol Database function.

The Layout Part button for automatically loading a Layout Editor window for viewing the layout part definition for the currently selected SCM symbol has been added to the Symbol Database function in BAE HighEnd.

Symbol Routing

A significantly improved cost-based symbol routing algorithm for re-routing connections to moved symbols and/or groups has been implemented. The new Signal Router Mode entry from the Settings dialog of the Settings menu can be used to select the signal routing algorithm. Full Evaluation is the default option for activating the more accurate (and more time-consuming) new signal routing algorithm. The Quick Shot option activates the less accurate, yet quicker signal routing algorithm. Quick Shot is intended for less powerful systems where the new signal router might cause delays when dealing with long distance symbol movements.

The system issues a warning message indicating the number of unrouted connections if it fails to re-route all connections,

Symbol Rule Transfer

The toolbar and context menu functions for copying symbols and/or attributes have been changed to include the transfer of symbol rules such text class masks or plot visibility.

Layout Part Display (BAE HighEnd)

The DISPPLNAME_SCM parameter has been added to the bae.ini configuration file for BAE HighEnd. This parameter setting causes BAE HighEnd to activate a layout part symbol display in a new Layout Editor window for any $plname attribute selection through the Browse button.


2.3 Connections

Pin Connections

The Connectivity function has been added to the Rule Attachment submenu of the Settings menu. Standard is the default option, allowing for connections only to be created by adjoining connection end points. The Full Pin Check option allows for connections to be created by placing pins onto each other (e.g., to connect pins in a series circuit, to place labels directly onto part pins, etc.) or by drawing connections segments over more than two pins (e.g., to connect pins in a parallel circuit). With the activation of the Full Pin Check mode, the system issues a warning about the dangers of unintentionally connecting pins when switching display zoom factors whilst drawing connections. Changes to the Connectivity setting are automatically applied to all SCM plans of the current project by loading and saving all project plans with the new connectivity.

Connection Marker Display

A T-connection marker is now displayed at pins which are connected through 90-degree conection segments.

Bus Tap Name Selection

The bus tap functions for named busses have been changed to include the bus taps from all SCM sheets of the project rather than only the current sheet's bus taps in the bus tap selection menu.

Bus Tap Processing

Bus tap support has been added to the context function menus to be activated by left mouse button element clicks.

The group highlight, group re-routing and plot visibility control functions sometimes processed unselected bus taps. This problem has been fixed.

Bus Tap Macro

The Select Bustap Macro option for selecting a (non-default) label macro for subsequent bus tap placements has been added to the Settings dialog from the Settings menu. The Net Attribute Label tag mode for bus tap labels transfers fixed attributes to the net connected to the bus tap.

The context menu available through right mouse button clicks during bus tap placement operations provides the Change Macro function for changing the label macro of the currently placed bus tap.

The Bus Tap Label option for changing the label macros of all currently group-selected bus taps has been added to the Group Macro function from the Edit menu.

Net Attribute Assignments

The Net Pin Tag and Net Area Tag options have been added to the Tag Pin Function from the context menu available through right mouse button clicks during tag symbol pin placement operations.

Net Pin Tag can be used for net attribute assignments. Unlike Net Tag, Net Pin Tag targets net symbol pins which allows for the assignment of attributes to unnamed nets.

Net Area Tag can be used to assign net attributes to all nets with pins inside a specific net range area. Net range areas are defined by assigning a net range name to an area created with the Add Graphic Area function using the Net Area function from the Rule Attachment submenu of the Settings menu. Net range areas are drawn with dashed outlines and include the net range name display at the outline start point.

New tag symbols, tag_netpin_* (tag symbols for assigning net attributes to pin nets) and tag_netarea_* (tag symbols for assigning net attributes to pin nets withing a net range area), have been added to the ROUTE symbol library.

Copper Fill Parameter Assignments

A new tag symbol named tag_net_netfill for assigning copper fill parameters to SCM signals has been added to the ROUTE library. Copper fill parameters assigned through tag_net_netfill have priority over standard copper fill parameters, but are overridden by layout copper fill area parameter assignments.


2.4 Graphics

Keyboard Coordinate Input

The Loop option has been added to the Jump relative and Jump absolute context menu functions for creating and/or editing polygons and lines. Loop activates coordinate input prompts until Abort is selected. This allows for the keyboard input of a series of coordinate points without having to switch between mouse and keyboard.

Polygon Corner Processing

The Direction and Angle Direction functions for changing the edit direction or for switching the angle-locked segment have been added to the context menu for creating and editing areas and lines.

Arcs with Cut Segments

A redundant Invalid polygon!) error was issued in special cases when drawing closed polygons consisting of one arc segment and a line segment at the end. This problem has been fixed.

DXF Line Import

A feature for automatically joining subsequent lines and polygons with identical end and start point coordinates has been added to the AutoCAD/DXF Input function from the Import/Export submenu of the File menu. Any DXF line width settings are now also converted accordingly.


2.5 Text, Attributes

Load Text Sheet

The Load Text Sheet for loading project SCM sheets by clicking texts has been added to the Other Functions submenu of the Text menu and to the text context menus. Load Text Sheet checks the words of the selected text for an existing project file SCM sheet name and loads the first matching SCM sheet. This allows for the definition of symbolic (hyper-)links between different SCM sheets or for the definition of a central SCM plan index sheet.

Symbol Text Class Mask

The Text Class Group Assignment function from the Other Functions submenu of the Text menu has been changed to activate a submenu consisting of the existing/previous Text Assignment function and the new Symbol Mask function for setting the text class mask for all currently group-selected symbols.

Default Attribute Values

Assigning $ as default attribute value for $rpname attributes cuases the system to assign the symbol name to the $rpname attribute when adding a symbol on the schematic sheet.

Project File Name Attributes

The $pltfbname (File Base Name) and $pltfbsname (File Base Short Name) system attributes for displaying the current element's project file name have been added. $pltfbname displays the project file name without the .ddb extension. $pltfbsname displays the project file name without the .ddb extension and without the directory path.

Mirrored Symbol Text Positioning

The Disolve Rotations and Combine Rotations from the Rule Attachment submenu of the Settings menu have been added to support alternative text positioning for unmirrored and mirrored symbols.


2.6 Group Functions

Clipboard Data Reference Point

The Cut and Copy, when activated through Ctrl-X and Ctrl-C keys, are now using the current mouse position as reference point for the clipboard data. This allows for parts of the schematic plan/element to be copied from one (e.g., right top) corner to another (e.g., left bottom) corner of the element without having to modify the element boundaries for this placement operation. Cut and Copy still use the plan origin as clipboard reference point if called from the Edit menu.

Clipboard Data Name Preservation

SCM sheets are now saved without the part names of symbols which have previously been transfered to the clipboard using Cut functions. This allows for the parts/symbols from the clipboard with their original part names to be pasted onto another sheet of the same project without causing any part name collisions.

Name/Attribute Positions

The Transfer Name/Attribute Positions function for transferring name and attribute text placement modifications from a selectable symbol to all group-selected symbols with the same macro type has been added to the Other Functions submenu of the Edit menu. This function comes in handy if specific part name and attribute text positioning needs to be applied to a group of parts such as a series of block capacitors.

Label Selections

On SCM plan level, the Symbols and Labels modes have been added to the Names option of the Select and Deselect functions from the Other Functions submenu of the Edit menu. Labels allows for the selection of net groups through net name patterns for subsequent label macro replacement.


2.7 Plot Output

Plot Parameter Memory

SCM sheet specific plot rotation parameter settings are now saved with each SCM sheet. This simplifies the setup of batches for plotting all and/or different landscape/portrait SCM sheets of a project.


2.8 Hierarchical Circuit Design

Load Block Plan

The Load Block Symbol and Load Block Plan options for loading either the hierarchy block symbol or the hierarchy block plan have been added to the Load Macro context menu function for block plan symbols.

Block Symbol Creation

The Load Block Sheet function from the Other Functions submenu of the Symbols menu has been replaced by the Block Sheet submenu with the Load Block Sheet and Create Block Symbol functions. Load Block Sheet is the existing function for loading hierarchy block plans. Create Block Symbol is a new function for automatically generating a symbol for the currently loaded hierarchical schematic block sheet. The block symbol pins are placed on the edge of the block symbol together with name texts according to the orientation of the module ports, and a block name text is placed in the center of the block symbol. Additionally, a logical library template definition for the block symbol is generated and loaded for editing.


3 Packager


3.1 Test Point Generation

The Test Point Name Prefix and Test Points Logical Library functions for automatically generating net test points has been added to the Settings menu. Test Points Logical Library is used to specify the name of a logical library definition for automatically generated test points. The default setting for Test Points Logical Library is an empty string which deactivates automatic test point generation. Test Point Name Prefix is used to specify a name prefix for automatically generated test points. The netlist "part" names for the test points are created by appending the net name (of named nets) or a dot and the part and pin name of the first net pin (for unnamed nets) to the test point name prefix. The parameters for generating test points are saved with the project, i.e., they don't have to be re-entered in subsequent Packager runs.

$notest net attribute assignments can be used to deactivate automatic test point generation for selected nets. tag_net*_testdisable tag symbols for $notest net attribute assignments have been added to the ROUTE symbol library.


4 Layout Editor


4.1 General

Dynamic Element Boundaries

The Element Boundary entry with the options fixed and dynamic has been added to the Settings dialog from the Settings menu. The default option fixed does not allow for any objects to be placed outside the element boundaries. The new dynamic option allows for the placement of objects outside the element boundaries, in which case the element boundaries are automatically adjusted.

Glue Elements

The Glue function with the Glue Part(s), Unglue Part(s), Glue Group Elements, Unglue Group Elements, Select Glued and Deselect Glued options has been added to the Rule Attachment function from the Settings menu. This allows for the placement of elements to be permanently fixed ("glued"). The positioning of glued elements cannot be changed, nor can glued elements be deleted. Only name and attribute text re-positioning is allowed for glued parts. The Autorouter treats glued traces and vias like fixed traces and vias. This feature can be used to protect parts such as specifically placed connectors from unintentionally being moved with, e.g., group functions.

Net Name Selection

The Pick Net button for selecting nets by clicking an element of the desired net has been added to the net name lists of the net name selection dialogs.

Default Parameter Settings

The DEFTRCDISP_GED (trace edit display mode), DEFVIACRNG_GED (via checking range), DEFVIA_GED (default via padstack), DEFBRDMODE_GED (automatic board outline generation) and DEFBRDENL_GED (element border expansion for automatic board outline generation) default parameter entries for new layouts have been added to the bae.ini file.

Keyboard Input Coordinate Confirmation

The enter/return key can now be used alternatively to the left mouse button to confirm and/or enter the current mouse position. When editing traces and/or creating documentary lines, the current input coordinate is added to the input point list and the trace and/or line input function is terminated.

Position Edit

The snap function assigned to the p key can now also be used if no other function is currently active, in which case the coordinates of the snapped element and/or element corner are displayed in a dialog for direct editing. This dialog also provides a rotation angle edit field for parts and texts and a text height edit field for texts.

The functions assigned to the p key have been changed to consider any element type restrictions configured through the toolbar mouse button.


4.2 Display, Design Rule Check

Pick Point Display

The Pick Point Display entry with the No Pick Point Display and Pick Point Display options has been added to the Settings dialog of the View menu. Pick Point Display activates a pick and corner point display with small circles being used to indicate pick and corner points. Indicators for text pick points and trace and and polygon corner points are displayed in the corresponding element color. Indicators for part origins and trace and polygon arc center points are displayed using the currently selected color for origins. No Pick Point Display deactivates the pick and corner point display.

Grid Origin

The Element Size submenu from the Settings menu has been renamed to Workspace and extended by the Origin Snap to Input Grid function for adjusting the origin of the currently loaded element to the internal system grid origin by moving the element inclusive of origin and element boundaries accordingly.

Element Query

The Query Element function has been changed to display the documentary layer name (as defined in the BAE setup) instead of the documentary layer number when querying documentary layer elements. Query Element has been extended to allow for the querying of documentary lines and the board outline.

For parts and keepout areas, Query Element displays any maximum height definitions for the height DRC.

For part pins, Query Element displays logical part and pin names (SCM symbol and SCM symbol pin names).

Color Palette Buffers

The TB_CPALROW_LAY entry for setting layout toolbar color palette buffers has been added to the bae.ini file. The color palette buffers are named 1 through 4. The s (Save) button can be used to save the current color palette to one of the four color palette buffers. The d (Default) toolbar button is provided for loading the color table named standard. The color setups are stored using the toolbarn name patten, thus allowing for color configurations to be loaded to different BAE sessions.

Documentary Layer Settings through Toolbar

TB_DLCOLn_LAY entries can be added to the bae.ini file to add buttons for quick documentary layer selection to the toolbar of the layout system. Documentary layer selection buttons in the toolbar are complemented by symbols (line, area, "T" for text) for quick access to the Add Document Line, Add Document Area and Add Text functions with automatic documentary input layer selection. The bae.ini file shipped with the BAE software configures the first documentary layer (Insertion Plan, see entry TB_DLCOL1_LAY = DOCLAYER 1) for quick toolbar access.

Height DRC

A new feature for optionally specifying a part-specific distance to the PCB surface in addition to the part height has been added to the Height Specification option from the Height DRC function from the Other Functions submenu of the Parts menu, thus allowing for the modelling of part bodies with placement space underneath.


4.3 Parts, Placement

Part Renumbering

The All Prefixes option has been added to the Autoname Parts function from the Other Functions submenu of the Parts menu. All Prefixes renames/renumbers all netlist parts with names matching a (non-numeric) prefix followed by a number. The new part names consist of the selected prefix and a part number with part (re-)numbering starting at 1 for each prefix.

SMD Generation

New options for automatically generating SMD pads and.or padstacks with different mirror display dimensions and SMD/solder mask size offsets have been added to the Pad Generator and Padstack Generator procedures of the Macro Generator function from the Library Utilities submenu of the File menu. The size offset and pad name extension parameters can be set through new entries in the bae.ini file.

Layout Library Edit Batch

The Macro References Change, Layer Assignments, Shrink Macros and Enlarge Macros functions from the Library Utilities submenu of the File menu have been moved to the new La&yout Library Edit Batch submenu which also supports a series of new features such as setting text sizes, placing insertion pick texts, assigning rules, etc.

Part Browser

< and > buttons for switching to the previous or next part of the currently browsed library have been added to the part display dialog of the Part Browse function from the Other Functions submenu of the Parts menu.

Part Data Snap

The Complete Part Data Snap function for transferring the placement data of a selectable part to the currently placed part has been added to the context menu to be activated through the x key during part placement. This allows for the exact placement of parts onto sockets, cooling devices onto parts, etc.

Automated Pin Placement

The Place Pin Row function from the Other Functions submenu has been renamed to Place Pin Row/Matrix and provides new buttons for automatic pin matrix placement (e.g., for BGA footprint definitions) and for placing a parallel second pin row in reverse order (e.g., for DIL or SO footprint definitions).

The Place Pin Row/Matrix and Place Pin List function have been extended to support arbitrary alphanumeric pin name indexing in addition to numeric pin numbering.

Library Documentation

Light Format 180*120 sheet size has been added to the output format options of the Library Documentation function from the Import/Export submenu of the File menu. This allows for layout library documentation to be generated with BAE Light software.

Attribute Position Display

The Without Line and With Line options for optionally displaying a line from the original part attribute position to the new attribute position has been added to the context menu of the Move Attribute function for moving part attributes. This feature can be used for displaying part name lists/legends at the edge of the PCB with lines to the corresponding parts on the board.

Pin/Gate Swap Display

The display of the Pin/Gate Swap function has been modified to use inverted circles for the pins of the selected swap gate. This feature ensures that the selected swap gate is highlighted even if it doesn't contain any swap pins.


4.4 Traces, Routing

Segment Move

During the application of the Move Segment function from the Traces menu, the implications for neighbouring trace segments are now displayed to allow for a more predictable result when using different Segment Move modes.

The left mouse button Move operation mode has been extended to allow for trace segment movements as well as for trace corner movements.

Trace Segment Width Change

New functions for increasing and reducing trace segment widths during manual routing have been assigned to the b (increase width) and B (reduce width) keys. The step value for these operations can be set through the PATHENLARGE_GED parameter in the bae.ini file. Using the width increase operation immediately after a width reduction, and vice versa, restores the trace's original width. A design rule check is activated for trace segment width reduction requests, and trace segment width reductions with the current step value are automatically carried out until the modification is free of DRC errors. This feature can be used together with the Fill & DRC Edit Display mode to reduce a trace width temporarily to route through narrow pin channels ("necking").

The With DRC and All options have been added to the Change Path Widths function from the Other Functions submenu of the Edit menu. All changes the trace widths for all group-selected traces. With DRC suppresses trace and/or trace segment width changes which would cause minimum distance design rule check violations. I.e., the With DRC option can be (repeatedely) used at the end of the design process to maximize trace widths.

Trace Corner Processing

The Group Arcs, Group 45 Degrees Angles and Group Eliminate Arcs options for manipulating all group-selected traces have been added to the Trace Corner Cut function from the Other Functions submenu of the Traces menu.

Parallel Traces and Trace Patterns

The Continue Pattern function has been added to the Parallel Traces functions from the Other Functions submenu of the Traces menu. Continue Pattern continues the pattern defined by two selectable traces with identical numbers of corner points by creating traces with equidistant corner points. This allows not only for the automated creation of equidistant parallel trace bunches but also for the transfer of trace bunches onto a different grid.

Via Macro Selection

Blind and buried vias for layer changes during manual routing were selected according to the source and destination layer numbers. This could cause the selection of vias with redundant pads for layer setups with nonlinear signal layer arrangements. A feature for considering the number of inside signal layers with pads has been added to the via selection facility to solve this problem.

Via Processing

The Load Macro function for loading the padstack macro of a selectable via has been added to the Via Functions menu and the via context menus.

The Place Vias and Move Vias functions from the Via Functions have been changed to display the via during placement operations.

Global Net Highlight (BAE HighEnd)

The Highlight Nets function from the BAE HighEnd Highlight Net submenu has been changed to support cross-probing (project SCM net highlight synchronization) for unnamed nets.

Layer Stackup (BAE HighEnd)

The BAE HighEnd Layer Stackup function (see Rule Attachment submenu from the Settings menu) has been changed to allow for layer comment assignments. For power layers without existing comment, the power layer net name and power plane net names (if any) are automatically assigned.

The Export button for exporting the current layer stackup definition with all parameter settings to a text file has been added to the Layer Stackup dialog.


4.5 Graphic, Copper Areas

Keyboard Coordinate Input

The Loop option has been added to the Jump relative and Jump absolute context menu functions for creating and/or editing polygons and lines. Loop activates coordinate input prompts until Abort is selected. This allows for the keyboard input of a series of coordinate points without having to switch between mouse and keyboard.

Polygon Corner Processing

The functions from the Polygon Corner Cut submenu have been complemented by a procedure for recognizing and considering adjoining polygon start and end points of documentary lines as polygon corner points to allow for polygon corner manipulation functions such as corner rounding to be applied to such points.

The Direction and Angle Direction functions for changing the edit direction or for switching the angle-locked segment have been added to the context menu for creating and editing areas and lines.

The Round Corners button has been added to the expansion value input dialog of the Resize Area function. Round Corners ends the expansion value input and rounds the outter corners of the expanded polygon using the specified expansion value.

The Group Arcs, Group 45 Degrees Angles and Group Eliminate Arcs options for manipulating all group-selected polygons have been added to the Polygon Corner Cut function.

Arcs with Cut Segments

A redundant Invalid polygon!) error was issued in special cases when drawing closed polygons consisting of one arc segment and a line segment at the end. This problem has been fixed.

Drawing Temporary Keep Out Areas

The Temporary Keep Out Area option has been added to the Draw Rectangles and Draw Circles functions of the Drawing Utilities submenu under Other Functions. The group name temporary is automatically assigned to keep out areas created with with Temporary Keep Out Area. This feature is useful if board areas need to be temporarily blocked (e.g., for autorouting procedures) and then released again (e.g., for automatic copper fill procedures).

Distance Measure

The DRELOFFSET_GED for assigning an graphic and text distance measure offset relative to the used text size has been added to the bae.ini file. This is useful for displaying polygon measurement values beside and/or below the measurement line/indicator. The DAUTOSEL_GED entry can be set for automatically group-selecting new distance measurement elements. This allows for Move Group operations to be carried out on distance measurement elements immediately after their creation.

Area Mirror Display

Visible unmirrored areas as created with the Mirror Display function are now displayed with a highlighted dotted/pointed outline instead of a simple dotted outline to distinct them from Visible mirrored areas.

DXF Line Import

A feature for automatically joining subsequent lines and polygons with identical end and start point coordinates has been added to the AutoCAD/DXF Input function from the Import/Export submenu of the File menu.

The Keepout Area option for converting filled polygons into keepout areas on selectable BAE layers has been added.

The DXFLAYASSL_LAY entry for setting default DXF to BAE import layer assignments has been added to the bae.ini file.


4.6 Text, Drill

Text Size Change

New functions for increasing and reducing the text heights during the placement of texts have been assigned to the b (enlarge) and B (shrink) keys. The step value for these operations can be set through the TEXTENLARGE_GED parameter in the bae.ini file.

Project File Name Attributes

The $pltfbname (File Base Name) and $pltfbsname (File Base Short Name) system attributes for displaying the current element's project file name have been added. $pltfbname displays the project file name without the .ddb extension. $pltfbsname displays the project file name without the .ddb extension and without the directory path.

Edit Drill Parameters

The Edit Drill function for editing drill hole parameters such as drill hole position, drill diameter and drill class has been added to the Text, Drill.


4.7 Group Functions

Clipboard Data Reference Point

The Cut and Copy, when activated through Ctrl-X and Ctrl-C keys, are now using the current mouse position as reference point for the clipboard data. This allows for parts of the layout element to be copied from one (e.g., right top) corner to another (e.g., left bottom) corner of the element without having to modify the element boundaries for this placement operation. Cut and Copy still use the plan origin as clipboard reference point if called from the Edit menu.

Group Functions on Padstack Level

Some group functions could not be used when working on padstack level. This restriction has been removed.

Group Scaling

New functions for increasing and reducing the group scaling factor during the placement of groups have been assigned to the b (enlarge) and B (shrink) keys. The step value for these operations can be set through the GRPENLARGE_GED parameter in the bae.ini file.

Name/Attribute Positions

The Transfer Name/Attribute Positions function for transferring name and attribute text placement modifications from a selectable symbol to all group-selected symbols with the same macro type has been added to the Other Functions submenu of the Edit menu. This function comes in handy if specific part name and attribute text positioning needs to be applied to a group of parts such as a series of memory components.


4.8 Automatic Copper Fill

Copper Fill Parameter Assignments

A dialog for assigning area-specific copper fill parameters has been added to the Copper Fill Area option of the Set Polygon Type/Net function from the Other Functions submenu of the Areas. These parameter assignments have priority over standard copper fill parameter settings and net-specific fill parameter assignments.

It is also possible to derive the fill area net from the part pin connectivity. This ensures that the pin connections to unnamed nets are persistent if automatically generated internal net names for unnamed nets change for any reason.

Copper Fill Area Processing Sequence

The Fill Area Priority function for setting copper fill area processing priorities has been added to the Other Functions submenu of the Areas menu. Fill area processing priorities are considered by the Fill all areas function and can be used to control the copper fill sequence for nested and/or intersecting fill areas.

Copper Fill Direct Connect Pads

The new lay_pad_directconnect rule can be assigned to pads on padstack level to force direct copper fill connections without heat-traps for these pads, regardless of the current copper fill parameter settings.

Fill Area Via Placement

The Dot Fill Area function for placing via patterns to unoccupied fill area positions has been added to the Via Functions submenu of the Traces menu. Vias placed with Dot Fill Area are assigned to the fill area net set with Set Fill Net to force the system to connect these vias to the copper fill areas to be generated.


5 Autorouter


5.1 Autorouter Algorithms

Net-specific Via Padstacks

Support for net-specific via padstack definitions through $viastk net attribute assignments has been added to the Autorouter. This allows for the assignment of different via types to nets with different trace width specifications. The tag_net*_viapadstack tag symbols for assigning $viastk net attributes have been added to the ROUTE library.

Permanent Net Routing Disable

$routdis net attribute assignments can be used to permanently exclude specific nets from the autorouting process. tag_net*_routdisable tag symbols for assigning $routdis net attributes have been added to the ROUTE library.

Net-specific Routing Layer Assignment (BAE HighEnd)

The $layers net attribute can be used to assign net-specific routing layers (comma-separated signal layer numbers) for the autorouting process in BAE HighEnd. The tag_net*_routlayers tag symbols for assigning $layers net attributes have been added to the ROUTE library.

The Special column for assigning routing layers to nets with corresponding routing layer assignments has been added to the Layer Assignment dialog. This allows for routing layers to be reserved for specific nets and/or net groups.

Gridless Routing Algorithm

The Gridless Routing 1:2 and Gridless Routing 1:4 options for setting preferences for the placement of trace segments when routing around obstacles in gridless routing mode have been added to the grid selection menus. With these settings, trace segments are only placed gridless if no valid 1:2 or 1:4 grid position is available. In half-grid routing mode, the subgrid is in relation to the half-grid, i.e., the preferred subgrids are 1/4 or 1/8 of the routing grid, respectively. Shifting trace segments onto subgrids makes it easier to re-route them manually and reduces the possibility of minimum clearance violations potentially caused by rounding problems.

Due to numeric rounding problems, both the Rip-Up Router and the Optimizer sometimes became inefficient when coming close to gridlessly routed traces. The routing algorithms have been changed to avoid such problems, and gridless routing performance in the vicinity of gridlessly routed traces has been significantly increased.


6 CAM Processor


6.1 General

CAM Batch Output

Support for insertion data output, external command calls, User Language program calls, and automatic batch report output to log files has been added to the CAM-Batch Output function.

The element origin can now be set as CAM origin by entering an exclamation mark to the (!) origin symbol query. Previously, the lower left element boundary was used if no origin symbol was specified.


6.2 Control Plot

HPGL Default Parameter Settings

New entries for specifying default HPGL parameter settings have been added to the bae.ini file.


6.3 Gerber Photo Plot

Combined Layer Batch Output

The CAM-Batch Output function has been changed to allow for CAM View input layer specifications for Gerber outputs to support fully-automated multi-layer plot procedures in CAM View.

Dynamic Gerber Aperture Table

Due to rounding errors in the procedures for Extended Gerber output with dynamically created Gerber aperture tables, some pads suited for flashed output were filled. This problem has been solved.


7 CAM View


7.1 General


A dialog has been implemented for the Change Colors function if called with Color Assignment set to D-Code Assignment. The D-Codes are listed pagewise with Flash, Line and Border buttons for direct color assignments, the basic aperture shape and the number of flash and line drawn structures being displayed with each D-Code.


7.2 Data Import

Drilling Data Import

The Load Drill Data function has been changed to support the import of drilling data files with different tool tables. Tool number conflicts in merged tool tables are resolved through automated tool number assignments. The Save Tool Table function has been added to save merged drill tool tables in Sieb & Meier format.

A dialog for selecting valid import drill classes has been added to the Load Drill Data function.

The Create Layout function has been changed to convert drill holes previously loaded with Load Drill Data into via padstacks with corresponding drill hole and all layer keepout areas definitions. These via padstack symbols are automatically named (tool1), (tool2), etc.

Gerber Data Import Layer Selection

The Gerber Layer Mode with the Flashes & Lines on same Layer and Flashes & Lines extra Layers options has been added to the Settings dialog from the Settings menu. Flashes & Lines on same Layer is the default setting for selecting and/or using the same destination layer for importing both line and flash structures of a specific Gerber input layer. Flashes & Lines extra Layers allows for the selection of different layers for line and flash structures.

Extended Gerber Aperture Type Support

Support for finger-shaped (OBLONG) apertures and simple aperture macros has been added to the Extended Gerber import functions.

CAM Data Import/Export Batch

The Batch submenu with the Load and Save functions for automatically importing and/or exporting all project-specific Gerber and drilling data files previously generated with the CAM Processor CAM Batch Output function has been added to the CAM View File menu. This simplifies CAM data control and CAM panelization procedures significantly.

Data Set Deletion

The All (default for purging all currently loaded CAM data) and Data Set (new feature for purging a single/selectable CAM data set) options have been added to the Clear Memory function.


8 Utilities



Pulldown Menu Configfuration

The PULLDOWN_RMB_CONTEXT option for activating Windows/Motif pulldown menus with context menu calls through the right mouse button has been added to the WINMENUMODE command.

Undo Buffer

The SCMMAXUNDO and LAYMAXUNDO commands for setting the number of Undo steps in the Schematic Editor and the layout system have been added. The number of Undo steps must be in the range 20 to 100. The default settings are SCMMAXUNDO (20); and LAYMAXUNDO (20);.



Automatic Definition Derivation

The new autoclass loglib command can be used to activate a mode for automatically generating derived part definitions. The autoclass=off; default setting causes loglib to compile subsequent part definitions and/or assignments as they are. With autoclass=on;, loglib compiles not only the default part definition/assignment, but also generates footprint-specific sub-definitions for each layout part macro name contained in the part command. Automatically generated sub-definitions are named using a symbolname_footprintname name pattern with the symbol name automatically being used for symbol and class assignments.

The autoclass=on; mode is useful in connection with the $rlext attribute for controlling definition selections through footprint names. With autoclass=on; it is not necessary to redefine part assignments with identical pin assignments.

The autoclass mode command setting only affects subsequent definitions, thus allowing for sections with and without automatic definition derivation to be held in the same logical library definition file.


9 Bartels User Language


9.1 General

This section describes general changes to the User Language specification. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Chapter 2 for a detailed description of the User Language specification.

Internal User Language Version

The internal User Language version has been changed. User Language programs compiled under earlier BAE versions won't execute in the User Language Interpreter environment of the new Bartels AutoEngineer version (error message User Language program version incompatible!). This means that each User Language program compiled under earlier BAE Versions must be recompiled under the new BAE version to regain compatibility.


9.2 User Language Interpreter

This section describes the news and changes introduced to the User Language Interpreter. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Chapter 3 for detailed information on how to operate the User Language Interpreter.

Implicit Program Call

A new implicit program call facility for automatically activating the bae_new User Language program after creating a new DDB file element has been added to the User Language Interpreter.

A new implicit program call facility for automatically activating the scm_plc User Language program after placing a symbol has been added to the User Language Interpreter of the Schematic Editor.


9.3 Index Variable Types

This section lists the new and changed User Language index variable types. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Appendix B for a detailed description of all index variable types.

Changed Index Variable Types

The NAME attribute of the C_FIGURE index variable type has been changed to support symbol part name pattern queries on SCM symbol level.


9.4 System Functions

This section lists the new and changed User Language system functions. See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Appendix C for a detailed description of all system functions.

New System Functions

The following User Language system functions have been implemented:

IPSystem FunctionShort Description
STD bae_getmoduleid Get BAE module id
bae_numstring Create Numeric string
bae_peekiact BAE interaction queue query
bae_setmoduleid Set BAE module id
convstring Convert string
syngetintpar Get BNF/scanner integer parameter
synsetintpar Set BNF/scanner integer parameter
CAP cap_getglobnetref Get global net name reference
SCM scm_getintpar Get SCM integer parameter
scm_pickbustap Pick SCM bus tap with mouse
scm_setintpar Set SCM integer parameter
LAY lay_getsctextdest Get scanned layout text line destination
GED ged_getintpar Get GED integer parameter
ged_setintpar Set GED integer parameter
CV cv_getintpar Get CAM View integer parameter
cv_setintpar Set CAM View integer parameter

Changed System Functions

The bae_swconfig function has been extended to allow for BAE version build number queries.

The behaviour of the perror function for displaying error messages has been slightly changed to invert the status line output for a short moment for improved error indication. In the User Language programs provided with the BAE software, perror was often used for standard status messages. This has been corrected, i.e., perror calls for standard (non-error) messaging have been replaced by bae_prtdialog calls. We recommend you review the usage of perror should you deploy your own User Language sources/programs.

The quickinsert and index table commands for the quick insertion of large numbers of records into a database table have been added to the sqlcmd function. Unlike insert, quickinsert doesn't update any database field indices. The index table command can be used after (multiple) quickinsert calls to update all field indices of a database table. This is much faster than repeatedely using the insert command which updates the table indices after each insertion. Data entered with quickinsert is not included in any query results until a index table takes place.

The ged_groupselect function has been extended by a mode for selecting and/or deselecting glued elements.


9.5 BAE User Language Programs

BAE installs more than 200 pre-compiled User Language programs to the ulcprog.vdb file of the BAE programs directory. Additionally, the User Language source files (more than 5 Mbytes; some 175,000 lines) are installed to a special directory (baeulc). See Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide - Chapter 4 for a complete listing and short descriptions of the BAE User Language programs.

User Language Include Files

The User Language include files have been revised and extended by a series of new definitions and functions.

New User Language Programs

The following User Language programs have been implemented:

IPProgram NameShort Description
STD bae_new New Element Action
larger Increase Pick Element Size/Width
done Finish Input Interaction
smaller Reduce Pick Element Size/Width
SCM scm_plc SCM Symbol Placement Action
snextsymSCM Next Symbol Placement
stxfin TXF Schematic Data Input
symmapdbCreate Symbol Mapping SQL Database
GED layedbatLayout Library Batch Editor
ltxfin TXF Layout Data Input
CV cvbatld Load CAM Batch Output Files

Changed User Language Programs

The User Language programs already delivered with the previous BAE Version have been completely revised and extended by many new features and functions. A series of significant improvements and enhancements have already been mentioned in the previous sections of these Release Notes.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE V6.4 Release Notes

Bartels AutoEngineer® - Version 6.4 - Release Notes
© 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 22 October 2010, 20:02 [UTC]

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Bartels AutoEngineer® Version 6.4 Freigabemitteilungen - Deutsche Version Bartels AutoEngineer® Version 6.4 Release Notes - English Version