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User Language Programmer's Guide
1 Introduction
2 Language Description
3 Programming System
4 BAE User Language Programs
4.1 User Language Include Files
4.2 User Language Programs
4.2.1 Standard Programs
4.2.2 Schematic Editor Programs
4.2.3 Layout Programs
4.2.4 Layout Editor Programs
4.2.5 Autorouter Programs
4.2.6 CAM Processor Programs
4.2.7 CAM View Programs
4.2.8 IC Design Programs
4.2.9 Chip Editor Programs
4.3 User Language Program Installation
A Conventions and Definitions
B Index Variable Types
C System Functions
BAE Update History
BAE Next Version Release Notes Preliminary
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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: User Language Programmer's Guide :: BAE User Language Programs :: User Language Programs
Bartels User Language - Programmer's Guide

4.2 User Language Programs

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

This section lists all User Language programs distributed with the Bartels AutoEngineer. The programs are grouped according to the fields of application and/or the corresponding interpreter environments. The source files for all these programs are supplied with the Bartels AutoEngineer software.


4.2.1 Standard Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to all Bartels AutoEngineer interpreter environments (i.e., they can be called from the Schematic Editor, as well as from the Layout Editor, the Autorouter, the CAM Processor, the CAM View module, and the Chip Editor).

ARC (STD) -- Draw Arc/Circle

The arc.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for the quick drawing of an arc or circle. If called with no BAE menu function active, a dialog box for selecting the mode of operation is displayed. This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., c or C).

BAE_DIAL (STD) -- BAE Dialog Box Action

The bae_dial.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when selecting a dialog box item with registered action code. The dialog box activation data is transfered from the interaction queue to global variables.

BAE_EXIT (STD) -- BAE Program Exit Action

The bae_exit.ulc User Language program is automatically activated before exiting the current BAE module. It frees any active lock for the currently loaded element.

BAE_LOAD (STD) -- BAE Load/Close Action

The bae_load.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after loading, creating or closing an element. In pulldown menu interfaces, bae_load.ulc displays the file and element name of the loaded element and the mouse operation mode currently selected through msmode. The display appears in the info/status field of the pulldown menu interface. On element close, bae_load.ulc clears the file and element name display. bae_load.ulc also restores any element-specific toolbar display/attachment preference previously stored with bae_save.

BAE_NEW (STD) -- BAE New Element Action

The bae_new.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after loading, creating or closing an element. bae_new.ulc sets default parameters for the new element

BAE_RECT (STD) -- BAE Mouse Rectangle Frame Action

The bae_rect.ulc User Language program is automatically activated during program idle times when pressing the left mouse button and drawing a rectangular frame of more than 10 pixels width in the work area whithout releasing the mouse button. According to the mouse operation mode currently selected through msmode, bae_rect.ulc applies group function to the elements inside the frame rectangle.

BAE_SAVD (STD) -- BAE Save Done Action

The bae_savd.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after saving an element. bae_savd.ulc supports the execution of a user-specific User Language program.

BAE_SAVE (STD) -- BAE Save Action

The bae_save.ulc User Language program is automatically activated before saving an element. bae_save.ulc saves the toolbar design view windows and the toolbar display/attachment mode with the current element.

BAE_ST (STD) -- BAE Startup

The bae_st.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when starting a BAE program module (Schematic Editor, Layout Editor, Neural Router, CAM Processor, CAM View and/or Chip Editor). bae_st.ulc starts the uifsetup User Language program for activating predefined menu and key assignments in the current interpreter environment. According to the currently active interpreter environment bae_st.ulc also calls one of the programs scmsetup, gedsetup, arsetup, camsetup, cvsetup and cedsetup for setting module-specific standard parameters such as input/display grids, grid/angle lock, coordinate display mode, pick preference layer, mincon function, etc. Each of these programs can be easily customized for optimizing user-specific and/or project-specific BAE environments.

BAE_TOOL (STD) -- BAE Toolbar Action

The bae_tool.ulc User Language program is automatically called when activating a toolbar item. The action to be activated depends on the input string encountered by the bae_tool.ulc program. On integer input a menu call request is assumed, otherwise a User Language program call request is assumed. Both input string types also allow for the specification of a blank-separated parameter string to be passed to the interaction queue of the subsequently called menu function or User Language program.

BAE_ZOOM (STD) -- BAE Zoom Action

The bae_zoom.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when changing the current zoom window. bae_zoom.ulc updates the display overview window in the toolbar if the zoom factor has been changed.

BAEMAN (STD) -- BAE Windows Online Manual (Windows)

The baeman.ulc User Language program launches the default Windows web browser to display the Bartels AutoEngineer User Manual.

BITMAPIN (STD) -- Import Bitmapdaten

The bitmapin.ulc User Language program can be used to import different bitmap data formats. Bitmap data imported to the Schematic Editor is converted into graphic areas. Bitmap data imported into the layout is converted to documentary areas on a selectable layer. Imported bitmap data is automatically group-selected to allow for easy re-positioning, scaling, area type conversion, etc.

CLOGDEFS (STD) -- Check Logical Library Definitions

The clogdefs.ulc User Language program examines the SCM symbol names of selectable library files of the current directory and checks whether the corresponding logical library entries exist in a selectable layout library. The resulting report is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

CMDCALL (STD) -- Execute Command Call Sequence

The cmdcall.ulc User Language program queries the input of a command sequence and executes this sequence. BAE menu function command sequences are documented in the reference manuals (see brgar.htm, brgcam.htm, brgcv.htm, brgged.htm and brgscm.htm). This is basically the same behaviour as Run User Script with the difference that the BAE window rather than a separate dialog window has the input focus. This enables remotely controlled BAE operations with tools such as StrokeIT for mouse gesture program control. The cmdcall.ulc program is pre-configured for hotkey Shift-Ctrl-R, thus a remotely controlled function call can be triggered through Shift-Ctrl-R followed by the command sequence and the ENTER key.

COPYELEM (STD) -- Copy DDB File Elements

The copyelem.ulc User Language program copies menu-selectable elements from one DDB file to another, thus providing facilities similar to the copyddb Utility program. The popup menu for selecting multiple source file elements of the chosen DDB class allows for wildcard element name specifications such as, e.g., 74ls* for SCM symbols or dil* for layout part symbols. The copy/merge mode (Copy All for overwriting existing destination file elements or No Replacements for keeping existing destination file elements) must be selected after specifying an existing destination file containing elements of the chosen DDB class. With SCM symbols selected, there is also an option for copying symbol-specific logical library definitions.

DBCOPY (STD) -- SQL Database Copy

The dbcopy.ulc User Language program copies SQL table structures and database entries of selectable SQL database files.

DBREPORT (STD) -- SQL Database Report

The dbreport.ulc User Language program provides utilities for displaying SQL table structures and database entries of selectable SQL database files.

DELCOLOR (STD) -- Delete Selectable Color Table

The delcolor.ulc User Language program executes the Delete Element BAE file command with class color table.

DELDVINF (STD) -- Delete Design View Information

The deldvinf.ulc User Language program deletes all design view information from the currently loaded elements database file.

DESKCALC (STD) -- Desk Calculator

The deskcalc.ulc User Language program activates a popup menu with a desk calculator providing basic arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions.

DIR (STD) -- List Current Directory Files

The dir.ulc User Language program lists the file and subdirectory names of the current directory to the screen.

DISPUTIL (STD) -- Display Utilities

The disputil.ulc User Language program provides a common interface to frequently used module-specific display utility functions.

DISTANCE (STD) -- Distance Query

The distance.ulc User Language program displays absolute, horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) distances and the angle between two interactively selectable points. The length units for the distance display are initially retrieved from the current coordinate display mode and can be changed on request.

DONE (STD) -- Finish Input Interaction

The done.ulc User Language program terminates the input loop of any polygon/connection/path input function. This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., Enter).

FAVORITE (STD) -- Favourites Menu Management

The favorite.ulc User Language program provides functions for configuring and activating a user-defined favorites menu. This program is intended for toolbar button call.

FILEUTIL (STD) -- File Utilities

The fileutil.ulc User Language program provides a series of file utility functions such as list directory, copy/delete/list file, search and display DDB elements, display SQL database contents, etc.

FILEVIEW (STD) -- List File contents

The fileview.ulc User Language program lists the contents of a freely selectable ASCII file to the screen.

FINDELEM (STD) -- Find and Browse DDB Elements

The findelem.ulc User Language program scans the hard disk (i.e., selectable directories and subdirectories) for DDB elements of a selectable database class. The names of the elements to be searched can be specified with wildcards. The elements found by the element scanner can be sorted by file names or element names. A browser for displaying and/or loading the selected elements is activated for database classes compatible with the current interpreter environment.

GRTOGGLE (STD) -- Toggle Input Grid

The grtoggle.ulc User Language program toggles the currently selected input grid mode between gridless and grid locked. The angle lock flag is restored when switching to grid locked mode. This program is intended for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., g or G).

HELP (STD) -- Online Help System

The help.ulc User Language program provides BAE online help.

HISTORY (STD) -- Element History Call

The history.ulcUser Language program provides a file element history with menu selection option for load operations. This program is intended for toolbar button call.

HLPKEYS (STD) -- Online Help - Key Bindings Display

The hlpkeys.ulc User Language program displays the currently active key bindings. The listing is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

HLPPROD (STD) -- Online Help - BAE Product Information

The hlpprod.ulc User Language program provides a popup with Bartels AutoEngineer product information such as BAE software configuration, activated user interface, currently active program module, version number, etc.

INFO (STD) -- Info

The info.ulc User Language program provides a common interface to frequently used environment-specific report functions. info checks the current environment and starts a specific User Language report program or help utility (i.e. scmpcr in the Schematic Editor, laypcr in the Layout system, hlpprod if no element loaded, etc.).

INIEDIT (STD) -- bae.ini Editor

The iniedit.ulc User Language is used for interactively editing common BAE system parameters in the bae.ini file from the BAE programs directory. The old bae.ini contents is backed up to bae.bak.

KEYPROG (STD) -- User Language Program Call and Key Programming Utility

The keyprog.ulc User Language program provides features for menu-controlled User Language program call, online key programming, menu assignment management and SQL-based User Language help text database management.

LARGER (STD) -- Increase Pick Element Size/Width

The larger.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for increasing the size or width of the currently picked element (if an object is picked and size/width increase is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., b).

LFTOCRLF (STD) -- LF to CRLF Converter

The lftocrlf.ulc User Language program converts all line feed characters in a selectable ASCII file to carriage return and line feed control character sequences.

LIBCONTS (STD) -- List Library Contents

The libconts.ulc User Language program lists the names of all BAE library parts contained in the current directory's DDB and DEF files. Output is directed to popup menus with file output options, and can be used for library documentation purposes.

LIBCRREF (STD) -- Library Element Cross Reference

libcrref.ulc is a library management utility program which generates a cross reference for the library elements contained in the DDB files of the current directory. The library cross reference is displayed in a popup menu with file output option; it lists the selected library elements and denotes the DDB file(s) to contain these elements.

LISTDDB (STD) -- List DDB File Elements

The listddb.ulc User Language program produces a list of the database elements of a selectable DDB and displays this list in a popup menu with file output option.

LOADELEM (STD) -- Load Element with Check

The loadelem.ulc User Language program loads a menu-selectable BAE (project) element. Extended consistency check is carried out during load involving options for listing missing library definitions, unplaced layout parts, wrong package types, etc.

LOADFONT (STD) -- Load Character Font

The loadfont.ulc User Language program loads a menu-selectable character font and assigns it to the currently loaded SCM element.

LOADNEXT (STD) -- Load Next Element with Check

The loadnext.ulc User Language program determines both name and class of the currently loaded element and tries to load that element of the same class, which is stored after the currently loaded element in the corresponding DDB file (forward DDB file browse). A menu-driven load operation is carried out if no next element can be determined. Extended consistency checks are carried out during load operations with options for listing missing library definitions, unplaced layout parts, wrong package types, etc.

LOADPREV (STD) -- Load Previous Element with Check

The loadprev.ulc User Language program determines both name and class of the currently loaded element and tries to load that element of the same class, which is stored before the currently loaded element in the corresponding DDB file (backward DDB file browse). A menu-driven load operation is carried out if no previous element can be determined. Extended consistency checks are carried out during load operations with options for listing missing library definitions, unplaced layout parts, wrong package types, etc.

LROTATE (STD) -- Left Rotate Pick Element, Change Angle Direction

The lrotate.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for 90 degree left-rotate on the currently processed object (if an object is picked and if rotation is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., l or L).

The L/R Rotation Angle function from the gedpart User Language program can be used in the Layout Editor to specify an arbitrary part, pin, polygon, text and/or group rotation angle to be applied by lrotate.

MACRO (STD) -- Macro Command Management

The macro.ulcUser Language program provides functions for maintaining and executing command macro sequences.

MIRROFF (STD) -- Mirror Off Pick Element

The mirroff.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for resetting the mirror mode of the currently processed object (if one is picked and if mirroring is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., n or N).

MIRRON (STD) -- Mirror On Pick Element, Change Edit Direction

The mirron.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for mirroring the currently processed object (if an object is picked and if mirroring is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., m or M).

MMB (STD) -- Middle Mouse Button Interaction

The mmb.ulc User Language programs performs a middle mouse button interaction for activating the online Display menu. mmb is intended to be assigned to a common key such as   (space) to allow for the activation of the online BAE display menu by simply pressing a certain key.

MSMODE (STD) -- Set Mouse Context Operation Mode

The msmode.ulc User Language program can be used to set a mouse context operation mode (No Operation, Context Functions, Delete, Move, Select) for designating object-specific functions to be automatically activated when clicking objects with the left mouse button.

OSSHELL (STD) -- Run Operating System Shell

The osshell.ulc User Language program provides an interface to the operating system shell. The system User Language function is utilized for executing operating system commands. Kindly note the restrictions and limitations regarding the use of the system User Language function before using this program!

RENAMEEL (STD) -- Rename DDB File Elements

The renameel.ulc User Language program provides DDB file element renaming functions. Available element classes depend on the calling environment.

RROTATE (STD) -- Right Rotate Pick Element, Draw Rectangle

The rrotate.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for 90 degree right-rotate on the currently processed object (if an object is picked and if rotation is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., r or R).

The L/R Rotation Angle function from the gedpart User Language program can be used in the Layout Editor to specify an arbitrary part, pin, polygon, text and/or group rotation angle to be applied by rrotate.

SAVEELAS (STD) -- Save Element As

The saveelas.ulc User Language program stores the currently loaded element with a freely selectable file and element name. Overwrite verification is automatically activated on existing destination elements.

SIZE (STD) -- Resize Pick Element

The size.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for resizing the currently processed object (if an object is picked and if resizing is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., s or S). The new object size is specified through an option menu with a list of predefined size values and a function for specific size value input.

SMALLER (STD) -- Reduce Pick Element Size/Width

The smaller.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a submenu interaction for reducing the size or width of the currently picked element (if an object is picked and size/width reduction is permitted). This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., B).

STEPDOWN (STD) -- Step One Layer Down

The stepdown.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a Layout Editor submenu interaction for changing to the next lower layer if an object is picked and if a layer change is permitted. This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., ), Ctrl/mousewheel down).

STEPUP (STD) -- Step One Layer Up

The stepup.ulc User Language program designates the currently active BAE menu function and performs a Layout Editor submenu interaction for changing to the next upper layer if an object is picked and if a layer change is permitted. This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., (, Ctrl/mousewheel up).

TBATTACH (STD) -- Attach Toolbar

The tbattach.ulc User Language program attaches the toolbar build by the toolbar User Language program to either of the four edges of the workspace (left, right, top or bottom). tbattach also provides an option for deactivating the toolbar display.

TOOLBAR (STD) -- Toolbar

The toolbar.ulc User Language program displays a toolbar providing advanced and frequently used functions and features such as display function short-cuts, file and element processing, design view management, info and report function access, mouse context operation mode setting, etc.

UIFDUMP (STD) -- Menu Assignments and Key Bindings Dump

The uifdump.ulc User Language program generates lists the menu assignments and key bindings of the currently active BAE program module. The listing is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

UIFRESET (STD) -- Menu Assignments and Key Bindings Reset

The uifreset.ulc User Language program resets the complete menu assignments and key bindings of the currently active BAE program module.

UIFSETUP (STD) -- Menu Assignments and Key Bindings Setup

The uifsetup.ulc User Language program performs automatic setup of pre-defined menu assignments and key bindings in the currently active User Language Interpreter environment. This program is intended for implicit BAE program module startup call (i.e., program call via User Language program bae_st).

ZOOMIN (STD) -- Zoom In

The zoomin.ulc User Language program performs a zoom in/zoom larger display command.

ZOOMOUT (STD) -- Zoom Out

The zoomout.ulc User Language program executes the Zoom Out BAE display command.


4.2.2 Schematic Editor Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Schematic Editor interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Schematic Editor).

ATTRSET (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Attribute Assignment

The attrset.ulc User Language programs activates a dialog with advanced functions for assigning attribute values to mouse-selectable SCM symbols.

CHKSMAC (SCM) -- List undefined SCM Macro References

The chksmac.ulc User Language program lists the names of all undefined macros (library elements) referenced from the currently loaded SCM element to a popup menu with file output option.

DEF2CSV (SCM) -- Create Symbol Selection Database from .def Files

The def2csv.ulc User Language scans a selectable folder for logical definition files and creates .csv and .map files suitable for the creation of a symbol selection database with the symattdb.ulc and symmapdb.ulc User Language programs. The library name for each symbol is derived from the .def file name. I.e., def2csv.ulc should only be used for definition file names matching the corresponding SCM symbol library file name.

FINDSPRT (SCM) -- Search SCM Part

The findsprt.ulc User Language program searches for a name-selectable part on the currently loaded SCM sheet. The name selection menu provides all parts of all SCM sheets of the current DDB file including SCM sheet name, SCM part name and physical part name assigned by the Packager. Additional options are provided for direct SCM or layout part name search and for locating parts with selectable attribute values. Part search on alternate SCM sheets is done with verification only. findsprt automatically zooms to the searched part.

LOGLEDIT (SCM) -- Loglib Editor Functions

The logledit.ulc User Language program can be used to load, edit and compile logical library part definitions in the Schematic Editor. On SCM symbol level, either the logical library definition of the currently loaded SCM symbol is loaded or a logical library definition template with all symbol pins is created. On SCM sheet level, the logical library definition of a mouse-selectable symbol can be created/loaded. For other element classes, the logical library definition can be specified and/or selected through an SCM symbol name query. The corresponding logical library definition can be selected from the currently processed design or library file, the default SCM library or any other DDB file. Once the logical library definition is loaded, it can be edited. Finally, the OK button can be used to compile the logical library definition. See the description of the loglib utility program for information on the logical library definition format.

NETCONV (SCM) -- Logical Netlist Conversion

The netconv.ulc User Language program is used for transferring logical (i.e. unpacked) net list data from different ASCII formats (BAE, ALGOREX, Applicon, CADNETIX, CALAY, EEDESIGNER, Marconi ED, Mentor, MULTIWIRE, OrCAD, PCAD, RINF, SCICARDS, TANGO, VECTRON, VUTRAX, WIRELIST) to internal Bartels AutoEngineer format ready for processing with the BAE Packager. netconv reads the net list data from the selected net list file <project>.net and stores the net list to DDB file <project>.ddb using the element name specified in the net list file (default netlist). The logical net list generated by netconv can be translated to a physical net list using the Packager. In the subsequent layout process, it is possible to perform pin/gate swaps according to the logical library swap commands transferred by the Packager. For consistency checks, netconv requires access to the pin lists of the SCM symbols referenced from the net list. SCM symbol info is loaded either from the destination project file (<project>.ddb) or from a predefined list of SCM symbol library files. Net attributes for Autorouter control (ROUTWIDTH, POWWIDTH, MINDIST, PRIORITY) are transferred by connecting synthetically generated net attribute parts; required net attribute name references such as net attribute symbol names, pin names and net attribute names are predefined in the netconv source code. Net list transfer process messages, warnings and error messages are listed both to the screen and to a logfile named bae.log. After successfully transferring the net list, netconv recommends to run the Packager.

PERRLIST (SCM) -- Packager Error List Display

The perrlist.ulc User Language program displays a Packager error list in a modeless dialog with options for zooming to selectable error symbols.


The plansort.ulc User Language program performs an automatic SCM sheet name numbering for selectable DDB files of the current directory.

SADDNAME (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Add Name

The saddname.ulc User Language program performs semi-automatic placement of text corresponding to the macro name of the currently loaded SCM symbol.

SAUTONAM (SCM) -- Automatic Schematic Symbol Rename Utilities

The sautonam.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of functions for automatically renaming symbols of the currently loaded SCM sheet. Symbol numbering is accomplished from the left top to the right bottom of the SCM sheet area. Symbol/part renumbering can be applied either on the currently loaded SCM sheet (option Current Sheet) only or on all sheets of the currently loaded SCM sheet (All Sheets).

SBROWSE (SCM) -- Schematic Symbol Browser

The sbrowse.ulc User Language program allows for the selection of SCM symbols to be loaded and/or placed. A graphical display of the currently selected library symbol is displayed in a popup menu.

SCM_GRPL (SCM) -- SCM Group Load Action

The scm_grpl.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after group load operations. scm_grpl updates symbol variant attributes.

SCM_MS (SCM) -- SCM Mouse Action

The scm_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the Schematic Editor is idle. scm_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. The Load Element, New Element and Mouse Mode functions are provided if no element is loaded.

SCM_MSG (SCM/HighEnd) -- SCM Message System Action

The scm_msg.ulc User Language program provides functions to be performed when receiving messages from other BAE HighEnd modules. The actions to be triggered (global variable settings, User Language program calls) and the objects to be processed are designated by the incoming message string.

SCM_PLC (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Placement Action

The scm_plc.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after a symbol is placed. scm_plc updates the symbol placement pool.

SCMBOUND (SCM) -- Set SCM Workspace/Element Boundary

The scmbound.ulc User Language program provides functions for automatically enlarging and/or shrinking the element boundaries of the currently loaded SCM element.

SCMCON (SCM) -- SCM Connection Functions

The scmcon.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced connection processing functions such as bus display mode setting, bus query and highlight nets.

SCMCRREF (SCM) -- SCM Plan Part/Label Cross Reference

The scmcrref.ulc User Language program produces a part and label cross reference listing for a selectable SCM sheet. The cross reference listing is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

SCMDISP (SCM) -- SCM Display Functions

The scmdisp.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced Schematic Editor display management functions.

SCMDRAW (SCM) -- SCM 2D Drawing Functions

The scmdraw.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced SCM drawing functions such as producing circles, rectangles and/or arrows, performing distance measuring and generating rulers.


The scmdump.ulc User Language program generates a dump of the currently loaded SCM element. The output is directed to an ASCII file.


The scmdxfdi.ulc User Language program loads AUTOCAD/DXF drawing data onto the currently loaded SCM element. Input length units, input offsets and layer transformations can be adjusted as required.


The scmdxfdo.ulc User Language program produces an AUTOCAD/DXF output of the currently loaded SCM element.


The scmedfdi.ulc User Language program imports EDIF SCM data consisting of net lists, SCM symbols and schematic drawings to the BAE Schematic Editor. Logical part library definitions required for the subsequent Packager process are automatically generated.


The scmeps.ulc User Language program produces either Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) output of the currently loaded SCM element, featuring different scaling modes for output and optional clipping window selection. scmeps performs plot of different graphic objects (standard text, comment text, documentary areas, documentary lines, dotted lines, contact areas, connections, busses) from different DDB hierarchy levels (sheet, symbol, label, marker). Output options such as fill mode, color assignment and/or gray scale, hatching and dashed lines can be predefined for each object type to be plotted. Object-specific plot options are controlled with a special scmeps source code variable which is intended for customization. scmeps also considers any plot visibility rules assigned to plot elements with scmrule.

SCMGROUP (SCM) -- SCM Group Functions

The scmgroup.ulc User Language program provides a menu with advanced SCM group functions such as automatic selection and/or de-selection of all objects of a selectable type or with specific attributes, loading groups from different database hierarchy levels, changing the size of group-selected texts and global attribute value assignments to group-selected parts. A special function for selecting layout part sets from SCM symbol groups is also provided.

SCMIO (SCM) -- SCM Data I/O Functions

The scmio.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced Schematic Editor data input/output functions. User-specific import/export functions can easily be added through addioitem commands in the bae.ini file of the BAE programs directory.

SCMMACL (SCM) -- Schematic Macro Load

The scmmacl.ulc User Language program loads the library macro of a mouse-selectable symbol, marker or pin from the currently loaded SCM element to the Schematic Editor.

SCMPART (SCM) -- SCM Symbol/Label Functions

The scmpart.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced symbol and label functions such as mirror and/or rotate selectable symbols and/or labels, part renaming, symbol/label query, part search, part list generation, menu-driven attribute assignment, etc.

SCMPCR (SCM) -- SCM Report

The scmpcr.ulc User Language program provides detailed information about the currently loaded SCM element such as DDB file name, element name, block name of hierarchical sheet, element origin coordinates, element boundary coordinates, element size, reference listing (symbols/labels on SCM sheet, markers on symbol/label). The report output is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

SCMPEDIT (SCM) -- SCM Position Pick/Element Edit

The scmpedit.ulc User Language provides functions to snap to the coordinates of elements placed at the current mouse position. This program must be configured for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., p or P).

SCMPLOT (SCM) -- SCM Plan Plot

The scmplot.ulc User Language program plots all SCM plans of a selectable DDB file using the current plot parameter settings (output device, plot scale, etc.). Available output formats are PostScript and HP-Laser (PCL).

SCMPOLY (SCM) -- SCM Polygon Functions

The scmpoly.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced polygon processing functions such as defining and/or changing polygon types, polygon mirroring, copying group-selected polygons with scaling, activating 2D drawing routines, etc.

SCMRULE (SCM) -- SCM Rule Assignment Utility

The scmrule.ulc User Language program is used to attach/detach rules to/from SCM figure list elements. The rules should be defined using the rulecompNeural Rule System Compiler to avoid undefined rule system errors.

SCMSETUP (SCM) -- Schematic Editor Setup

The scmsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default SCM parameters and display modes.

SCMTEXT (SCM) -- SCM Text Functions

The scmtext.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced text processing functions such as change and replace texts, set text sizes, change standard to comment text (and vice versa), text class assignment for text visibility control, convert texts to areas or lines, write texts on arcs, delete texts with repetitive selection, etc.

SCMVAR (SCM) -- SCM Sheet Variant Selection

The scmvar.ulc User Language program activates a selectable SCM sheet variant with optional variant-specific data transfer.

SLABCHK (SCM) -- SCM Label Name Check

The slabchk.ulc User Language program performs a SCM label name check across all schematic plans of a project. Unique label names are reported as possible errors.

SLIBCOMP (SCM) -- Compare SCM Library Elements

slibcomp.ulc is an SCM library management utility program for comparing selectable SCM library elements to designate equivalent and/or different symbol definitions (relating to pin naming, pin placement, pin macro usage, logical library element assignment, etc.). The library comparison result report is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

SLIBDOC (SCM) -- SCM Library Documentation

The slibdoc.ulc User Language program is an SCM library management program intended for documentation purposes. slibdoc automatically places SCM symbols or SCM labels of a freely selectable DDB file onto superior SCM database hierarchy level elements. Different standard sheet formats are supported including automatic legend box generation with library file name and sheet number denotation. The symbols to be included with the library documentation can be selected by symbol name pattern (wildcard). Symbols are aligned to horizontal base lines and text is placed with each symbol to denote the symbol name. Optionally, batch-driven PostScript plot generation can be performed to produce library documentation output.

SLIBNEWS (SCM) -- Generate SCM Library News File

slibnews.ulc is an SCM library management utility program for preparing and/or supporting controlled SCM library element releases. slibnews scans a selectable DDB file for SCM symbols which are not contained in any of a selectable directory's DDB file. These "new" symbols are then copied to a different DDB file, thus providing a collection of not yet released SCM library symbols.

SLIBUTIL (SCM) -- SCM Library Management

The slibutil.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced SCM library management utilities such as producing library cross references, generating library documentation, performing library consistency checks, copying or deleting menu-selectable DDB file elements, activating library edit batches, logical library definition file export, etc.

SMOVPINN (SCM) -- Shift Vertical SCM Symbol Pin Names

The smovpinn.ulc User Language program moves the names of the upper and lower pins of the currently loaded SCM symbol to the corresponding pin origins (to free areas for connecting to corresponding pins at suitable pin macro definitions).

SNEXTSYM (SCM) -- SCM Next Symbol Placmenent

The snextsym.ulc User Language program places the next symbol from the project symbol pool or repeats the last symbol placement if the pool is empty.

SPICESIM (SCM) -- Spice Circuit Data Output

The spicesim.ulc User Language program generates Spice net lists. spicesim provides options for generating a Spice net list from the currently loaded SCM sheet (Whole Sheet) or from the symbols of the currently selected SCM group (Group Symbols). The output is written to a file with extension .cir. Additional commands such as .LIB and .INCLUDE for addressing the Spice target system libraries, for defining Simulation Control Parameters, etc. should be added to prepare the spicesim output file for the Spice Simulator. The Spice Model and Spice Pin Order functions of the scmrule User Language program can be used for assigning SCM symbol Spice model types and Spice output pin sequences.

SPOPCOL (SCM) -- SCM Color Setup

The spopcol.ulc User Language program activates a popup menu for displaying and changing the current Schematic Editor color setup.

SSPINMAC (SCM) -- Set SCM Symbol Pin Macros

The sspinmac.ulc User Language program automatically resets all marker macros of the currently loaded SCM symbol to their default.

SSVGOUT (SCM) -- Schematic SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Output

The ssvgout.ulc User Language produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) export file from the currently loaded schematic element.

SSYMATTR (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Attributes Database Management

The ssymattr.ulc User Language program contains SQL functions for defining new and managing predefined part attribute data for capacitor and resistor part types in a relational database. Additional functions are provided on SCM plan level for semi-automatic part attribute settings and default attribute assignments.

SSYMEDIT (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Edit Functions

The ssymedit.ulc User Language program activates a menu with advanced SCM symbol edit functions such as setting the symbol origin, placing pin lists, replacing and/or shifting pin groups, moving pin names, changing the element boundaries, etc.

SSYMORIG (SCM) -- Set SCM Symbol Origin

The ssymorig.ulc User Language program automatically sets the origin of the currently loaded SCM symbol to a selectable pin.

SSYMPATT (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Name Pattern Settings

The ssympatt.ulc User Language program provides functions for setting base name pattern data used for automatic symbol naming. A name pattern can be specified on symbol level. A naming mode (Standard or Number scan) and an optional name pattern start number can be specified on schematic sheet level.

STXFIN (SCM) -- TXF Schematic Data Input

The stxfin.ulc User Language program imports TXF schematic data from a selectable ASCII file into the Schematic Editor.

SYMATTDB (SCM) -- Create SQL Attribute Database for SCM Symbol Selection

The symattdb.ulc User Language program provides functions for creating a SCM symbol selection SQL database. The database can be created by importing the contents of .csv files from a selectable input directory.

SYMEDBAT (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Edit Batch

The symedbat.ulc User Language program performs the setup of a batch with a series of advanced symbol edit actions. The edit batch can be accomplished to all SCM symbols of selectable SCM library files of the current directory. symedbat provides functions for defining, changing or deleting special texts, for changing the element boundaries, for resetting pin macros, for moving pin names, for setting the symbol origin, for default attribute value assignments, for automatic text placement, etc.

SYMMAPDB (SCM) -- Create Symbol Mapping SQL Database

The symmapdb.ulc User Language program provides functions for creating a symbol gate selection SQL database and filling it with the .map file contents of a selectable input file.

SYMSEL (SCM) -- SCM Symbol Placement with Attribute Selection

The symsel.ulc User Language program provides symbol placement capability with attribute/symbol selection from a database generated with the symattdb User Language program.

TBDVSCM (SCM) -- SCM Toolbar Design View Maintenance

The tbdvscm.ulc User Language program handles SCM toolbar design view update requests and provides features for symbol cloning and automatic template part attribute settings.


4.2.3 Layout Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Bartels AutoEngineer layout system interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Layout Editor, the Autorouter and the CAM Processor).

AIRLDENS (LAY) -- Airlines Density Diagram

The airldens.ulc User Language program generate a colored graphical airline (unroutes) density diagram for the currently loaded layout. Display area scaling depends on the resolution of the currently used graphic device.

CHECKLNL (LAY) -- Check Layout against Netlist

The checklnl.ulc User Language program checks the currently loaded layout against the corresponding net list data and reports unplaced parts, wrong package types and missing pin definitions in a popup menu with file output option.

CHKLMAC (LAY) -- List undefined Layout Macro References

The chklmac.ulc User Language program lists the names of all undefined macros (library elements) referenced from the currently loaded layout element to a popup menu with file output option.

CONBAE (LAY) -- Connection List Output

The conbae.ulc User Language program generates net list data output for the currently loaded layout in BAE ASCII net list format. The output is directed to a file. Sorting of part and net names is accomplished on request. Part placement data, as well as automatically generated test points and single-pin nets can optionally be included with the output.

DRILLOUT (LAY) -- Drilling Data Output

The drillout.ulc User Language program generates drill data output for the currently loaded layout. drillout supports both Sieb&Meier and Excellon drill data format and also provides an option for displaying drill data statistics. Output drill class selection is accomplished via popup menu. A predefined drill tool table is used if the user refrains from automatic drill tool table generation. Optionally, a heuristic sort algorithm for optimizing (i.e., minimizing) the drill route can be activated. The drillout source code provides a Compiler directive for optionally compiling drillout for generating graphical drill route display (drill route simulation).

DUMPPLC (LAY) -- Placement Data Output

The dumpplc.ulc User Language program generates placement data output for the currently loaded layout. Either generic or BAE placement format can be selected for output. BAE placement data coordinates can optionally be rounded to the current X input grid. The output is directed to a file.

EDF20CON (LAY) -- EDIF 2.0 Netlist Data Import

The edf20con.ulc User Language program can be used for importing EDIF 2.0 net list data. edf20con reads the selected .edn EDIF file and stores the net list to a DDB file using the element name from the net list file (on default, the LAYDEFELEMENT name defined with the bsetup utility program is used). For consistency checks, edf20con requires access to the pin lists of the part symbols referenced from the net list. Layout part symbol info is loaded either from the destination project file or from the currently selected layout library. Required part symbols not yet defined in the project file are automatically copied from the library file. edf20con performs automatic generation of synthetic logical library entries subsequently required by the Packager (part/package assignments with 1:1 pin mapping). Netlist transfer process messages, warnings and error messages are listed both to the screen and to a logfile named bae.log. After successfully tranferring the net list, edf20con recommends to run the Packager to prepare the logical net list into a physical net list ready for layout.


edf20con is only tested with ORCAD-EDIF output. Output from other schematic capture systems may require edf20con adaptions for proper operation.

GENCAD (LAY) -- GENCAD 1.4 Layout Data Export

The gencad.ulc User Language generates a GENCAD 1.4 DAT layout data file from the currently loaded layout.

HYPLYNX (LAY) -- HyperLynx Layout Simulation Data Output

The hyplynx.ulc User Language program generates a HyperLynx (.HYP) layout simulation data file from the currently loaded layout. The layer stackup is inserted from a selectable external data file with file name extension .stk. Irrgular pad shapes are converted to bounding rectangles. Signal layer 1 is output as BOTTOM. The layer specified as top layer is output as TOP. Inner layers (layer 2 to toplayer - 1) are output as Inner_Layer_n (with n in the range from 2 to toplayer - 1).

ICAPNET (LAY) -- ICAP Logical Netlist Import

The icapnet.ulc User Language program imports packed (physical) net list data from Intusoft's ICAP/4 SCM/simulation tool (version 8.2.10 / 1843 or higher; Tango net list export) to internal Bartels AutoEngineer format ready for processing with the BAE Packager. icapnet reads the net list data from the selected net list file project.net and stores the net list to DDB file project.ddb using the element name specified in the net list file (default netlist). icapnet generates 1:1 pin assignment definitions for parts without logical library definitions in the default layout library. Net list transfer process messages, warnings and error messages are listed to the screen and to a log file named bae.log. Upon successful import, icapnet automatically starts the Packager to translate the logical net list to a physical net list ready for layout with pin/gate swap support according to logical library definitions.

IPCOUT (LAY) -- IPC-D-356 Test Data Output

The ipcout.ulc User Language program produces an IPC-D-356 format test data output for the currently loaded layout. The output is directed to a file. Vias are output as mid points. Solder mask information is derived from documentary layer 2. The output is sorted by nets and drills and contains drilling class specific plating information. A pin/via/drill count statistic is added at the end of the output file.

LAYDUMP (LAY) -- Layout ASCII Dump Import/Export

The laydump.ulc User Language program provides functions for exporting and importing layout element data in a generic ASCII format suitable for processing with BNF parsers. The export function processes the currently loaded layout element with selectable output length units and writes its output to an ASCII file.


The export function is available in all layout modules. However, the import function is only available in the Layout Editor.

LAYDXFDO (LAY) -- Layout AutoCAD/DXF Output

The laydxfdo.ulc User Language program produces an AUTOCAD/DXF output of the currently loaded layout element. Output layers can be selected through a layer selection menu. Alternatively, all currently visible layers or programatically defined layers can be selected for output.

LAYEPS (LAY) -- Layout EPS/PDF Output

The layeps.ulc User Language program produces either Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) or Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) output of the currently loaded layout element, featuring different output formats and scaling modes and optional clipping window selection. Multiple layers and/or display items are plotted simultaneously with layer-specific options for fill mode, color and/or gray value, hatching, dashed lines and standard line widths, respectively. The output layers as well as the layer-specific plot options are defined in a special layeps source code variable which is intended for customization. layeps also supports plot mirror options, plot rotate options (for 1:1 scale output) and an option for plotting menu-selectable layers or the currently visible layers with color selection, color assignment or automatic gray scaling instead of the predefined layer set.

LAYERUSE (LAY) -- Layout Library Layer Usage Report

layeruse.ulc is a layout library management utility program for analyzing layer assignments of selectable DDB file layout elements. The layer assignment statistics are listed to an ASCII report file.

LAYPCR (LAY) -- Layout Report

The laypcr.ulc User Language program provides detailed information about the currently loaded layout element such as DDB file name, element name, element origin coordinates, element boundary coordinates, element, DRC checking parameter settings, power layer definitions, top layer setting, reference listing (parts on layout, padstacks on part, pads/drilling on padstack). The report output is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

LAYZMBRD (LAY) -- Zoom to Layout Board Outline

The layzmbrd.ulc User Language program accomplishes a zoom to the board outline of the currently loaded layout.

LBROWSE (LAY) -- Layout Symbol Browser

The lbrowse.ulc User Language program allows for the selection of layout symbols to be loaded and/or placed. A graphical display of the currently selected library symbol is displayed in a popup menu.

LCIFOUT (LAY) -- Layout CIF Data Export

The lcifout.ulc User Language program generates Caltech CIF output from the currently loaded layout element. A dialog box allows for specifying the CIF output file name, selecting either all or only group-selected elements for output, and chosing the CIF output mode (flat or hierarchical).

LDEFMANG (LAY) -- Layout Library Part Placement Preferences Definition

The ldefmang.ulc User Language program is used to assign placement preferences derived from the Neural Rules System such as default angle and mirroring mode to the currently loaded layout library element. These preferences are automatically considered by the appropriate layout placement functions. Rules named rot0, rot90, rot180, rot270, mirroroff and mirroron should be defined using the Neural Rule System Compiler rulecomp to avoid undefined Rule System errors (see the partplc.rul rule source code file for the required rule definitions).

LLIBCOMP (LAY) -- Compare Layout Library Elements

llibcomp.ulc is a layout library management utility program for comparing selectable layout library elements in order to designate equivalent and/or different symbol definitions (relating to pin naming, pin placement, padstack macro usage, logical library element assignment, etc.). The library comparison result report is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.

LLIBNEWS (LAY) -- Generate Layout Library News File

llibnews.ulc is a layout library management utility program for preparing and/or supporting controlled layout library element releases. llibnews.ulc scans a selectable DDB file for layout symbols which are not contained in any of a selectable directory's DDB file. These "new" symbols are then copied to a different DDB file, thus providing a collection of not yet released layout library symbols.

LLIBUTIL (LAY) -- Layout Library Management

The llibutil.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced layout library management utilities such as producing library cross references, generating library documentation, performing library consistency checks, copying or deleting menu-selectable DDB file elements, activating library edit batches, etc.

LMACCREF (LAY) -- Layout Macro Cross Reference

lmaccref.ulc is a layout library management utility program which produces a cross reference listing for the layout macros of a selectable DDB file. A report is displayed in a popup menu with file output option, showing each layout macro with the list of superior layout elements referencing that macro.

LSVGOUT (LAY) -- Layout SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) Output

The lsvgout.ulc User Language produces an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) export file from the currently loaded layout element.

NETSTAT (LAY) -- Net Higlight/Visibility Status Database Management

The netstat.ulc User Language provides SQL database functions for storing and loading net highlight and airline visibility information and.or settings.

PARTLIST (LAY) -- Part List Output

The partlist.ulc User Language program produces a part list for the currently loaded layout with different output format options such as BAE format and CSV/DBF format. The part list output is sorted by part types according to a source code defined list of part name patterns (e.g., r* for resistors, c* for capacitors, etc.). Another predefined list of attribute names designates the attributes values to be used as lower priority part type sort criteria (e.g., $val for collecting all resistors or capacitors with the same value, $llname for collecting all ICs with the same function, etc.). The BAE part list output data is written to a file with extension .pl. The CSV/DBF ASCII output is written to a file with extension .csv and lists each part in a single line with part type designator, part name, package type and attributes. The semicolon is used to delimit the part data entries.

PSTKDRL (LAY) -- Padstack/Drill Definition Report

The pstkdrl.ulc User Language program produces the list of the padstack and/or drill holes defined in a selectable DDB file. The output is directed to a popup menu with file output option.

ROUTINFO (LAY) -- Routing Data Analysis

The routinfo.ulc User Language program creates comprehensive layout trace length analysis reports to be stored with the currently processed layout and/or checked against previous results in order to estimate multiple router pass performance or consider re-entrant routing results after redesign.

ROUTING (LAY) -- Routing Data Output

The routing.ulc User Language program produces an output of the trace data defined on the currently loaded layout. The output is directed to a file.

TBDVLAY (LAY) -- Layout Toolbar Design View Maintenance

The tbdvlay.ulc User Language program handles layout toolbar design view update requests.

TESTDATA (LAY) -- Test Data Output

The testdata.ulc User Language program produces a generic format test data output for the currently loaded layout. The output is directed to a file.

TRACEREP (LAY) -- Trace Report

The tracerep.ulc User Language program reports statistical trace data of the currently loaded layout (trace lengths, via counts, etc.). The report output is directed to a popup menu with file output option.

UNCONPIN (LAY) -- Report Unconnected Netlist Pins on Layout

The unconpin.ulc User Language program reports unrouted net list pins of the current layout in a popup menu with file output option.

WRLOUT (LAY) -- Layout WRL/VRML 3D Data Output

The wrlout.ulc User Language generates 3D data output in WRL (VRML) format from the currently loaded layout.


4.2.4 Layout Editor Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Layout Editor interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Layout Editor).

AUTONAME (GED) -- Automatic Part Rename Utilities

The autoname.ulc User Language program activates a menu with different functions for automatically renaming parts of the currently loaded layout. Part numbering is accomplished from the left top to the right bottom of the layout area. A two-pass renaming algorithm is applied to prevent equal source and destination name prefix specifications from causing numbering gaps.

CONCONV (GED) -- Physical Netlist Conversion

The conconv.ulc User Language program is used for transferring physical (i.e. packed) net list data from different ASCII formats (BAE, ALGOREX, Applicon, CADNETIX, CALAY, EEDESIGNER, Marconi ED, Mentor, MULTIWIRE, OrCAD, PCAD, RINF, SCICARDS, TANGO, VECTRON, VUTRAX, WIRELIST) to internal Bartels AutoEngineer format ready for processing with the BAE Packager. conconv reads the net list data from the selected net list file <project>.con and stores the net list to DDB file <project>.ddb using the element name specified in the net list file (on default the LAYDEFELEMENT name defined with the bsetup utility program is used). Subsequently the Packager must be used to translate the (pseudo-physical) logical net list generated by conconv to a true physical net list ready for layout. For consistency checks conconv requires access to the pin lists of the part symbols referenced from the net list. Layout part symbol info is loaded either from the destination project file (<project>.ddb) or from the currently selected layout library. Required part symbols not yet defined in the project file are automatically copied from the library file. Part placement data (see net list formats BAE, Mentor, RINF, VUTRAX) can optionally be transferred to the destination layout (automatic part placement is carried out if the destination layout does not yet exist). conconv performs automatic generation of synthetic logical library entries subsequently required by the Packager (part/package assignments with 1:1 pin mapping). Net list transfer process messages, warnings, and error messages are listed both to the screen and to a logfile named bae.log. After successfully transferring the net list, conconv recommends to run the Packager.

CONUTIL (GED) -- Net List Functions

The conutil.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced net list functions such as net data report, net highlight, open pins report, net list check, etc.

DRCBLOCK (GED/HighEnd) -- Advanced DRC Utilities

The drcblock.ulc User Language program provides functions for defining and managing blocks (sets) of layer specific design rule parameters. Please note that the application of DRC blocks is restricted to BAE HighEnd.

EDIFOUT (GED) -- EDIF 2.0 Netlist Data Output

The edifout.ulc User Language program generates an EDIF 2.0 net list for external PLD layout/fitter programs. edifout reads a (logical) net list and automatically creates a layout worksheet to extract the required data. The EDIF net list consists of a library description, an interface description and the actual net list. The output is directed to a file with extension .edf.

FONTEDIT (GED) -- Font Editor

The fontedit.ulc User Language program activates a menu with functions for processing font data, i.e., for editing character fonts. fontedit provides functions for loading and writing fonts. When loading a font the characters of a selectable font are loaded from the ged.fnt file from the BAE programs directory; the corresponding data is transformed into polygons on side 1 of documentary layer 2. These polygons can be manipulated using Layout Editor area processing function. The font write function of fontedit scans the font polygon data and produces a font file in BAE ASCII font data format which then can be re-transferred to ged.fnt using the fontconv BAE utility program.

GED_MS (GED) -- GED Mouse Action

The ged_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the Layout Editor is idle. ged_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. The Load Element, New Element and Mouse Mode functions are provided if no element is loaded.

GED_MSG (GED/HighEnd) -- GED Message System Action

The ged_msg.ulc User Language program provides functions to be performed when receiving messages from other BAE HighEnd modules. The actions to be triggered (part placement, group selection(s), net highlight, part set selection from SCM symbol group, etc.) and the objects to be processed are designated by the incoming message string.

GED_PLC (GED) -- GED Part Placement Action

The ged_plc.ulc User Language program is automatically activated after a part is placed to update the netlist assistent or other part relevant permanent dialog boxes.

GEDBOUND (GED) -- Set Layout Workspace/Element Boundary/Origin

The gedbound.ulc User Language program provides functions for automatically enlarging and/or shrinking the element boundaries of the currently loaded layout element and for adjusting the layout origin to the system input grid origin.

GEDDISP (GED) -- GED Display Functions

The geddisp.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced Layout Editor display management functions.

GEDDRAW (GED) -- GED 2D Drawing Functions

The geddraw.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced Layout Editor drawing functions such as producing circles, rectangles and/or arrows, performing distance and/or area measuring, and generating rulers.

GEDGROUP (GED) -- GED Group Functions

The gedgroup.ulc User Language program provides a menu with advanced Layout Editor group functions such as automatic selection and/or de-selection of specially defined groups of elements of the currently loaded layout element (e.g., all objects of a selectable type or with specific attributes, all fixed/unfixed, all mirrored/unmirrored, all on selectable layer, all visible/invisible, etc.). Advanced features such as automatic group copy, loading groups from different database hierarchy levels, layer-selective group delete, changing text size and/or trace width of all group-selected texts and/or traces or resetting non-default name and attribute text placements on group-selected parts are also provided.

GEDIO (GED) -- GED Data I/O Functions

The gedio.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced Layout Editor data input/output functions. User-specific import/export functions can easily be added through addioitem commands in the bae.ini file of the BAE programs directory.

GEDMACL (GED) -- Layout Macro Load

The gedmacl.ulc User Language program loads the layout macro of a mouse-selectable part, padstack or pad from the currently loaded layout element to the Layout Editor.

GEDPART (GED) -- GED Part and Placement Functions

The gedpart.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced part and placement functions such as part search, place parts by part name pattern, place part set, part placement with automatic part selection and position suggestion, automatic placement of selectable part hierarchy groups according to previous party group placement, swap parts, mirror and/or rotate selectable parts, placement data input and/or output, delete constructive parts, generate placement histogram, (part) height DRC, hotkey rotation angle settings for lrotate and rrotate, etc.

GEDPICK (GED) -- Layout Polygon Cross/Center Pick Functions

The gedpick.ulc User Language program provides functions to snap to the cross points of polygon lines and centers of interpolated arc polygons. This program is intended for implicit hotkey program call (e.g., x or X).

GEDPOLY (GED) -- GED Polygon Functions

The gedpoly.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced polygon processing functions such as changing polygon layers, defining polygon types, setting polygon line widths, converting polygon corners into arcs or diagonal segments, splitting and/or joining documentary lines, copying group-selected polygons with scaling, activating 2D drawing routines, height DRC settings, etc.

GEDRULE (GED) -- Layout Rule Assignment Utility

The gedrule.ulc User Language program is used to attach/detach rules to/from layout figure list elements and/or layout groups. The rules should be defined using the rulecompNeural Rule System Compiler to avoid undefined rule system errors.

GEDSETUP (GED) -- Layout Editor Setup

The gedsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default Layout Editor parameters and display modes.

GEDTEXT (GED) -- GED Text/Drill Functions

The gedtext.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced text processing functions such as set text sizes, change text layers, upper case text strings, lower case text strings, convert texts to traces, areas or lines, plot text line width settings, write texts on arcs, delete texts with repetitive selection, etc.

GEDTRACE (GED) -- GED Trace and Routing Functions

The gedtrace.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced trace, via and net list functions such as automatic rounding of trace corners, trace end cutting, (equidistant) parallel trace generation on alternate layers, trace to split power plane conversion, teardrop generation, trace width change, trace segment split, trace length adjustment, net data query, net highlight with optional zoom, net list output, trace length query, power layer re-definition, trace and/or unroutes report, pin/via statistics display, via placement, via movement, via type change, trace edit display mode selection, etc.

GEDVAR (GED) -- Layout Variant Selection

The gedvar.ulc User Language program activates a selectable layout variant.

GEDVIA (GED) -- GED Via Functions

The gedvia.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced via functions such as pin/via statistics display, via placement, via movement, repetitive via selection, substitution of mouse-selectable or group-selected via types, via to part conversion, etc.

GENLMAC (GED) -- Layout Library Element Generator

The genlmac.ulc User Language program provides utilities for semi-automatic generation of layout library elements such as parts, padstacks and/or pads. The pad generator allows for the definition of circle, square, rectangular, finger, bullet, octagon, angular and drill symbol pads with pad names automatically derived from pad type and the pad size. The padstack generator allows for the definition of standard pins, SMD pins, plated or non-plated drill holes, standard vias and staggered vias. Padstack names are automatically retrieved from padstack type and pin size (selected with the pad shape and/or the drill size to be used on the corresponding padstack). Blind and buried vias can be defined covering adjacent signal layers in layer range 1 to 8. The part generator allows for the definition of part package types for resistors, capacitors, and electrolytic capacitors with different part body shapes (rectangular/block, cylindrical/tube, plate/drop, disk/drop) and part pin lead-out types (radial, axial, axial/stand-upright). Part package names are automatically derived from part type pin distance specification, part body shape and dimensions, and pin drill/wire diameters.

LAYDXFDI (GED) -- Layout AutoCAD/DXF Input

The laydxfdi.ulc User Language program loads AUTOCAD/DXF drawing data onto the currently loaded layout element. Input length units, input offsets and layer assignments can be adjusted as required.

LAYEDBAT (GED) -- Layout Library Batch Editor

The layedbat.ulc User Language program sets up a batch with a series of advanced layout edit actions to be applied to all layouts and/or layout macros of selectable layout library files of the current directory. layedbat.ulc provides functions for changing element boundaries, changing padstack and/or pad macros, changing layer assignments, assigning rules, defining, changing or deleting special texts, setting part origins and pick points, moving pin names, etc.

LCIFIN (GED) -- Layout CIF Data Import

The lcifin.ulc User Language program reads Caltech CIF data from a selectable CIF file onto the currently loaded layout element. The loaded CIF structures are placed on the current layout level. After successfully importing the CIF file, a group selection of the created elements is automatically applied.

LERRLIST (GED) -- Layout DRC Error List Display

The lerrlist.ulc User Language program displays a design rule check (DRC) error list with the option to zoom to selectable error markers.

LLIBDOC (GED) -- Layout Library Documentation

The llibdoc.ulc User Language program is a layout library management program intended for documentation purposes. llibdoc automatically places layout parts, layout padstacks or layout pads of a freely selectable DDB file onto superior layout database hierarchy level elements. Different standard sheet formats are supported including automatic legend box generation with library file name and sheet number denotation. The symbols to be included with the library documentation can be selected by symbol name pattern (wildcard). Symbols are aligned to horizontal base lines and text is placed with each symbol to denote the symbol name. The layout elements generated with llibdoc can be plotted (e.g., using the layeps User Language program) to produce library documentation output.

LMACREAD (GED) -- Layout Macro Definition Import

The lmacread.ulc User Language imports layout macro definitions from a text file to the Layout Editor.

LPINTRC (GED) -- Layout Pin Trace Connection

The lpintrc.ulc User Language program automatically routes a trace connection to the origin of the pin currently under the graphic cursor. lpintrc works only whilst manipulating either the start or the end point of a manually routed trace and must be called through a hotkey (e.g., through the p or the P key). When manipulating the trace start point, lpintrc routes a trace corner to the pin currently under the graphic cursor. When manipulating the trace end point, lpintrc creates a 45 degree segment from the last trace point and then connects to the pin origin using a straight segment. In either case, the current grid and angle lock modes stay in effect.

LSYMEDIT (GED) -- Layout Part Symbol Edit Functions

The lsymedit.ulc User Language program activates a menu with advanced layout symbol edit functions such as setting the part origin and/or the insertion pick, placing pin lists and/or pin rows, changing the element boundaries, etc.

LTXFIN (GED) -- TXF Layout Data Input

The ltxfin.ulc User Language program imports TXF layout data from a selectable ASCII file into the Layout Editor.

MT_ROUT (GED) -- Mikami-Tabuchi Router

The mt_rout.ulc User Language performs a Mikami Tabuchi line routing between two mouse selectable connection points. During the connection point selection, the right mouse button activates a context menu with router settings option. The calling sequence mt_rout:'param' activates the parameter settings dialog box directly without connection routing.

POLYRND (GED) -- Change Polygon Corners to Arcs or 45 Degree Segments

The polyrnd.ulc User Language program automatically converts polygon corners into arcs or 45 degree segments.

READLPLC (GED) -- Layout Placement Data Input

The readlplc.ulc User Language program reads placement data from a selectable ASCII file and automatically performs the therein defined part placement. readlplc is capable of processing the placement data formats produced with the dumpplc User Language program.

TEARDROP (GED) -- Teardrop Functions

The teardrop.ulc User Language program automatically generates teardrops for all trace ends on vias and/or part pins. Teardrops are trace ends fluently widened to the diameter of the matching via. Teardrop generation can optionally be restricted to (selectable) vias or part pins. Additional functions are provided for selecting and/or deleting teardrops.

TRACERND (GED) -- Change Trace Corners to Arcs

The tracernd.ulc User Language program automatically converts trace corners of selectable traces of the currently loaded layout to trace arc segments with a freely selectable radius.

TRCPUSH (GED) -- Push Trace Segments

The trcpush.ulc User Language program automatically shifts mouse-selectable trace segments by a freely selectable shift vector. trcpush tries to push away neighboring trace segments on the same layer to provide enough space for shoving the selected trace segment, i.e., trcpush can also be used to push trace segment bundles. When shifting a certain trace segment, trcpush automatically shifts, shortens and/or lengthens adjacent trace segments in order to leave trace segment orientations and/or directions unchanged, thus providing powerful push'n'shove features for automatically shifting trace bunches.

VHDLOUT (GED) -- VHDL Netlist Data Output

The vhdlout.ulc User Language program is generates a VHDL netlist output for use with external PLD layout/fitter programs. vhdlout reads a (logical) netlist and automatically creates a layout worksheet to extract the required data. In hierachical designs, the VHDL netlist contains module ports. The output is directed to a file with the file name extension .vhdl.


4.2.5 Autorouter Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Autorouter interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Autorouter).

AR_MS (AR) -- Autorouter Mouse Action

The ar_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the Autorouter is idle. ar_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. The Load Element function is provided if no element is loaded.

ARDISP (AR) -- Autorouter Display Functions

The ardisp.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced Autorouter display management functions.

ARIO (AR) -- Autorouter Data I/O Functions

The ario.ulc User Language program provides an Autorouter menu with a series of advanced layout-specific data input/output functions. User-specific import/export functions can easily be added through addioitem commands in the bae.ini file of the BAE programs directory.

ARSETUP (AR) -- Autorouter Setup

The arsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default Autorouter parameters and display modes.


4.2.6 CAM Processor Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the CAM Processor interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the CAM Processor).

CAM_MS (CAM) -- CAM Processor Mouse Action

The cam_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the CAM Processor is idle. cam_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. The Load Element function is provided if no element is loaded.

CAMBATCH (CAM) -- CAM Batch Output

The cambatch.ulc User Language program provides a tool for batch driven CAM data output intended for customization. cambatch automatically generates Gerber data output for a series of predefined signal, power and documentary layers as well as drilling data output.

CAMBATDB (CAM) -- CAM Batch Database

The cambatdb.ulc User Language program provides utilities for managing a database with user-defined CAM data output batch functions in Windows and Motif enviroments.

CAMIO (CAM) -- CAM Processor Data I/O Functions

The camio.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced CAM Processor data input/output functions. User-specific import/export functions can easily be added through addioitem commands in the bae.ini file of the BAE programs directory.

CAMSETUP (CAM) -- CAM Processor Setup

The camsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default CAM Processor and Gerber plot parameters and display modes and activates a table-defined pen-assignment for multi-layer plots.

GAPTUTIL (CAM) -- Gerber Aperture Table Management

The gaptutil.ulc User Language program provides Gerber aperture table management utilities such as input/output of BAE and/or ECAM ASCII formatted Gerber aperture table files.

GBALLSIG (CAM) -- CAM Signal Layers Gerber Output Batch

The gballsig.ulc User Language program accomplishes a batch driven Gerber data output for all signal layers of the currently loaded layout.

GINSOUT (CAM) -- Generic Insertion Data Output

The ginsout.ulc User Language program produces generic insertion data output for the currently loaded layout. The output format is programmed through the definitions loaded from an insertion format specification file (file name extension .ifs). The insertion data coordinates are generated relative to the current CAM origin.

POWDCHK (CAM) -- Power Layer Heat-trap Check

The powdchk.ulc User Language program lists the positions of all heat traps possibly isolated by surrounding drill isolations. It is strongly recommended to check and correct the definition of any heat trap listed by powdchk before generating manufacturing data.


4.2.7 CAM View Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the CAM View interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the CAM View module).

CV_MS (CV) -- CAM View Mouse Action

The cv_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the CAM View module is idle. cv_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. Executable functions from the File menu are provided if no CAM data is loaded.

CVSETUP (CV) -- CAM View Setup

The cvbatld.ulc User Language program provides utilities for reading and writing CAM data output file sets generated with the cambatdb batch output utility.

CVSETUP (CV) -- CAM View Setup

The cvsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default CAM View parameters and display modes.


4.2.8 IC Design Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Bartels AutoEngineer IC Design system interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Chip Editor).

CHKIMAC (ICD) -- List undefined IC Design Macro References

The chkimac.ulc User Language program lists the names of all undefined macros (library elements) referenced from the currently loaded IC Design element to a popup menu with file output option.

CHECKINL (ICD) -- Check IC Design against Netlist

The checkinl.ulc User Language program checks the currently loaded IC Design against the corresponding net list data and reports unplaced parts, wrong cell types and missing pin definitions in a popup menu with file output option.

ICDPCR (ICD) -- IC Design Report

The icdpcr.ulc User Language program provides detailed information about the currently loaded IC Design element such as DDB file name, element name, element origin coordinates, element boundary coordinates, element size, DRC checking parameter settings, reference listing (cells on IC layout, pins/cells on cell). The report output is displayed in a popup menu with file output option.


4.2.9 Chip Editor Programs

The following User Language programs are compatible to the Chip Editor interpreter environment (i.e., they can be called from the Chip Editor).

CED_MS (CED) -- Chip Editor Mouse Action

The ced_ms.ulc User Language program is automatically activated when pressing the left mouse button in the workarea whilst the Chip Editor is idle. ced_ms provides a context-sensitive function menu for the object at the current mouse position. The Load Element, New Element and Mouse Mode functions are provided if no element is loaded.

CEDDISP (CED) -- Chip Editor Display Functions

The ceddisp.ulc User Language program provides a series of advanced Chip Editor display management functions.

CEDGROUP (CED) -- Chip Editor Group Functions

The cedgroup.ulc User Language program provides a menu with advanced Chip Editor group functions such as automatic selection and/or de-selection of specially defined groups of elements of the currently loaded IC Design element (e.g. all objects of a selectable type, all fixed/unfixed, all mirrored/unmirrored, all on selectable layer, etc.). There are also functions available for automatic group copy, for layer-selective group delete or for changing text size and/or trace width of all group-selected texts and/or traces.

CEDMACL (CED) -- IC Design Macro Load

The cedmacl.ulc User Language program loads the IC Design macro of a mouse-selectable cell or pin from the currently loaded IC Design element to the Chip Editor.

CEDPART (CED) -- Chip Editor Macro and Placement Functions

The cedpart.ulc User Language program activates a menu with a series of advanced macro and placement functions such as place cells specified by macro name pattern, swap macros, mirror and/or rotate selectable macros, placement data input and/or output, delete constructive macros, placement data query, etc.

CEDPOLY (CED) -- Chip Editor Polygon Functions

The cedpoly.ulc User Language program provides a menu with a series of advanced polygon processing functions such as changing polygon layers, defining polygon types, copying group-selected polygons with scaling, activating 2D drawing routines, etc.

CEDSETUP (CED) -- Chip Editor Setup

The cedsetup.ulc User Language program sets a series of default Chip Editor parameters and display modes.

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User Language Programs
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