This section describes (in alphabetical order) the PCB design system functions of the
Bartels User Language. See
Appendix C.1 for function description notations.
C.4.1 Layout Data Access Functions
The following
User Language system functions are assigned to caller type LAY; i.e., they can be called from the
Layout Editor, the
Autorouter and the
CAM Processor interpreter environment of the
Bartels AutoEngineer:
lay_defelemname - Layout setup default element name (LAY)
string lay_defelemname( // Returns default layout element name
lay_defelemname function returns the default layout element name defined in the BAE setup file.
lay_deflibname - Layout setup default library name (LAY)
string lay_deflibname( // Returns default library name
lay_deflibname function returns the default layout library name defined in the BAE setup file.
lay_defusrunit - Layout setup default user units (LAY)
int lay_defusrunit( // Returns default user units (STD7)
lay_defusrunit function returns the default user units mode defined in the BAE setup file (1=Inch, 0=mm).
lay_doclayindex - Layout documentary layer display index (LAY)
int lay_doclayindex( // Documentary layer display index
int [0,99]; // Documentary layer number
The lay_doclayindex function returns the documentary layer display index for the specified documentary layer, or (-1) if an invalid documentary layer number was specified.
See also
Functions lay_doclayname, lay_doclayside, lay_doclaytext.
lay_doclayname - Layout setup documentary layer name (LAY)
string lay_doclayname( // Returns documentary layer name
int [0,99]; // Documentary layer number
lay_doclayname function returns the documentary layer name defined in the BAE setup file for the specified documentary layer number.
See also
Functions lay_doclayindex, lay_doclayside, lay_doclaytext.
lay_doclayside - Layout setup documentary layer side mode (LAY)
int lay_doclayside( // Returns documentary layer side mode:
// (-2) = invalid layer number
// (-1) = none
// ( 0) = side 1
// ( 1) = side 2
// ( 2) = both sides
int [0,99]; // Documentary layer number
lay_doclayside function returns the documentary layer side mode defined in the BAE setup file for the specified documentary layer number. Documentary layer side mode (-1) refers to None (i.e., Side 1, Side 2 and Both Sides are selectable), mode 0 refers to Side 1, mode 1 refers to Side 2, mode 3 refers to Both Sides. The function returns (-2) if an invalid layer number has been specified.
See also
Functions lay_doclayindex, lay_doclayname, lay_doclaytext.
lay_doclaytext - Layout setup documentary layer text mode (LAY)
int lay_doclaytext( // Returns doc. layer text mode (LAY2)
int [0,99]; // Documentary layer number
lay_doclaytext function returns the documentary layer text mode
(LAY2) defined in the BAE setup file for the specified documentary layer. The function returns (-1) if an invalid layer number has been specified.
See also
Functions lay_doclayindex, lay_doclayname, lay_doclayside.
lay_figboxtest - Check layout element rectangle cross (LAY)
int lay_figboxtest( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // Rectangle left border (STD2)
double; // Rectangle lower border (STD2)
double; // Rectangle right border (STD2)
double; // Rectangle upper border (STD2)
lay_figboxtest function checks if the given figure list element crosses the given rectangle. The function return nonzero if the element boundaries cross the given rectangle.
lay_findconpart - Find layout part index of a named part (LAY)
int lay_findconpart( // Returns status
string; // Part name
& index L_CPART; // Returns part index
lay_findconpart function searches the layout connection list part index with the specified part name. The function returns zero if the part has been found or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Functions lay_findconpartpin,
lay_findconpartpin - Find layout part pin index of a named part pin (LAY)
int lay_findconpartpin( // Returns status
string; // Pin name
index L_CPART; // Net list part index
& index L_CPIN; // Returns net list part pin index
lay_findconpartpin function searches a layout connection list part for the part pin index with the specified pin name. The function returns zero if the part pin has been found or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Functions lay_findconpart,
lay_findcontree - Find layout net index of a named net (LAY)
int lay_findcontree( // Returns status
string; // Net name
& index L_CNET; // Returns net index
lay_findcontree function searches the layout connection list net index with the specified net name. The function returns zero if the net has been found or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Functions lay_findconpart,
lay_getplanchkparam - Get layout DRC parameters (LAY)
void lay_getplanchkparam(
& double; // Returns distance trace - trace (STD2)
& double; // Returns distance trace - copper (STD2)
& double; // Returns distance copper - copper (STD2)
& double; // Trace default width (STD2)
& string; // Block name
int [-6,99]; // Signal layer code (LAY1)
// (layer!=(-1) only allowed for BAE HighEnd)
int [0,0[; // DRC block number
lay_getplanchkparam function is used to retrieve minimum clearance parameter settings for the design rule check (DRC). The DRC parameter values are returned with the corresponding function parameters.
BAE Professional,
BAE Economy and
BAE Light allow only for the query of global parameters for layer code -1 (All Layers) and DRC parameter block 0.
BAE HighEnd also allows for querying DRC parameter blocks with layer-specific clearance distance values being assigned to any signal layer (layer codes 0 to 99), the top signal layer (layer code -5) and inside signal layers (layer code -5). The DRC block 0 is always defined and contains the global DRC parameters, and there is always a DRC parameter preference defined for layer code -1 (All Layers).
See also
lay_getpowplanetree - Get layout power plane tree number (LAY)
int lay_getpowplanetree( // Returns net tree number or (-1)
double; // X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Y coordinate (STD2)
int; // Power layer number (LAY1)
double; // Drill diameter (STD2)
lay_getpowplanetree function returns the net tree number of the signal connected via the specified power layer coordinate.
lay_getpowplanetree checks the given power layer. The specified drill diameter is taken under consideration for distance calculations. This function can be utilized for designating power layer net connections when using split power planes. The function returns (-1) if no signal is connected at the given power layer coordinate or if an invalid power layer number was specified.
The coordinate values passed to
lay_getpowplanetree are interpreted as absolute coordinates on the currently loaded element. This means that scan offsets must be considered on coordinate checks when calling
lay_getpowplanetree indirectly via
lay_scan* functions.
lay_getpowpolystat - Layout power layer polygon status query (LAY)
int lay_getpowpolystat( // Returns status
index L_FIGURE; // Figure list element - power layer polygon
& int; // Returns flag:
// polgyon crosses/touches board outline
& int; // Returns flag:
// polygon crosses other power layer polygon(s)
lay_getpowpolystat checks the status of the specified power layer polygon (split power plane). The return flags indicate whether the power layer polygon touches or crosses the board outline and/or any other power layer polygon. The function returns zero if the query was successful,
(-1) for invalid parameters/environment or (-2) if the specified figure list element is not a power layer polygon.
lay_getrulecnt - Get rule count for specific object (LAY)
int lay_getrulecnt( // Returns rule count or (-1) on error
int; // Object class code
int; // Object ident code (int or index type)
lay_getrulecnt function is used for determining the number of rules attached to a specific object. The object can be the currently loaded element (object class code 0 with
int value 0 passed for the object ident code), a figure list element of the currently loaded element (object class code 1 with valid
L_FIGURE index type value passed for the object ident code), or a pool list element (object class code 2 with valid
L_POOL index type value passed for the object ident code). The function returns a (non-negative) rule count or (-1) on error. The rule count determines the valid range for rule list indices to be passed to the
lay_getrulename function for getting object-specific rule names. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_getrulecnt function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_getrulename - Get rule name from specific layout object (LAY)
int lay_getrulename( // Returns nonzero on error
int; // Object class code
int; // Object ident code (int or index type)
int [0,[; // Rule name list index
& string; // Rule name result
lay_getrulename function is used to get the name of an index-specified rule assigned to the specified object. The object can be the currently loaded element (object class code 0 with
int value 0 passed for the object ident code), a figure list element of the currently loaded element (object class code 1 with valid
L_FIGURE index type value passed for the object ident code), or a pool list element (object class code 2 with valid
L_POOL index type value passed for the object ident code). The rule name list index to be specified can be determined using the
lay_getrulecnt function. The rule name is returned with the last function parameter. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_getrulename function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_getscclass - Get currently scanned layout class (LAY)
int lay_getscclass( // Returns layout element class:
// 0 = Layout
// 1 = Part
// 2 = Padstack
// 3 = Pad
// (-1) otherwise
The lay_getscclass function returns the currently scanned layout element class. lay_getscclass is intended for use in the callback functions of lay_scanall, lay_scanfelem or lay_scanpool only. The function returns (-1) if no scan function is active or if no layout element is currently scanned.
See also
Functions lay_scanall,
lay_getscpartrpidx - Get currently scanned layout part (LAY)
index L_NREF lay_getscpartrpidx // Returns layout part index or (-1)
lay_getscpartrpidx function returns the named reference index of the currently scanned layout part. This allows for designating the layout part to which the currently scanned trace, polygon, text, pin, etc. belongs to.
lay_getscpartrpidx is intended for use in the callback functions of
lay_scanfelem or
lay_scanpool only. The function returns (-1) if no scan function is active or if no part is currently scanned.
See also
lay_getscrefpidx - Get currently scanned layout library element (LAY)
index L_POOL lay_getscrefpidx // Returns pool index or (-1) if outside macro
lay_getscrefpidx function returns the currently scanned macro reference pool index. This allows for designating the layout library element to which the currently scanned trace, polygon, text, etc. belongs to.
lay_getscrefpidx is intended for use in the callback functions of
lay_scanfelem or
lay_scanpool only. The function returns (-1) if no scan function is active or if no macro is currently scanned.
See also
lay_getscstkcnt - Get layout scan function stack depth (LAY)
int lay_getscstkcnt( // Returns scan stack depth
lay_getscstkcnt function returns the current layout scan function stack depth. I.e.,
lay_getscstkcnt can be used for control purposes in the callback functions of
lay_scanfelem or
See also
Functions lay_scanall,
lay_getsctextdest - Get scanned layout text line destination (LAY)
int lay_getsctextdest( // Returns status
& double; // Returns text line destination X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Returns text line destination Y coordinate (STD2)
lay_getsctextdest retrieves the text base line destination/end point coordinates of the currently scanned text.
lay_getsctextdest is intended for use in the callback functions of
lay_scanfelem or
lay_scanpool. The function returns 1 for successful queries or zero otherwise.
See also
Functions lay_scanall,
lay_gettreeidx - Find layout net index of a tree (LAY)
int lay_gettreeidx( // Returns status
int; // Net tree number
& index L_CNET; // Returns net index
lay_gettreeidx function searches the layout connection list net index with the specified net tree number. The function returns zero if the net has been found or nonzero otherwise.
lay_grpdisplay - Layout setup group display layer (LAY)
int lay_grpdisplay( // Returns documentary layer number
lay_grpdisplay function returns the group display documentary layer number defined in the BAE setup file.
lay_lastfigelem - Get last modified layout figure list element (LAY)
int lay_lastfigelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Returns figure list index
lay_lastfigelem function gets the last created and/or modified layout figure list element and returns the corresponding figure list index with the return parameter. The function returns zero if such an element exists or nonzero else.
lay_maccoords - Get layout (scanned) macro coordinates (LAY)
void lay_maccoords(
& double; // Macro X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Macro Y coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Macro rotation angle (STD3)
& int; // Macro mirror mode (STD14)
& int; // Macro layer (LAY1 for Pad on Padstack)
lay_maccoords function returns with its parameters the placement data of the currently scanned macro. This function is intended for use in the macro callback function of
lay_scanfelem or
lay_scanpool only (otherwise zero/default values are returned).
See also
lay_macload - Load layout macro element to memory (STD)
int lay_macload( // Returns status
& index L_POOL; // Macro pool element index
string; // DDB file name
string; // Element name
int [100,[; // Element DDB class (STD1)
lay_macload function loads the specified layout library symbol to memory and returns the macro pool element index with the corresponding parameter. The function returns zero if the element was successfully loaded, (-1) on file access errors, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters or 1 if referenced macros (library elements) are missing.
lay_macload is intended to be applied by features such as layout symbol browsers for examining library file contents. The
lay_macrelease function can be used to unload and/or release macro elements from memory.
See also
lay_macrelease - Unload/release layout macro element from memory (STD)
void lay_macrelease( // Returns status
index L_POOL; // Macro pool element index
lay_macrelease function unloads and/or releases the layout library symbol specified with the macro pool index parameter from memory.
lay_macrelease is intended to be used together with the
lay_macload function.
See also
lay_menulaylinecnt - Get the layer menu lines count (LAY)
int lay_menulaylinecnt( // Returns number of menu layer lines
lay_menulaylinecnt function returns the number of menu lines currently defined with the layout signal layer menu. The layout signal layer menu can be customized using the
bsetup utility program which allows for the definition of up to 12 signal layer entries with layer number and layer name.
See also
lay_menulaylinelay - Get layer number of specified layer menu line (LAY)
int lay_menulaylinelay( // Returns menu layer line layer number
int [0,11]; // Menu line number
lay_menulaylinelay function returns the layer number assigned to the specified menu line of the layout signal layer menu. The layout signal layer menu can be customized using the
bsetup utility program which allows for the definition of up to 12 signal layer entries with layer number and layer name.
See also
lay_menulaylinename - Get name of specified layer menu line (LAY)
string lay_menulaylinename( // Returns menu layer line name
int [0,11]; // Menu line number
lay_menulaylinename function returns the layer name assigned to the specified menu line of the layout signal layer menu. The layout signal layer menu can be customized using the
bsetup utility program which allows for the definition of up to 12 signal layer entries with layer number and layer name.
See also
lay_nrefsearch - Search named layout reference (LAY)
int lay_nrefsearch( // Returns status
string; // Reference name
& index L_FIGURE; // Returns figure list index
lay_nrefsearch function searches for the specified named reference on the currently loaded layout element. The figure list index is set accordingly if the named reference is found. The function returns zero if the named reference has been found or nonzero otherwise.
lay_planmidlaycnt - Get layout inside layer count (LAY)
int lay_planmidlaycnt( // Returns layout inside layer count
lay_planmidlaycnt function returns the inside layer count of the currently loaded layout.
See also
Function lay_plantoplay.
lay_plantoplay - Get layout top layer (LAY)
int lay_plantoplay( // Returns layout top layer (LAY1)
lay_plantoplay function returns the top layer setting of the currently loaded layout element or signal layer 2 if no layout element is currently loaded.
See also
Function lay_planmidlaycnt.
lay_pltmarklay - Layout setup plot marker layer (LAY)
int lay_pltmarklay( // Returns documentary layer number
lay_pltmarklay function returns the plot marker documentary layer number defined in the BAE setup file.
lay_ruleerr - Layout rule system error status query (LAY)
void lay_ruleerr(
& int; // Error item code
& string; // Error item string
lay_ruleerr function provides information on the current Rule System error state, and thus can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call to one of the Rule System management functions.
The Rule System error state can be determined by evaluating the parameters returned with the
lay_ruleerr function. The returned error item string identifies the error-causing element if needed. The possible error code values correspond with Rule System error conditions according to the following table:
Error Code | Meaning |
0 | Rule System operation completed without errors |
1 | Rule System out of memory |
2 | Rule System internal error <e> |
3 | Rule System function parameter invalid |
128 | Rule System DB file create error |
129 | Rule System DB file read/write error |
130 | Rule System DB file wrong type |
131 | Rule System DB file structure bad |
132 | Rule System DB file not found |
133 | Rule System DB file other error (internal error) |
134 | Rule System rule <r> not found in rule database |
135 | Rule System rule bad DB format (internal error <e> ) |
136 | Rule System object not found |
137 | Rule System object double defined (internal error) |
138 | Rule System incompatible variable <v> definition |
139 | Rule System Rule <r> compiled with incompatible RULECOMP version |
Depending on the error condition the error item string can describe a rule
<r> , a variable
<v> or an (internal) error status
<e> . DB file errors refer to problems accessing the Rule System database file
brules.vdb in the BAE programs directory. Internal errors usually refer to Rule System implementation gaps and should be reported to Bartels.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_rulefigatt - Attach rule(s) to layout figure list element (LAY)
int lay_rulefigatt( // Returns nonzero on error
index L_FIGURE; // Figure list element index
void; // Rule name string or rule name list array
lay_rulefigatt function is used to attach a new set of name-specified rules to the figure list element specified with the first function parameter. Either a single rule name (i.e., a value of type
string ) or a set of rule names (i.e., an array of type
string ) can be specified with the second function parameter. Note that any rules previously attached to the figure list element are detached before attaching the new rule set. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_rulefigatt function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_rulefigdet - Detach rules from layout figure list element (LAY)
int lay_rulefigdet( // Returns nonzero on error
index L_FIGURE; // Figure list element index
lay_rulefigdet function detaches all currently attached rules from the figure list element specified with the function parameter. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_rulefigdet function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_rulelaysatt - Attach rule(s) to layout layer stackup (LAY)
int lay_rulelaysatt( // Returns nonzero on error
int [0,111]; // Layer stackup index
void; // Rule name string or rule name list array
lay_rulelaysatt function is used to attach a new set of name-specified rules to the layer stackup specified by the layer stackup index. Either a single rule name (i.e., a value of type
string ) or a set of rule names (i.e., an array of type
string ) can be specified with the rule name function parameter. Note that any rules previously attached to the layer stackup will be detached before attaching the new rule set. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_rulelaysatt function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_rulelaysdet - Detach rules from layout layer stackup (LAY)
int lay_rulelaysdet( // Returns nonzero on error
int [0,111]; // Layer stackup index
lay_rulelaysdet function detaches all attached rules from the layer stackup specified by the layer stackup index. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_rulelaysdet function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_ruleplanatt - Attach rule(s) to currently loaded layout element (LAY)
int lay_ruleplanatt( // Returns nonzero on error
void; // Rule name string or rule name list array
lay_ruleplanatt function is used to attach a new set of name-specified rules to the currently loaded element. Either a single rule name (i.e., a value of type
string ) or a set of rule names (i.e., an array of type
string ) can be specified with the function parameter. Note that any rules previously attached to the current element will be detached before attaching the new rule set. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_ruleplanatt function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_ruleplandet - Detach rules from currently loaded layout element (LAY)
int lay_ruleplandet( // Returns nonzero on error
lay_ruleplandet function detaches all currently attached rules from the currently loaded element. The function returns zero on success or nonzero on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_ruleplandet function.
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_rulequery - Perform rule query on specific layout object (LAY)
int lay_rulequery( // Returns hit count or (-1) on error
int; // Object class code
int; // Object ident code (int or index type)
string; // Subject name
string; // Predicate name
string; // Query command string
& void; // Query result
[] // Optional query parameters of requested type
lay_rulequery function is used to perform a rule query on a specific object. The object can be the currently loaded element (object class code 0 with
int value 0 passed for the object ident code), a figure list element of the currently loaded element (object class code 1 with valid
L_FIGURE index type value passed for the object ident code), or a pool list element (object class code 2 with valid
L_POOL index type value passed for the object ident code). The rule query function requires a rule subject, a rule predicate and a query command string to be specified with the corresponding function parameters. The query command string can contain one query operator and a series of value definition operators. The following query operators are implemented:
?d | for querying int values |
?f | for querying double values |
?s | for querying string values |
The query operator can optionally be preceded with one of the following selection operators:
+ | for selecting the maximum of all matching values |
- | for selecting the minimum of all matching values |
+ operator is used on default (e.g., when omitting the selection operator). The rule query resulting value is passed back to the caller with the query result parameter. This means that the query result parameter data type must comply with the query operator
(int for ?d ,
double for ?f ,
string for ?s ). The query command string can also contain a series of value definition operators such as:
%d | for specifying int values |
%f | for specifying double values |
%s | for specifying string values |
Each value definition parameter is considered a placeholder for specific data to be passed with optional parameters. Note that these optional parameters must comply with the query command in terms of specified sequence and data types. The
lay_rulequery function returns a (non-negative) hit count denoting the number of value set entries matched by the query. The function return value is (-1) on error. The
lay_ruleerr function can be used to determine the error reason after an unsuccessful call of the
lay_rulequery function.
With the rule
rule somerule
subject subj
pred := ("A", 2);
pred := ("A", 4);
pred := ("B", 1);
pred := ("C", 3);
pred := ("B", 6);
pred := ("D", 5);
pred := ("D", 6);
pred := ("A", 3);
defined and attached to the currently loaded element, the
lay_rulequery call
hitcount = lay_rulequery(0,0,"subj","pred","%s ?d",intresult,"A") ;
sets the
int variable
hitcount to 3, and the
int variable
intresult to 4, whilst a call such as
hitcount = lay_rulequery(0,0,"subj","pred","-?s %d",strresult,6) ;
hitcount to 2 and the
string variable
strresult to
B .
See also
Neural Rule System and
Rule System Compiler.
lay_scanall - Scan all layout figure list elements (LAY)
int lay_scanall( // Returns scan status
double; // Scan X offset (STD2)
double; // Scan Y offset (STD2)
double; // Scan rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Element in workspace flag (STD10)
int [0,1]; // Connectivity scan allowed flag:
// 0 = no scan allowed
// 1 = scan allowed
* int; // Macro callback function
* int; // Polygon callback function
* int; // Path callback function
* int; // Text callback function
* int; // Drill callback function
* int; // Layer check function
* int; // Level check function
lay_scanall function scans all figure list elements placed on the currently loaded layout element with all hierarchy levels. User-defined scan functions are automatically activated depending on the currently scanned element type. If a certain callback function should not be referenced, then the corresponding parameter must be set to the keyword
NULL . The function returns nonzero on invalid parameter specifications or if one of the referenced user functions has returned a scan error status.
Macro callback function
int macrofuncname(
index L_MACRO macro, // Macro index
index L_POOL pool, // Pool element index
int macinws, // Macro in workspace flag (STD10)
string refname, // Macro Reference name
index L_LEVEL level // Macro signal level
// Macro callback function statements
lay_maccoords function can be used for determining the macro placement coordinates. The return value of the macro callback function must be 1 for continue scan, 0 for stop scan or (-1) on error.
Polygon callback function
int polyfuncname(
index L_POLY poly, // Polygon index
int layer, // Polygon layer (LAY1)
int polyinws, // Polygon in workspace flag (STD10)
int tree, // Polygon tree number or (-1)
index L_LEVEL level // Polygon signal level
// Polygon callback function statements
The return value of the polygon callback function must be zero if scan ok or nonzero on error.
Path callback function
int pathfuncname(
index L_LINE path, // Path index
int layer, // Path layer (LAY1)
int pathinws, // Path in workspace flag (STD10)
index L_LEVEL level // Path signal level
// Path callback function statements
The return value of the path callback function must be zero if scan ok or nonzero on error.
Text callback function
int textfuncname(
index L_TEXT text, // Text index
double x, // Text X coordinate (STD2)
double y, // Text Y coordinate (STD2)
double angle, // Text rotation angle (STD3)
int mirr, // Text mirror mode (STD14)
int layer, // Text layer (LAY1)
double size, // Text size (STD2)
string textstr, // Text string
int textinws // Text in workspace flag (STD10)
// Text callback function statements
The return value of the text callback function must be zero if scan ok or nonzero on error.
Drill callback function
int drillfuncname(
index L_DRILL drill, // Drill index
double x, // Drill X coordinate (STD2)
double y, // Drill Y coordinate (STD2)
int drillinws, // Drill in workspace flag (STD10)
int tree, // Drill tree number or (-1)
index L_LEVEL level // Drill signal level
// Drill callback function statements
The return value of the drill callback function must be zero if scan ok or nonzero on error.
Layer check function
int laycheckfuncname(
int layer // Scanned layer (LAY1)
// Layer check function statements
The return value of the layer check function must be 1 for continue scan, 0 for stop scan or (-1) on error. The scan process can be accelerated considerably if restricted to the interesting layers with this function.
Level check function
int levcheckfuncname(
index L_LEVEL level // Scanned signal level
// Level check function statements
The return value of the level check function must be 1 for continue scan, 0 for stop scan or (-1) on error. The scan process can be accelerated considerably if restricted to interesting signal levels with this function.
See also
lay_scanfelem - Scan layout figure list element (LAY)
int lay_scanfelem( // Returns scan status
index L_FIGURE; // Figure list element index
double; // Scan X offset (STD2)
double; // Scan Y offset (STD2)
double; // Scan rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Element in workspace flag (STD10)
int [0,1]; // Connectivity scan allowed flag:
// 0 = no scan allowed
// 1 = scan allowed
* int; // Macro callback function
* int; // Polygon callback function
* int; // Path callback function
* int; // Text callback function
* int; // Drill callback function
* int; // Layer check function
* int; // Level check function
lay_scanfelem function scans the specified layout figure list element with all hierarchy levels. User-defined callback functions for the currently scanned element type are automatically activated. If a certain callback function should not be referenced, then the corresponding parameter must be set to the keyword
NULL . The return value of
lay_scanfelem is nonzero on invalid parameter specifications or if one of the referenced user functions has returned a scan error status. See
lay_scanall for the scan function definitions.
See also
lay_scanpool - Scan layout pool element (LAY)
int lay_scanpool( // Returns scan status
void; // Pool element index
double; // Scan X offset (STD2)
double; // Scan Y offset (STD2)
double; // Scan rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Element in workspace flag (STD10)
int [0,1]; // Connectivity scan allowed flag:
// 0 = no scan allowed
// 1 = scan allowed
* int; // Macro callback function
* int; // Polygon callback function
* int; // Path callback function
* int; // Text callback function
* int; // Drill callback function
* int; // Layer check function
* int; // Level check function
lay_scanpool function scans the specified layout pool element with all hierarchy levels. User-defined callback functions for the currently scanned element type are automatically activated. If a certain callback function should not be referenced, then the corresponding parameter must be set to the keyword
NULL . The return value of
lay_scanpool is nonzero on invalid parameter specifications or if one of the referenced user functions has returned a scan error status. See
lay_scanall for the callback function definitions.
See also
lay_setfigcache - Fill layout figure list access cache (LAY)
void lay_setfigcache(
The lay_setfigcache function fills the layout cache for fast figure list element access.
lay_setplanchkparam - Set layout DRC parameters (LAY)
int lay_setplanchkparam( // Returns status
double ]0.0,[; // Distance trace - trace (STD2)
double ]0.0,[; // Distance trace - copper (STD2)
double ]0.0,[; // Distance copper - copper (STD2)
double; // Trace default width (STD2)
string; // Block name
int [-6,99]; // Signal layer code (LAY1)
// (layer!=(-1) only allowed for BAE HighEnd)
int [0,0[; // DRC block number
lay_setplanchkparam function sets
Layout Editor clearance distance values for the design rule check (DRC). The function returns nonzero if invalid distance parameters are specified.
BAE Professional,
BAE Economy and
BAE Light allow only for the specification of global parameters for layer code -1 (All Layers) and DRC parameter block 0.
BAE HighEnd also allows for specifying DRC parameter blocks with layer-specific clearance distance values to be assigned to any signal layer (layer codes 0 to 99), the top signal layer (layer code -5) and inside signal layers (layer code -5). The DRC block 0 is always defined and contains the global DRC parameters, and there is always a DRC parameter preference defined for layer code -1 (All Layers).
See also
lay_toplayname - Layout setup top layer name (LAY)
string lay_toplayname( // Returns top layer name
lay_toplayname function returns the top signal layer name defined in the BAE setup file.
lay_vecttext - Vectorize layout text (LAY)
int lay_vecttext( // Returns status
double; // Text X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Text mirror mode (STD14)
double ]0.0,[; // Text size (STD2)
int [0,1]; // Text physical flag:
// 0 = logical
// 1 = physical
int [0,2]; // Layer mirror mode:
// 0 = mirror off
// 1 = mirror X
// 2 = mirror Y
int [0,[; // Text style (LAY14)
string; // Text string
* int; // Text vectorize function
lay_vecttext function vectorizes the specified text using the currently loaded text font. The referenced text vectorize user function is automatically called for each text segment. The function returns nonzero if invalid parameters have been specified or if the referenced user function returns nonzero.
Text vectorize function
int vecfuncname(
double x1, // Start point X coordinate (STD2)
double y1, // Start point Y coordinate (STD2)
double x2, // End point X coordinate (STD2)
double y2 // End point Y coordinate (STD2)
// Text vectorize function statements
The return value of the text vectorize function must be zero if scan ok or nonzero on error.
C.4.2 Layout Editor Functions
The following
User Language system functions are assigned to caller type GED; i.e., they can be called from the
Layout Editor interpreter environment of the
Bartels AutoEngineer:
ged_asklayer - GED layer selection (GED)
int ged_asklayer( // Returns status
& int; // Returns selected layer (LAY1|LAY9)
int [0,7]; // Layer query type:
// 0 = Documentary layers and signal layers
// 1 = Signal layers
// 2 = Signal layers
// (including and )
// 3 = Documentary layers
// 4 = Signal and power layers
// 5 = arbitrary display element types
// 6 = Power layers
// 7 = Documentary, signal and power layers
ged_asklayer function activates a
Layout Editor layer selection menu. The layer query type designates the type of layers and/or display element types provided for selection. The function returns zero if a valid layer has been selected or (-1) if the layer selection was aborted.
ged_askrefname - GED reference name selection (GED)
int ged_askrefname( // Returns status
& string; // Returns reference name
& index L_CPART; // Returns connection list part index
// (on layout level only)
int [0,2]; // Part selection mode:
// 0 = All parts
// 1 = Parts inside part group
// 2 = Parts outside part group
int [0,1]; // Flag - unplaced part selection
ged_askrefname function activates a dialog for selecting a reference, i.e., a part on layout level or a pin on part level. The part selection mode and the unplaced part flag can be used to restrict the list of selectable parts and/or pins. The functions returns zero if a reference was successfully selected or non-zero otherwise.
ged_asktreeidx - GED net selection (GED)
int ged_asktreeidx( // Returns status
& string; // Returns tree name (on layout level only)
& index L_CNET; // Returns net index (on layout level only)
int [0,5]; // Net selection mode:
// 0 = All trees, including button
// 1 = Visible trees
// 2 = Invisible trees
// 3 = All trees
// 4 = Directly skip to net pick
// 5 = All trees, pattern input allowed
ged_asktreeidx function activates a dialog for selecting a net. The net selection mode can be used to restrict the list of selectable nets. The functions returns zero if a net was successfully selected, 1 if a net delete operation (without net assignment) was performed, 2 if a net name pattern was specified, 3 if a net name was selected through net pick, or non-zero on invalid paramaters or if the selection was aborted.
ged_attachtextpos - Attach text position to layout element (GED)
int ged_attachtextpos( // Returns status
index L_FIGURE; // Layout figure list element
string; // Text string
int; // Text layer (LAY1|LAY9)
double; // Text X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text rotation angle (STD3)
double; // Text size (STD2; negative for text base line)
int [0,1]; // Text mirror mode (STD14)
ged_attachtextpos function assigns a text position modifier with the specified properties for layer, position, rotation, size and mirroring to the text string of the specified layout figure list element. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful, (-1) for invalid parameters or (-2) if the layout element provides no text position modifier for the specified text string.
See also
ged_delelem - Delete GED figure list element (GED)
int ged_delelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
ged_delelem function deletes the given figure list element from the figure list. The function returns zero if the element was successfully deleted or nonzero on error.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
See also
Function ged_drawelem.
ged_drawelem - Redraw GED figure list element (GED)
void ged_drawelem(
index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0, 4]; // Drawing mode (STD19)
ged_drawelem function updates the display of the given figure list element using the specified drawing mode.
See also
Function ged_delelem.
ged_drcerrorhide - Set/reset GED DRC error acceptance mode (GED)
int ged_drcerrorhide( // Returns status
string; // Error Id string
int; // Error hide flag
The ged_drcerrorhide function sets the display mode for the DRC error specified by the error id. The function returns zero if the display mode was successfully set or non-zero on error.
ged_drcpath - GED trace test placement design rule check (GED)
int ged_drcpath( // Returns status
int [0,99]; // Path signal layer number (LAY1)
double ]0.0,[; // Path width (STD2)
index L_LEVEL; // Path connectivity level index
int [0,3]; // Path connectivity checking mode:
// 0 = Show violations for all non-level elements
// 1 = Ignore violations against own tree
// 2 = Show violations against any tree
// 3 = Show violations against any tree beside pick element
ged_drcpath function performs a design rule check for a trace placement with the given parameters without actually placing the trace. The trace polygon points are taken from the internal polygon point list previously stored with
bae_storepoint. The function returns zero if the trace can be successfully placed without DRC errors, a value greater or equal (1) if the trace placement would cause a DRC error or (-1) on missing/invalid environment/parameters.
See also
ged_drcpoly - GED polygon test placement design rule check (GED)
int ged_drcpoly( // Returns status
int; // Polygon layer (LAY1)
int [1,9]; // Polygon type (LAY4)
string; // Polygon net name (for LAY4 types 4, 6 and 9)
index L_LEVEL; // Polygon connectivity level index
int [0,3]; // Polygon connectivity checking mode:
// 0 = Show violations for all non-level elements
// 1 = Ignore violations against own tree
// 2 = Show violations against any tree
// 3 = Show violations against any tree beside pick element
ged_drcpoly function performs a design rule check for a polygon placement with the given parameters without actually placing the polygon. The polygon points are taken from the internal polygon point list previously stored with
bae_storepoint. The function returns zero if the polygon can be successfully placed without DRC errors, a value greater or equal (1) if the polygon placement would cause a DRC error or (-1) on missing/invalid environment/parameters.
See also
ged_drcvia - GED via test placement design rule check (GED)
int ged_drcvia( // Returns status
string; // Via padstack library name
double; // Via X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Via Y coordinate (STD2)
index L_LEVEL; // Via connectivity level index
int [0,3]; // Via connectivity checking mode:
// 0 = Show violations for all non-level elements
// 1 = Ignore violations against own tree
// 2 = Show violations against any tree
// 3 = Show violations against any tree beside pick element
ged_drcvia function performs a design rule check for a via placement with the given parameters without actually placing the via. The function returns zero if the via can be successfully placed without DRC errors, a value greater or equal (1) if the via placement would cause a DRC error, (-1) on missing/invalid environment/parameters or (-2) if the requested via padstack is not available.
See also
ged_elemangchg - Change GED figure list element rotation angle (GED)
int ged_elemangchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New rotation angle (STD3)
ged_elemangchg function changes the rotation angle of the given figure list element. The rotation angle must be in radians. The function returns zero if the element has been successfully rotated, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element cannot be rotated.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_elemfixchg - Change GED figure list element fixed flag (GED)
int ged_elemfixchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0,1]; // New fixed flag (STD11)
ged_elemfixchg function changes the fixed flag of the given figure list element. The fixed flag value 0 unfixes the element, the fixed flag value 1 fixes the element. The function returns zero if the element fixed flag has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element cannot be fixed.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_elemgrpchg - Change GED figure list element group flag (GED)
int ged_elemgrpchg( // Returns status
index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0,6]; // New group selection status (STD13|0x4)
ged_elemgrpchg function changes the group flag of the given figure list element.
Setting bit 3 (0x4) of the group status parameter activates a status line message about the selected/deselected element and the total number of group-selected elements.
The function returns zero if the element group flag has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element cannot be selected to a group.
ged_elemlaychg - Change GED figure list element layer (GED)
int ged_elemlaychg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int; // New layer (LAY1)
ged_elemlaychg function changes the layer of the given figure list element. The layer can be set for polygons, traces, texts, pads (on padstack level), and drill holes. For drill holes the layer input parameter specifies the drill class code. The function returns zero if the element layer has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element layer cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_elemmirrchg - Change GED figure list element mirror mode (GED)
int ged_elemmirrchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0,18]; // New mirror mode (STD14|LAY3)
ged_elemmirrchg function changes the mirror mode of the given figure list element. The mirror mode can be set for polygons, texts and references. The function returns zero if the element mirror mode has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element mirror mode cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_elemposchg - Change GED figure list element position (GED)
int ged_elemposchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New X coordinate (STD2)
double; // New Y coordinate (STD2)
ged_elemposchg function changes the position of the given figure list element. Polygons and/or traces are replaced to set the first point of the polygon/trace to the specified position. The function returns zero if the element has been successfully repositioned, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element position cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_elemsizechg - Change GED figure list element size (GED)
int ged_elemsizechg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New size (STD2)
ged_elemsizechg function changes the size of the given figure list element. The size can be changed for texts, drill holes, traces and areas. For traces, a trace width change is performed. For areas, the size parameter is interpreted as area expansion distance. The function returns zero if the element size has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element size cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_getautocornins - Get GED auto corner insert mode (GED)
int ged_getautocornins( // Returns mode:
// 0 = Auto Corner Insert disabled
// 1 = Auto Corner Insert Traces
// 2 = Auto Corner Insert Areas
// 3 = Auto Corner Insert Traces & Areas
ged_getautocornins function returns the
Layout Editor input mode for automatically inserting corners when generating traces and/or polygons. The auto corner insert mode is selected with either option
or option
from the
ged_getdblpar - Get GED double parameter (GED)
int ged_getdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Last group placement x coordinate (STD2)
// 1 = Last group placement y coordinate (STD2)
// 2 = Default part placement angle (STD3)
// 3 = Copper fill isolation distance (STD2)
// 4 = Copper fill min. area size (STD2)
// 5 = Copper fill heat trap width (STD2)
// 6 = Copper fill heat trap isolation (STD2)
// 7 = Hatch line spacing (STD2)
// 8 = Hatch line width (STD2)
// 9 = Hatch line angle (STD3)
// 10 = Net visibility dialog net name list control element width
// 11 = Default text size (STD2)
// 12 = DRC distance violation text size (STD2)
// 13 = Autoplacement Part Expansion (STD2)
// 14 = Autoplacement Part Pin Factor [0, 1.0]
// 15 = Autoplacement Segment Fit [0, 1.0]
// 16 = Autoplacement Part Outline Offset (STD2)
// 17 = Default text placement angle (STD3)
// 18 = Autorouter Border to copper LE distance (STD2)
// 19 = Autorouter Heat trap to drill LE distance (STD2)
// 20 = Autorouter Isolation to drill LE distance (STD2)
// 21 = Autorouter Power plane connection LE run length (STD2)
// 22 = Autorouter Requested special routing grid (STD2)
// 23 = Autorouter Split power plane guard range (STD2)
// 24 = Autorouter BGA grid tolerance distance (STD2)
// 25 = Autorouter SMD power plane connection LE run length (STD2)
// 26 = Autorouter Pin to via distance (STD2)
// 27 = CAM Gerber standard line width (STD2)
// 28 = CAM Minimum distance heat trap to drilling (STD2)
// 29 = CAM Minimum distance isolation to drilling (STD2)
// 30 = CAM Heat trap to drilling distance tolerance (STD2)
// 31 = CAM Isolation to drilling distance tolerance (STD2)
// 32 = CAM Power layer border width (STD2)
// 33 = CAM Split power plane isolation width (STD2)
// 34 = Bus trace width (STD2)
// 35 = Bus trace spacing (STD2)
& double; // Returns parameter value
ged_getdblpar function is used to query
Layout Editor double parameters previously set with
ged_setdblpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ged_getintpar,
ged_getdrcmarkmode - Get GED DRC Error Display Mode (GED)
int ged_getdrcmarkmode( // DRC error display mode
ged_getdrcmarkmode function returns the currently selected
Layout Editor DRC error display mode. The function returns zero for error color error marker display and 1 for highlight error marker display.
See also
ged_getdrcstatus - Get GED DRC Completion Status (GED)
int ged_getdrcstatus( // DRC completion status
ged_getdrcstatus function return the current
Layout Editor design rule check completion status. The function returns zero if only the design changes of the current program session are checked, or nonzero if a full design rule check for complete DRC error display has been applied to the currently loaded element.
ged_getgroupdata - GED group placement data query (GED)
int ged_getgroupdata( // Status
& double; // Group base X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Group base Y coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Group rotation angle (STD3)
& double; // Group scale factor
& int; // Group mirror mode
& double; // Group quadrant X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Group quadrant Y coordinate (STD2)
& int; // Group quadrant mode
& int; // Group area mode
ged_getgroupdata function can be used to retrieve the current
Layout Editor group placement interaction input data. The function returns nonzero if no group placement interaction is activated.
See also
Function ged_getinputdata.
ged_gethighlnet - Get GED net highlight mode/color (GED)
int ged_gethighlnet( // Returns status
int [-1,[; // Net tree number or -1 for highlight focus modus query
& int; // Highlight mode
& int; // Highlight color (bit 1 to 6, STD18) and pattern (bit 7 to 12)
ged_gethighlnet function can be used to get the highlight mode and the highlight color and pattern for the specified net. The highlight mode parameter is set to nonzero if the net highlight is activated or zero if the net highlight is deactivated. The second parameter returns the highlight color (bit 1 to 6) and the highlight pattern (bit 7 to 12). The function returns nonzero if the query was successful or zero on error (net not found, invalid parameters).
See also
Function ged_highlnet.
ged_getinputdata - GED input data query (GED)
int ged_getinputdata( // Status
& double; // Initial X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Initial Y coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Initial width (STD2)
& int; // Initial layer (LAY1)
& double; // Current X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Current Y coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Current width (STD2)
& int; // Current layer (LAY1)
& void; // Input mode/element (LAY11)
& void; // Input path level index (optional)
& double; // Input first segment start X coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input first segment start Y coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input first arc center X coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input first arc center Y coordinate (STD2) */
& int; // Input first arc center type (STD15) */
& double; // Input last segment start X coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input last segment start Y coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input last arc center X coordinate (STD2) */
& double; // Input last arc center Y coordinate (STD2) */
& int; // Input last arc center type (STD15) */
ged_getinputdata function can be used to retrieve the current
Layout Editor placement interaction input data. The placement data has to be interpreted according to the input interaction type and/or placement element function parameter. The function returns nonzero if no placement interaction is activated.
See also
Function ged_getgroupdata.
ged_getintpar - Get GED integer parameter (GED)
int ged_getintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Pick point display mode:
// 0 = No pick point display
// 1 = Pick point display
// 2 = Pick point wide display
// 3 = Pick point edit display
// 1 = Automatic DRC on layout load mode:
// 0 = no automatic DRC
// 1 = automatic DRC with verification
// 2 = automatic DRC without verification
// 2 = Top layer color code
// 3 = Info display flag:
// 0 = No automatic info display
// 1 = Automatic info display
// 4 = Info display mode:
// 0 = No info display
// 1 = Complete info display
// 2 = Copper info only display
// 5 = Angle edit direction
// 6 = Part level element DRC mode:
// 0 = Complete DRC
// 1 = Consider part macros checked
// 7 = Grid corner scan mode:
// 0 = No grid corner scan
// 1 = Complete grid corner scan
// 2 = Current window corner scan
// 3 = Dynamic window corner scan
// 8 = Mincon update mode
// 9 = DRC polygon sub-type exclude bits
// 10 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: Supress copper fill problem polygon group selection wanrnings
// Bit 2: Supress variant mismatch warnings
// Bit 3: Supress autorouter mode termination warnings
// 11 = Layer usage scan mode
// 12 = Area polygon edit mode:
// 0 = don't close polylines
// 1 = always close polylines
// 2 = polyline close prompt
// 13 = DRC distance display pattern
// 14 = Trace edit pick mode:
// 0 = snap to input grid
// 1 = pin/trace snap at first trace corner
// 15 = Area mirror visibility mode:
// 0 = Normal area mirror visibility
// 1 = Disable area mirror visibility
// 16 = Trace net deletion query limit
// 17 = Plot preview mode:
// 0 = none
// 1 = plotter pen width
// 18 = DRC distance display mode:
// 0 = none
// 1 = trace distance line
// 2 = area distance line
// 3 = trace distance pattern
// 4 = area distance pattern
// 19 = Text layer mirroring mode:
// 0 = no layer mirroring
// 1 = documentary layer mirroring
// 2 = signal and documentary layer mirroring
// 20 = Default part mirroring mode
// 21 = Autosave interval
// 22 = Part airline display mode:
// 0 = No airlines
// 1 = Static airlines
// 2 = Dynamic airlines
// 23 = Angle lock toggle mode:
// 0 = Pick side default
// 1 = Grid toggle
// 2 = Shorter side toggle
// 3 = Edit direction
// 24 = Copper fill heat trap mode:
// 0 = Direct Connect
// 1 = Pin & Via Heat Traps
// 2 = Pin Heat Traps
// 3 = Via Heat Traps
// |4 = No Neighbour Pins Flag
// |8 = Heat Trap Trace Flag
// |16 = Only Unconnected Layers
// 25 = Copper fill trace mode:
// 0 = Round Corners
// 1 = Octagonal Corners
// 2 = Octagonal Circles
// 3 = Octagonal Corners & Circles
// 26 = Copper fill island mode:
// 0 = Keep Islands
// 1 = Delete Islands
// 2 = Select Islands
// 27 = Copper fill inside area mode:
// 0 = Inner Fill Area Fill
// 1 = Inner Fill Area Keepout
// |2 = Keepout Areas without Distance
// 28 = Copper fill max. heat trap junctions
// 29 = Copper fill acute angle mode:
// 0 = Acute Angles flat
// 1 = Acute Angles round
// 30 = Copper fill hatch mode:
// 0 = Line Hatching
// 1 = Grid Hatching
// |2 = Create Editable Paths
// 31 = Net visibility dialog box mode:
// 0 = Single column net name list display
// 1 = Multi-column net name list display
// 32 = Group move display mode:
// 0 = Moving Picture Off
// 1 = Display Group Layer Only
// 2 = Moving Picture On
// 3 = Moving Picture All
// 33 = Group trace selection mode:
// 0 = Select Traces & Vias
// 1 = Select Traces Only
// 2 = Select Vias Only
// 34 = Pick preference layer selection (LAY1)
// 35 = Clipboard text placement request flag
// 36 = Edit direction
// 37 = Mincon Area Mode (Bit Patterns):
// 0 = No Area Mincon
// |1 = Copper Area Mincon
// |2 = Connected Copper Area Mincon
// 38 = Group angle lock mode:
// 0 = Keep group angle lock
// 1 = Automatically release group angle lock
// 39 = Autoplacement Optimizer Passes
// 40 = Autoplacement Part Swap On/Off Flag
// 41 = Autoplacement Pin/Gate Swap On/Off Flag
// 42 = Autoplacement Mirroring Mode:
// 0 = No SMD mirroring
// 1 = SMD Mirroring
// 2 = SMD 2-Pin Mirroring
// 3 = Only SMD Mirroring
// 43 = Autoplacement Rotation Mode:
// 0 = 0-90 Degree Rotation
// 1 = 0-270 Degree Rotation
// 2 = 0 Degree Rotation
// 3 = 90 Degree Rotation
// 4 = 0 XOR 90 Degree Rotation
// 44 = Autoplacement Retry Passes
// 45 = Autoplacement SMD Rotation Mode:
// 0 = 0-90 Degree Rotation
// 1 = 0-270 Degree Rotation
// 2 = 0 Degree Rotation
// 3 = 90 Degree Rotation
// 4 = 0 XOR 90 Degree Rotation
// 46 = Autoplacement Part Outline Layer (LAY1)
// 47 = Group visibility mode:
// 0 = Select all elements
// 1 = Select visible elements only
// 48 = Default text mirror mode and text mode (STD14|LAY14)
// 49 = Autorouter Number of optimization runs
// 50 = Autorouter Optimizer characteristic
// 51 = Autorouter Max. number of vias per connection
// 52 = Autorouter Router via delay at 1/10"
// 53 = Autorouter Router pin channel delay
// 54 = Autorouter Cross direction delay
// 55 = Autorouter Direction change delay
// 56 = Autorouter Path packing delay
// 57 = Autorouter Statistical delay base
// 58 = Autorouter Max. rip-ups per con.
// 59 = Autorouter Max. rip-up level
// 60 = Autorouter Max. number of rip-up retries
// 61 = Autorouter Router via grid index
// 62 = Autorouter Bus structure delay
// 63 = Autorouter Re-route area 1 delay
// 64 = Autorouter Re-route area 2 delay
// 65 = Autorouter Skip existing path delay
// 66 = Autorouter Router cleaning run enable
// 67 = Autorouter Optim. cleaning run enable
// 68 = Autorouter Power connection vector unroutes
// 69 = Autorouter Automatic save enable
// 70 = Autorouter Corner connection output enable
// 71 = Autorouter Unroute output sort mode
// 72 = Autorouter Corner mitring mode
// 73 = Autorouter Existing traces orientation mode
// 74 = Autorouter Standard connection layer delay
// 75 = Autorouter Bus connection layer delay
// 76 = Autorouter Wave limitation offset
// 77 = Autorouter Gridless via check mode
// 78 = Autorouter Input error checking mode
// 79 = Autorouter Trace to pin entry mode
// 80 = Autorouter Requested subgrid factor
// 81 = Autorouter Router off-grid delay
// 82 = Autorouter Bus recognition and routing mode
// 83 = Autorouter SMD pin-via pass enable
// 84 = Autorouter Pin/gate swap mode
// 85 = Autorouter Requested gridless routing mode
// 86 = Autorouter Incremental output mode
// 87 = Autorouter Router prefered grid shift
// 88 = Autorouter Router prefered grid delay
// 89 = Autorouter Outside net area delay
// 90 = Autorouter Last optimization par. change mode
// 91 = Autorouter Auto rip-up parameter mode
// 92 = Autorouter Prefered routing direction mode
// 93 = Autorouter Optimizer order mode
// 94 = Autorouter Via rip-up flag
// 95 = Autorouter Routing window border size
// 96 = Autorouter BGA fan out enable flag
// 97 = Autorouter Fan out gridded check mode
// 98 = Autorouter Alternate via shift mode
// 99 = Autorouter Full via evaluation mode
// 100 = Autorouter Micro via mode
// 101 = Autorouter Forced dir. max. derivation
// 102 = Autorouter Routing frame window flag
// 103 = Autorouter Requested pad entry subgrid
// 104 = Autorouter Power layer via mode
// 105 = Autorouter Via check mode
// 106 = Autorouter Large net connection count
// 107 = Autorouter Autorouting active flag
// 108 = CAM Heat trap base angle
// 109 = Single corner edit flag
// 110 = Resize with round corners flag
// 111 = Hidden DRC errors display flag
// 112 = DRC violation elements scan flag
// 113 = Part placement trace move mode
// 0 = No trace move
// 1 = Trace end move
// 2 = Trace segment move
// 114 = Polygon edit autocomplete flag
// 115 = Board Outline alternative documentary layer (LAY1)
// 116 = Trace join query mode:
// 0 = Never join traces
// 1 = Always join traces
// 2 = Query for trace join
// 117 = Trace display class bits (LAY15)
// 118 = Text display class bits (LAY15)
// 119 = Copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 120 = Forbidden area polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 121 = Border polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 122 = Connected copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 123 = Documentary line display class bits (LAY15)
// 124 = Documentary area display class bits (LAY15)
// 125 = Copper fill with cutout polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 126 = Hatched copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 127 = Split power plane polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 128 = Flag - Color table saved
// 129 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 130 = Airline clipping mode:
// 0 = No unroutes clipping
// 1 = Clip unroutes without workspace target
// 131 = Trace collision mode:
// -1 = Query for operation
// 0 = Ignore collisions
// 1 = Delete colliding traces
// 2 = Delete colliding segments
// 3 = Cut colliding segments
// 132 = Layout trace merge query mode:
// 0 = Never merge layout traces
// 1 = Always merge layout traces
// 2 = Query merge mode
// 133 = Part trace merge query mode:
// 0 = Never merge part traces
// 1 = Always merge part traces
// 2 = Query merge mode
// 135 = Element move polygon display mode:
// 0 = Display outline
// 1 = Display filled
// 136 = Group move airline display mode:
// 0 = Airline Display Off
// 1 = Display Group Part Pin Airlines
// 137 = Trace collision distance check mode:
// 0 = Use DRC distance for collision check
// 1 = Consider only crossings as collision
// 138 = Trace segment bundle pick mode:
// 0 = Continuous segment pick
// 1 = Pick first and last bundle segment
// 139 = Trace segment insert pick mode:
// 0 = 3 click selection
// 1 = 2 click selection
// 140 = Part edit DRC:
// 0 = no part edit online DRC
// 1 = part edit online DRC
// 141 = Drill tool table optimization flag
// 142 = Bus trace count
// 143 = Edit bus trace count
// 144 = Bus trace creation mode:
// 0 = Create trace bundle
// 1 = Create seperate traces
// 145 = Bus trace corner mode:
// 0 = Create angle corners
// 1 = Create arc corners
// 146 = Silk screen layer (LAY1)
// 147 = Macro outline display mode:
// 0 = No macro outline display
// 1 = Display macro outline at moved references
// 2 = Display macro outlines
& int; // Returns parameter value
ged_getintpar function is used to query
Layout Editor integer parameters previously set with
ged_setintpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ged_getdblpar,
ged_getlaydefmode - Get GED default layer mode (GED)
int ged_getlaydefmode( // Default layer mode:
// 0 = automatic layer default disabled
// 1 = used edit layer as layer default
// 2 = last used layer as layer default
ged_getlaydefmode function returns the current
Layout Editor default layer mode.
See also
ged_getlayerdefault - Get GED default layer (GED)
int ged_getlayerdefault( // Layer (LAY1)
ged_getlayerdefault function returns the current
Layout Editor default layer.
See also
ged_getmincon - Get GED Mincon function type (GED)
int ged_getmincon( // Returns function type (LAY10)
ged_getmincon function returns the currently selected
Layout Editor
function type, i.e., the airline display mode
ged_getpathwidth - Get GED path standard widths (GED)
void ged_getpathwidth(
& double; // Returns small standard width (STD2)
& double; // Returns wide standard width (STD2)
ged_getpathwidth function parameters return the
Layout Editor standard widths for small and wide traces.
ged_getpickmode - Get GED element pick mode (GED)
int ged_getpickmode( // Element pick mode:
// 0 = Pick preference layer pick
// 1 = Pick with element selection
// 2 = Exclusive pick preference layer pick
ged_getpickmode function returns the currently selected
Layout Editor element pick mode.
See also
Funktion ged_setpickmode.
ged_getpickpreflay - Get GED pick preference layer (GED)
int ged_getpickpreflay( // Returns pick preference layer (LAY1)
ged_getpickpreflay function returns the currently active
Layout Editor pick preference layer for element selection (LAY1).
ged_getpowlayerrcnt - Get GED power layer error count (GED)
int ged_getpowlayerrcnt( // Powe layer error count
ged_getpowlayerrcnt function returns the current
Layout Editor power layer error count.
ged_getsegmovmode - Get GED trace segment move mode (GED)
int ged_getsegmovmode( // Returns trace segment move mode:
// 0 = Move without neighbours
// 1 = Move with neighbours
// 2 = Adjust neighbours
// 3 = Adjust neighbours without vias
// 8 = Adjust next neighbours only
// |4 = Open trace ends follow segment movement
ged_getsegmovmode function returns the current
Layout Editor trace segment move mode.
See also
ged_getstrpar - Get GED string parameter (GED)
int ged_getstrpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Last placed named reference name
// 1 = Last placed named reference macro name
// 2 = Last placed text string
// 3 = Default library name
// 4 = Next free name
// 5 = Drill naming base
// 6 = Drill part macro name pattern
// 7 = Drill padstack macro name pattern
// 8 = Input prompt override string
// 9 = Last placed macro library
// 10 = Autosave path name
& string; // Returns parameter value
ged_getstrpar function is used to query
Layout Editor string parameter settings. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ged_getdblpar,
ged_getviaoptmode - Get GED trace via optimization mode (GED)
int ged_getviaoptmode( // Returns trace via optimization mode:
// 0 = Via optimization
// 1 = Keep vias
ged_getviaoptmode function returns the current
Layout Editor trace via optimization mode.
See also
ged_getwidedraw - Get GED wide line display start width (GED)
double ged_getwidedraw( // Returns width value (STD2)
ged_getwidedraw function returns the current
Layout Editor wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons.
ged_groupselect - GED group selection (GED)
int ged_groupselect( // Number of changes or (-1) on error
int [0,9]; // Element selection type:
// 0 = select by element type
// 1 = select by element layer
// 2 = select by element fixed flag
// 3 = select by element visibility
// 4 = select by element not on layer
// 5 = select by element tree/net number
// 6 = select by element negated tree/net number
// 7 = select elements connected to tree number
// 8 = select elements not connected to tree
// 9 = select by element polygon type
// 10 = select by element glued mode
int; // Element selection value according to type:
// 0 - element type (0|LAY6)
// 1,4 - element layer (LAY1)
// 2 - element fixed flag (STD11)
// 3 - element visible flag (0|1)
// 5,6 - element tree/net number
// 7, 8 - tree/net number
// 9 - element polygon type (LAY4)
// 10 - element glued mode (STD11 | STD12)
int [0,2]; // New group selection status (STD13)
ged_groupselect function changes the group flag of all elements of the specified type and/or value. The function returns the number of elements (de)selected or (-1) on error (i.e., on invalid and/or incompatible parameter specifications). Element selection value zero for element type selection is used for selecting elements of any type.
Internal layout element types such as the standard via definition(s) are excluded from group (de)selections with
ged_groupselect to prevent from unintentionally modifying and/or deleting such elements and/or definitions when subsequently using other group functions.
ged_highlnet - Set GED net highlight mode/color (GED)
int ged_highlnet( // Returns status
int [-1,[; // Net tree number
int [0,[; // Highlight off/on flag || (color/patterndef << 1)
ged_highlnet function sets the highlight mode of the net specified by the given net tree number. The least significant bit of the highlight parameter designates whether the net should be highlighted (value 1) or not (value 0). The other bits the highlight parameter can be used to specify a highlight color code (bit 2 to 6) and/or a highlight display pattern (bit 7 to 12). The function returns nonzero if an invalid net tree number and/or highlight mode value has been specified.
See also
Function ged_gethighlnet.
ged_layergrpchg - Select GED group by layer (GED)
int ged_layergrpchg( // Number of elements
int [0,[; // Layer number (LAY1)
int [0,1]; // New group selection status (STD13)
ged_layergrpchg function changes the group flag of all elements placed on the specified layer. The function returns the number of elements (de)selected or (-1) on error.
ged_partaltmacro - Change GED net list part package type (GED)
int ged_partaltmacro( // Returns status
string; // Part name
string; // New part package type name
ged_partaltmacro function changes the package type of the given net list part. The function returns nonzero if the part package type has been successfully changed, (-1) for invalid input parameters, (-2) if the specified package does not contain all pins referenced by the part in the net list (package is changed anyway), (-3) if the specified part does not exist in the net list, (-4) if the new package type isn't allowed for this part, (-5) if the new package couldn't be loaded, (-6) if the new package couldn't be copied to the job file or (-7) for multiple package change requests (e.g.,
a to
b and then
b to
c ) in one program run.
It is strongly recommended not to use this function in
L_CPART index loops since the current
L_CPART index variables are invalid after calling
ged_partnamechg - Change GED part name (GED)
int ged_partnamechg( // Returns status
string; // Old name
string; // New name
ged_partnamechg function changes the name of part. The function returns nonzero if the part name has been successfully changed, (-1) for invalid input parameters, (-2) if the specified part is not yet placed,
(-4) if the new name exists already or
(-5) for multiple name change requests (e.g.,
a to
b and then
b to
c ) in one program run.
On layout part macro level,
ged_partnamechg can be used for the renaming of pins.
This function might change the net list in which case a
is subsequently required. It is strongly recommended not to use this function in
L_CPART index loops since the current
L_CPART index variables are invalid after calling
ged_pickanyelem - Pick any GED figure list element (GED)
int ged_pickanyelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Returns picked element
int; // Pick element type set ((LAY6 except 7)<<1 or'ed)
ged_pickanyelem function activates a mouse interaction for selecting a figure list element from the specified pick element type set.
The picked figure list element index is returned with the first parameter. The function returns zero if an element has been picked or (-1) if no element was found at the pick position.
See also
Function ged_pickelem.
ged_pickelem - Pick GED figure list element (GED)
int ged_pickelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Returns picked element
int [1,10]; // Pick element type (LAY6 except 7)
ged_pickelem function activates an interactive figure list element pick request (with mouse). The required pick element type is specified with the second parameter. The picked figure list element index is returned with the first parameter. The function returns zero if an element has been picked or (-1) if no element of the required type has been found at the pick position.
See also
ged_setautocornrins - Set GED auto corner insert mode (GED)
int ged_setautocornins( // Returns status
int [0,3]; // Auto corner insert mode:
// 0 = Auto Corner Insert disabled
// 1 = Auto Corner Insert Traces
// 2 = Auto Corner Insert Areas
// 3 = Auto Corner Insert Traces & Areas
ged_setautocornins function sets the
Layout Editor input mode for automatically inserting corners when generating traces and/or polygons. Usually, the auto corner insert mode is selected with either option
or option
from the
function. The function returs nonzero if an invalid octagon input mode has been specified.
ged_setdblpar - Set GED double parameter (GED)
int ged_setdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Last group placement x coordinate (STD2)
// 1 = Last group placement y coordinate (STD2)
// 2 = Default part placement angle
// 3 = Copper fill isolation distance (STD2)
// 4 = Copper fill min. area size (STD2)
// 5 = Copper fill heat trap width (STD2)
// 6 = Copper fill heat trap isolation (STD2)
// 7 = Hatch line spacing (STD2)
// 8 = Hatch line width (STD2)
// 9 = Hatch line angle (STD3)
// 10 = Net visibility dialog net name list control element width
// 11 = Default text size (STD2)
// 12 = DRC distance violation text size (STD2)
// 13 = Autoplacement Part Expansion (STD2)
// 14 = Autoplacement Part Pin Factor [0, 1.0]
// 15 = Autoplacement Segment Fit [0, 1.0]
// 16 = Autoplacement Part Outline Offset (STD2)
// 17 = Default text placement angle (STD3)
// 18 = Autorouter Border to copper LE distance (STD2)
// 19 = Autorouter Heat trap to drill LE distance (STD2)
// 20 = Autorouter Isolation to drill LE distance (STD2)
// 21 = Autorouter Power plane connection LE run length (STD2)
// 22 = Autorouter Requested special routing grid (STD2)
// 23 = Autorouter Split power plane guard range (STD2)
// 24 = Autorouter BGA grid tolerance distance (STD2)
// 25 = Autorouter SMD power plane connection LE run length (STD2)
// 26 = Autorouter Pin to via distance (STD2)
// 27 = CAM Gerber standard line width (STD2)
// 28 = CAM Minimum distance heat trap to drilling (STD2)
// 29 = CAM Minimum distance isolation to drilling (STD2)
// 30 = CAM Heat trap to drilling distance tolerance (STD2)
// 31 = CAM Isolation to drilling distance tolerance (STD2)
// 32 = CAM Power layer border width (STD2)
// 33 = CAM Split power plane isolation width (STD2)
// 34 = Bus trace width (STD2)
// 35 = Bus trace spacing (STD2)
double; // Parameter value
ged_setdblpar function is used to set
Layout Editor double system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ged_getdblpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ged_getdblpar,
ged_setdrcmarkmode - Get GED DRC error display mode (GED)
int ged_setdrcmarkmode( // Returns status
int [0,1]; // DRC error display mode:
// 0 = Error color error marker display
// 1 = Highlight color error marker display
ged_setdrcmarkmode function sets the DRC error marker display mode. The functions returns nonzero for invalid display mode specifications.
See also
ged_setintpar - Set GED integer parameter (GED)
int ged_setintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Pickpunktanzeigemodus:
// 0 = keine Pickpunktanzeige
// 1 = Pickpunktanzeige
// 2 = Pick point wide display
// 3 = Pick point edit display
// 1 = Automatic DRC on layout load mode:
// 0 = no automatic DRC
// 1 = automatic DRC with verification
// 2 = automatic DRC without verification
// [ 2 = use bae_setcolor instead ]
// 3 = Info display flag:
// 0 = No automatic info display
// 1 = Automatic info display
// 4 = Info display mode:
// 0 = No info display
// 1 = Complete info display
// 2 = Copper info only display
// 5 = Angle edit direction
// 6 = Part level element DRC mode:
// 0 = Complete DRC
// 1 = Consider part macros checked
// 7 = Grid corner scan mode:
// 0 = No grid corner scan
// 1 = Complete grid corner scan
// 2 = Current window corner scan
// 3 = Dynamic window corner scan
// updated window
// 8 = Mincon update mode
// 9 = DRC polygon sub-type exclude bits
// 10 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: Supress copper fill problem polygon group selection wanrnings
// Bit 2: Supress variant mismatch warnings
// Bit 3: Supress autorouter mode termination warnings
// 11 = Layer usage scan mode
// 12 = Area polygon edit mode:
// 0 = don't close polylines
// 1 = always close polylines
// 2 = polyline close prompt
// 13 = DRC distance display pattern
// 14 = Trace edit pick mode:
// 0 = snap to input grid
// 1 = pin/trace snap at first trace corner
// [ 15 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 16 = Trace net deletion query limit
// 17 = Plot preview mode:
// 0 = none
// 1 = plotter pen width
// 18 = DRC distance display mode:
// 0 = none
// 1 = trace distance line
// 2 = area distance line
// 3 = trace distance pattern
// 4 = area distance pattern
// 19 = Text layer mirroring mode:
// 0 = no layer mirroring
// 1 = documentary layer mirroring
// 2 = signal and documentary layer mirroring
// 20 = Default part mirroring mode
// 21 = Autosave interval
// 22 = Part airline display mode:
// 0 = No airlines
// 1 = Static airlines
// 2 = Dynamic airlines
// 23 = Angle lock toggle mode:
// 0 = Pick side default
// 1 = Grid toggle
// 2 = Shorter side toggle
// 3 = Edit direction
// 24 = Copper fill heat trap mode:
// 0 = Direct Connect
// 1 = Pin & Via Heat Traps
// 2 = Pin Heat Traps
// 3 = Via Heat Traps
// |4 = No Neighbour Pins Flag
// |8 = Heat Trap Trace Flag
// |16 = Only Unconnected Layers
// 25 = Copper fill trace mode:
// 0 = Round Corners
// 1 = Octagonal Corners
// 2 = Octagonal Circles
// 3 = Octagonal Corners & Circles
// 26 = Copper fill island mode:
// 0 = Keep Islands
// 1 = Delete Islands
// 2 = Select Islands
// 27 = Copper fill inside area mode:
// 0 = Inner Fill Area Fill
// 1 = Inner Fill Area Keepout
// |2 = Keepout Areas without Distance
// 28 = Copper fill max. heat trap junctions
// 29 = Copper fill acute angle mode:
// 0 = Acute Angles flat
// 1 = Acute Angles round
// 30 = Copper fill hatch mode:
// 0 = Line Hatching
// 1 = Grid Hatching
// |2 = Create Editable Paths
// 31 = Net visibility dialog box mode:
// 0 = Single column net name list display
// 1 = Multi-column net name list display
// 32 = Group move display mode:
// 0 = Moving Picture Off
// 1 = Display Group Layer Only
// 2 = Moving Picture On
// 3 = Moving Picture All
// 33 = Group trace selection mode:
// 0 = Select Traces & Vias
// 1 = Select Traces Only
// 2 = Select Vias Only
// 34 = Pick prefered layer (LAY1) without actions
// 35 = Clipboard text placement request flag
// 36 = Edit direction
// 37 = Mincon Area Mode (Bit Patterns):
// 0 = No Area Mincon
// |1 = Copper Area Mincon
// |2 = Connected Copper Area Mincon
// 38 = Group angle lock mode:
// 0 = Keep group angle lock
// 1 = Automatically release group angle lock
// 39 = Autoplacement Optimizer Passes
// 40 = Autoplacement Part Swap On/Off Flag
// 41 = Autoplacement Pin/Gate Swap On/Off Flag
// 42 = Autoplacement Mirroring Mode:
// 0 = No SMD mirroring
// 1 = SMD Mirroring
// 2 = SMD 2-Pin Mirroring
// 3 = Only SMD Mirroring
// 43 = Autoplacement Rotation Mode:
// 0 = 0-90 Degree Rotation
// 1 = 0-270 Degree Rotation
// 2 = 0 Degree Rotation
// 3 = 90 Degree Rotation
// 4 = 0 XOR 90 Degree Rotation
// 44 = Autoplacement Retry Passes
// 45 = Autoplacement SMD Rotation Mode:
// 0 = 0-90 Degree Rotation
// 1 = 0-270 Degree Rotation
// 2 = 0 Degree Rotation
// 3 = 90 Degree Rotation
// 4 = 0 XOR 90 Degree Rotation
// 46 = Autoplacement Part Outline Layer (LAY1)
// 47 = Group visibility mode:
// 0 = Select all elements
// 1 = Select visible elements only
// 48 = Default text mirror mode and text mode (STD14|LAY14)
// 49 = Autorouter Number of optimization runs
// 50 = Autorouter Optimizer characteristic
// 51 = Autorouter Max. number of vias per connection
// 52 = Autorouter Router via delay at 1/10"
// 53 = Autorouter Router pin channel delay
// 54 = Autorouter Cross direction delay
// 55 = Autorouter Direction change delay
// 56 = Autorouter Path packing delay
// 57 = Autorouter Statistical delay base
// 58 = Autorouter Max. rip-ups per con.
// 59 = Autorouter Max. rip-up level
// 60 = Autorouter Max. number of rip-up retries
// 61 = Autorouter Router via grid index
// 62 = Autorouter Bus structure delay
// 63 = Autorouter Re-route area 1 delay
// 64 = Autorouter Re-route area 2 delay
// 65 = Autorouter Skip existing path delay
// 66 = Autorouter Router cleaning run enable
// 67 = Autorouter Optim. cleaning run enable
// 68 = Autorouter Power connection vector unroutes
// 69 = Autorouter Automatic save enable
// 70 = Autorouter Corner connection output enable
// 71 = Autorouter Unroute output sort mode
// 72 = Autorouter Corner mitring mode
// 73 = Autorouter Existing traces orientation mode
// 74 = Autorouter Standard connection layer delay
// 75 = Autorouter Bus connection layer delay
// 76 = Autorouter Wave limitation offset
// 77 = Autorouter Gridless via check mode
// 78 = Autorouter Input error checking mode
// 79 = Autorouter Trace to pin entry mode
// 80 = Autorouter Requested subgrid factor
// 81 = Autorouter Router off-grid delay
// 82 = Autorouter Bus recognition and routing mode
// 83 = Autorouter SMD pin-via pass enable
// 84 = Autorouter Pin/gate swap mode
// 85 = Autorouter Requested gridless routing mode
// 86 = Autorouter Incremental output mode
// 87 = Autorouter Router prefered grid shift
// 88 = Autorouter Router prefered grid delay
// 89 = Autorouter Outside net area delay
// 90 = Autorouter Last optimization par. change mode
// 91 = Autorouter Auto rip-up parameter mode
// 92 = Autorouter Prefered routing direction mode
// 93 = Autorouter Optimizer order mode
// 94 = Autorouter Via rip-up flag
// 95 = Autorouter Routing window border size
// 96 = Autorouter BGA fan out enable flag
// 97 = Autorouter Fan out gridded check mode
// 98 = Autorouter Alternate via shift mode
// 99 = Autorouter Full via evaluation mode
// 100 = Autorouter Micro via mode
// 101 = Autorouter Forced dir. max. derivation
// 102 = Autorouter Routing frame window flag
// 103 = Autorouter Requested pad entry subgrid
// 104 = Autorouter Power layer via mode
// 105 = Autorouter Via check mode
// 106 = Autorouter Large net connection count
// 107 = Autorouter Autorouting active flag
// 108 = CAM Heat trap base angle
// 109 = Single corner edit flag
// 110 = Resize with round corners flag
// 111 = Hidden DRC errors display flag
// 112 = DRC violation elements scan flag
// 113 = Part placement trace move mode
// 0 = No trace move
// 1 = Trace end move
// 2 = Trace segment move
// 114 = Polygon edit autocomplete flag
// 115 = Board Outline alternative documentary layer (LAY1)
// 116 = Trace join query mode:
// 0 = Never join traces
// 1 = Always join traces
// 2 = Query for trace join
// 117 = Trace display class bits (LAY15)
// 118 = Text display class bits (LAY15)
// 119 = Copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 120 = Forbidden area polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 121 = Border polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 122 = Connected copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 123 = Documentary line display class bits (LAY15)
// 124 = Documentary area display class bits (LAY15)
// 125 = Copper fill with cutout polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 126 = Hatched copper polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 127 = Split power plane polygon display class bits (LAY15)
// 128 = Flag - Color table saved
// 129 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 130 = Airline clipping mode:
// 0 = No unroutes clipping
// 1 = Clip unroutes without workspace target
// 131 = Trace collision mode:
// -1 = Query for operation
// 0 = Ignore collisions
// 1 = Delete colliding traces
// 2 = Delete colliding segments
// 3 = Cut colliding segments
// 132 = Layout trace merge query mode:
// 0 = Never merge layout traces
// 1 = Always merge layout traces
// 2 = Query merge mode
// 133 = Part trace merge query mode:
// 0 = Never merge part traces
// 1 = Always merge part traces
// 2 = Query merge mode
// 135 = Element move polygon display mode:
// 0 = Display outline
// 1 = Display filled
// 136 = Group move airline display mode:
// 0 = Airline Display Off
// 1 = Display Group Part Pin Airlines
// 137 = Trace collision distance check mode:
// 0 = Use DRC distance for collision check
// 1 = Consider only crossings as collision
// 138 = Trace segment bundle pick mode:
// 0 = Continuous segment pick
// 1 = Pick first and last bundle segment
// 139 = Trace segment insert pick mode:
// 0 = 3 click selection
// 1 = 2 click selection
// 140 = Part edit DRC:
// 0 = no part edit online DRC
// 1 = part edit online DRC
// 141 = Drill tool table optimization flag
// 142 = Bus trace count
// 143 = Edit bus trace count
// 144 = Bus trace creation mode:
// 0 = Create trace bundle
// 1 = Create seperate traces
// 145 = Bus trace corner mode:
// 0 = Create angle corners
// 1 = Create arc corners
// 146 = Silk screen layer (LAY1)
// 147 = Macro outline display mode:
// 0 = No macro outline display
// 1 = Display macro outline at moved references
// 2 = Display macro outlines
int; // Parameter value
ged_setintpar function is used to set
Layout Editor integer system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ged_getintpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ged_getdblpar,
ged_setlaydefmode - Set GED default layer mode (GED)
int ged_setlaydefmode( // Returns status
int [0,2]; // Default layer mode:
// 0 = automatic layer default disabled
// 1 = used edit layer as layer default
// 2 = last used layer as layer default
ged_setlaydefmode function sets the
Layout Editor default layer mode. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful or non-zero on error.
See also
ged_setlayerdefault - Set GED default layer (GED)
int ged_setlayerdefault( // Returns status
int; // Layer (LAY1)
ged_setlayerdefault function sets the
Layout Editor default layer. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful or non-zero on error.
See also
ged_setmincon - Set GED Mincon function type (GED)
int ged_setmincon( // Returns status
int [0,8]; // Required function type (LAY10)
ged_setmincon function sets the currently active
Layout Editor
function type, i.e., the airline display mode
(LAY10). The function returns nonzero if an invalid
function type value has been specified.
ged_setnetattrib - Set GED net attribute value (GED)
int ged_setnetattrib( // Returns status
string; // Net name
string; // Attribute name
string; // Attribute value
ged_setnetattrib function assigns a value to the given attribute of the name-specified net. Attribute values with a maximum length of up to 40 characters can be stored. The function returns zero on successful attribute value assignment, (-1) if no valid element is loaded, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters, (-3) if the net has not been found or (-4) if the attribute with the given name is not defined on the specified net.
ged_setpathwidth - Set GED path standard width (GED)
int ged_setpathwidth( // Returns status
double ]0.0,[; // Required small path width (STD2)
double ]0.0,[; // Required wide path width (STD2)
ged_setpathwidth function sets the currently active
Layout Editor standard widths for small and wide traces. The function returns nonzero if invalid an invalid width value has been specified.
ged_setpickelem - GED Defaultpickelement setzen (GED)
int ged_setpickelem( // Returns status
index L_FIGURE; // Default pick element
ged_setpickelem function sets a default element for subsequent
Layout Editor pick operations. The function returns zero if done or nonzero on error.
See also
Function ged_pickelem.
ged_setpickmode - Set GED element pick mode (GED)
int ged_setpickmode( // Returns status
int [0,2]; // Element pick mode:
// 0 = Pick peference layer pick
// 1 = Pick with element selection
// 2 = Exclusive pick preference layer pick
ged_setpickmode function sets the
Layout Editor element pick mode. The function returns nonzero for invalid pick mode specifications.
See also
Function ged_getpickmode.
ged_setpickpreflay - Set GED pick preference layer (GED)
int ged_setpickpreflay( // Returns status
int; // Required pick preference layer (LAY1)
ged_setpickpreflay function sets the currently active
Layout Editor pick preference layer for element selection (LAY1). The function returns nonzero if an invalid pick preference layer has been specified.
ged_setplantoplay - Set GED layout top layer (GED)
int ged_setplantoplay( // Returns status
int [0,99]; // Required layout top layer (LAY1)
ged_setplantoplay function defines the
Layout Editor and/or layout element top layer setting. The function returns nonzero if an invalid signal layer has been specified.
ged_setsegmovmode - Set GED trace segment move mode (GED)
int ged_setsegmovmode( // Returns status
int [0,12]; // Trace segment move mode:
// 0 = Move without neighbours
// 1 = Move with neighbours
// 2 = Adjust neighbours
// 3 = Adjust neighbours without vias
// 8 = Adjust next neighbours only
// |4 = Open trace ends follow segment movement
ged_setsegmovmode function sets the
Layout Editor trace segment move mode. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful or non-zero on error.
See also
ged_setstrpar - Set GED string parameter (GED)
int ged_setstrpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// [ 0 = System parameter - no write access ]
// [ 1 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 2 = Last placed text string
// 3 = Standard library name
// [ 4 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 5 = Drill naming base
// 6 = Drill part macro name pattern
// 7 = Drill padstack macro name pattern
// 8 = Input prompt override string
// [ 9 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 10 = Autosave path name
string; // Parameter value
ged_setstrpar function is used to set
Layout Editor string system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ged_getstrpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ged_getdblpar,
ged_setviaoptmode - Set GED trace via optimization mode (GED)
int ged_setviaoptmode( // Returns status
int [0,1]; // Trace via optimization mode:
// 0 = Via optimization
// 1 = Keep vias
ged_setviaoptmode function sets the
Layout Editor trace via optimization mode. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful or non-zero on error.
See also
ged_setwidedraw - Set GED wide line display start width (GED)
int ged_setwidedraw( // Returns status
double ]0.0,[; // Required width value (STD2)
ged_setwidedraw function sets the current
Layout Editor wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons. The function returns nonzero if an invalid width value is specified.
ged_storedrill - Place GED drill hole (GED)
int ged_storedrill( // Returns status
double; // Drill X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Drill Y coordinate (STD2)
double ]0.0,[; // Drill radius (STD2)
int [0,[; // Drill class (LAY5)
ged_storedrill function stores a drill hole with the given placement parameters to the currently loaded layout element. The function returns nonzero on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_storepart - Place GED part or padstack (GED)
int ged_storepart( // Returns status
string; // Reference name
string; // Library symbol name
double; // X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Mirror mode (STD14)
ged_storepart function stores a part (or padstack) with the given placement parameters to the currently loaded layout (or part) element. The next unplaced net list part is used if an empty string is passed for the reference name. The function returns zero if the part has been successfully placed, (1) if the part pins do not match the net list specifications, (-1) on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters, (-2) if all parts are placed already, (-3) if the specified part is placed already, (-4) if the part cannot be loaded or (-6) if the part data could not be copied to the current job file.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ged_storepath - Place GED internal polygon as path (GED)
int ged_storepath( // Returns status
int [0,99]; // Path layer (LAY1)
double ]0.0,[; // Path width (STD2)
ged_storepath function generates a trace on the currently loaded layout and/or part using the specified placement parameters. The trace polygon points are taken from the internal polygon point list previously stored with
bae_storepoint. The function returns zero if the trace has been successfully generated, (-1) on invalid environment, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters or (-3) if the point list is invalid.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
See also
ged_storepoly - Place GED internal polygon (GED)
int ged_storepoly( // Returns status
int; // Polygon layer (LAY1)
int [1,9]; // Polygon type (LAY4)
string; // Polygon net name (for LAY4 types 4, 6 and 9)
int [0,18]; // Polygon mirror mode (LAY3)
ged_storepoly function generates a polygon on the currently loaded layout element using the specified placement parameters. The polygon points are taken from the internal polygon point list previously stored with
bae_storepoint. The function returns zero if the polygon has been successfully generated, (-1) on invalid environment, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters or (-3) if the point list is not valid for the specified polygon type.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
See also
ged_storetext - Place GED text (GED)
int ged_storetext( // Returns status
string; // Text string
double; // Text X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Text rotation angle (STD3)
double ]0.0,[; // Text size (STD2)
int; // Text layer (LAY1)
int; // Text mirror mode and style (STD14|LAY14)
ged_storetext function generates a text on the currently loaded layout element using the specified placement parameters. The function return value is nonzero on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops. The input text string can be stored to a maximum of up to 40 characters; longer strings cause the function to return with an invalid parameter error code.
See also
ged_storeuref - Place GED unnamed reference (via or pad) (GED)
int ged_storeuref( // Returns status
string; // Library symbol name
double; // Reference X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Reference Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Reference rotation angle (STD3)
int; // Reference layer (LAY1)
int [0,1]; // Reference mirror (STD14)
ged_storeuref function stores an unnamed reference (via or pad) with the given placement parameters to the currently loaded layout element (layout, part or padstack). For vias, the reference mirror mode, the reference layer and the rotation angle are ignored. The function returns zero if the reference has been successfully placed, (-1) on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters, (-2) if the reference cannot be loaded or (-3) if the reference data could not be copied to the current job file.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
C.4.3 Autorouter Functions
The following
User Language system functions are assigned to caller type AR; i.e., they can be called from the
Autorouter interpreter environment of the
Bartels AutoEngineer:
ar_asklayer - Autorouter layer selection (AR)
int ar_asklayer( // Returns status
& int; // Returns selected layer (LAY1|LAY9)
int [0,5]; // Layer query type:
// 0 = Documentary layers and signal layers
// 1 = Signal layers
// 2 = Signal layers
// (including and )
// 3 = Documentary layers
// 4 = Signal and power layers
// 5 = arbitrary display element types
ar_asklayer function activates an
Autorouter layer selection menu. The layer query type designates the type of layers and/or display element types provided for selection. The function returns zero if a valid layer has been selected or (-1) if the layer selection was aborted.
ar_delelem - Delete Autorouter figure list element (AR)
int ar_delelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
ar_delelem function deletes the given figure list element from the figure list. The function returns zero if the element was successfully deleted or nonzero on error.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
See also
Function ar_drawelem.
ar_drawelem - Redraw Autorouter figure list element (AR)
void ar_drawelem(
index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0, 4]; // Drawing mode (STD19)
ar_drawelem function updates the display of the given figure list element using the specified drawing mode.
See also
Function ar_delelem.
ar_elemangchg - Change Autorouter figure list element rotation angle (AR)
int ar_elemangchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New rotation angle (STD3)
ar_elemangchg function changes the rotation angle of the given figure list element. The rotation angle must be in radians. The function returns zero if the element has been successfully rotated, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element cannot be rotated.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_elemfixchg - Change Autorouter figure list element fixed flag (AR)
int ar_elemfixchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0,1]; // New fixed flag (STD11)
ar_elemfixchg function changes the fixed flag of the given figure list element. The fixed flag value 0 unfixes the element, the fixed flag value 1 fixes the element. The function returns zero if the element fixed flag has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element cannot be fixed.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_elemlaychg - Change Autorouter figure list element layer (AR)
int ar_elemlaychg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int; // New layer (LAY1)
ar_elemlaychg function changes the layer of the given figure list element. The layer can be set for polygons, traces, texts, pads (on padstack level) and drill holes. For drill holes the layer input parameter specifies the drill class code. The function returns zero if the element layer has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element layer cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_elemmirrchg - Change Autorouter figure list element mirror mode (AR)
int ar_elemmirrchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
int [0,18]; // New mirror mode (STD14|LAY3)
ar_elemmirrchg function changes the mirror mode of the given figure list element. The mirror mode can be set for polygons, texts and references. The function returns zero if the element mirror mode has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element mirror mode cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_elemposchg - Change Autorouter figure list element position (AR)
int ar_elemposchg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New X coordinate (STD2)
double; // New Y coordinate (STD2)
ar_elemposchg function changes the position of the given figure list element. Polygons and/or traces are replaced to set the first point of the polygon/trace to the specified position. The function returns zero if the element has been successfully repositioned, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element position cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_elemsizechg - Change Autorouter figure list element size (AR)
int ar_elemsizechg( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Element
double; // New size (STD2)
ar_elemsizechg function changes the size of the given figure list element. The size can be changed for texts, drill holes and traces. For traces, a trace width change is performed. The functions value is zero if the element size has been successfully changed, (-1) if the figure list element is invalid or (-2) if the figure list element size cannot be set.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_getdblpar - Get Autorouter double parameter (AR)
int ar_getdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Net visibility dialog net name list control element width
// 1 = User-defined routing grid
& double; // Returns parameter value
ar_getdblpar function is used to query
Autorouter double parameters previously set with
ar_setdblpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ar_getintpar,
ar_getintpar - Get Autorouter integer parameter (AR)
int ar_getintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Top layer color code
// 1 = Mincon update mode
// 2 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: not used in Autorouter
// Bit 2: Suppress variant mismatch warnings
// 3 = Autosave interval
// 4 = Net visibility dialog box mode:
// 0 = Single column net name list display
// 1 = Multi-column net name list display
// 5 = Routing layer count
// 6 = Routing grid code:
// 0 = 1/20 Inch (1.27 mm) Standard
// 1 = 1/40 Inch (0.635 mm) Standard
// 2 = 1/50 Inch (0.508 mm) Standard
// 3 = 1/60 Inch (0.4233 mm) Standard
// 4 = 1/80 Inch (0.3175 mm) Standard
// 5 = 1/100 Inch (0.254 mm) Standard
// 6 = 1/40 Inch (0.635 mm) no Offset
// 7 = 1/60 Inch (0.4233 mm) no Offset
// 8 = 1/80 Inch (0.3175 mm) no Offset
// 9 = 1/100 Inch (0.254 mm) with Offset
// -1 = Other Grid
// -2 = Other Grid with Offset
// 7 = Mincon-Flächenmodus (Bitmuster):
// 0 = Kein Flächen-Mincon
// |1 = Kupferflächen-Mincon
// |2 = Potentialflächen-Mincon
// 8 = Flag - Color table saved
// 9 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 10 = Drill tool table optimization flag
& int; // Returns parameter value
ar_getintpar function is used to query
Autorouter integer parameters previously set with
ar_setintpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ar_getdblpar,
ar_getmincon - Get Autorouter Mincon function type (AR)
int ar_getmincon( // Returns function type (LAY10)
ar_getmincon function returns the currently active
Autorouter function type, i.e., the airline display mode (LAY10).
ar_getpickpreflay - Get Autorouter pick preference layer (AR)
int ar_getpickpreflay( // Returns pick preference layer (LAY1)
ar_getpickpreflay function returns the currently active
Autorouter pick preference layer for element selection
ar_getstrpar - Get Autorouter string parameter (AR)
int ar_getstrpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Autosave path name
& string; // Returns parameter value
ar_getstrpar function is used to query
Autorouter string parameter settings. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions ar_getdblpar,
ar_getwidedraw - Get Autorouter wide line display start width (AR)
double ar_getwidedraw( // Returns width value (STD2)
ar_getwidedraw function returns the current
Autorouter wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons.
ar_highlnet - Set Autorouter net highlight mode (AR)
int ar_highlnet( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Net tree number
int [0,1]; // Highlight mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
ar_highlnet function sets the highlight mode of the net specified by the given net tree number. A highlight mode value of 1 highlights the net, a highlight mode value of 0 de-highlight the net. The function returns nonzero if an invalid net tree number and/or highlight mode value has been specified.
ar_partnamechg - Change Autorouter net list part name (AR)
int ar_partnamechg( // Returns status
string; // Old part name
string; // New part name
ar_partnamechg function changes the name of a net list part. The function returns nonzero if the part name has been successfully changed, (-1) for invalid input parameters, (-2) if the specified part is not yet placed, (-3) if the specified part does not exist in the net list, (-4) if the new name exists already and (-5) on multiple name change requests (e.g.,
a to
b and then
b to
c ) in one program run.
This function changes the net list and therefore requires a
Backannotation. It is strongly recommended not to use this function in
L_CPART index loops since the current
L_CPART index variables are invalid after calling
ar_pickelem - Pick Autorouter figure list element with mouse (AR)
int ar_pickelem( // Returns status
& index L_FIGURE; // Returns picked element
int [1,9]; // Pick element type (LAY6 except 7)
ar_pickelem function activates an interactive figure list element pick request (with mouse). The required pick element type is specified with the second parameter. The picked figure list element index is returned with the first parameter. The function returns zero if an element has been picked or (-1) if no element of the required type has been found at the pick position.
ar_setdblpar - Set Autorouter double parameter (AR)
int ar_setdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Net visibility dialog net name list control element width
// [ 1 = System parameter - no write access ]
double; // Parameter value
ar_setdblpar function is used to set
Autorouter double system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ar_getdblpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ar_getdblpar,
ar_setintpar - Set Autorouter integer parameter (AR)
int ar_setintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// [ 0 = use bae_setcolor instead ]
// 1 = Mincon update mode
// 2 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: not used in Autorouter
// Bit 2: Supress variant mismatch warnings
// 3 = Autosave interval
// 4 = Net visibility dialog box mode:
// 0 = Single column net name list display
// 1 = Multi-column net name list display
// [ 5 = System parameter - no write access ]
// [ 6 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 7 = Mincon Area Mode (Bit Patterns):
// 0 = No Area Mincon
// |1 = Copper Area Mincon
// |2 = Connected Copper Area Mincon
// 8 = Flag - Color table saved
// 9 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 10 = Drill tool table optimization flag
int; // Parameter value
ar_setintpar function is used to set
Autorouter integer system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ar_getintpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ar_getdblpar,
ar_setmincon - Set Autorouter Mincon function type (AR)
int ar_setmincon( // Returns status
int [0,8]; // Required function type (LAY10)
ar_setmincon function sets the currently active
function type, i.e., the airline display mode (LAY10). The function returns nonzero if an invalid
function type value has been specified.
ar_setnetattrib - Set Autorouter net attribute value (AR)
int ar_setnetattrib( // Returns status
string; // Net name
string; // Attribute name
string; // Attribute value
ar_setnetattrib function assigns a value to the given attribute of the name-specified net. Attribute values with a maximum length of up to 40 characters can be stored. The function returns zero if the attribute value assignment was successful, (-1) if no valid element is loaded, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters, (-3) if the net has not been found or (-4) if the attribute with the given name is not defined on the specified net.
ar_setpickpreflay - Set Autorouter pick preference layer (AR)
int ar_setpickpreflay( // Returns status
int; // Required pick preference layer (LAY1)
ar_setpickpreflay function sets the currently active
Autorouter pick preference layer for element selection
(LAY1). The function returns nonzero if an invalid pick preference layer has been specified.
ar_setplantoplay - Set Autorouter layout top layer (AR)
int ar_setplantoplay( // Returns status
int [0,99]; // Required layout top layer (LAY1)
ar_setplantoplay function defines the
Autorouter and/or layout element top layer setting. The function returns nonzero if an invalid signal layer has been specified.
ar_setstrpar - Set Autorouter string parameter (GED)
int ar_setstrpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Autosave path name
string; // Parameter value
ar_setstrpar function is used to set
Autorouter string system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
ar_getstrpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions ar_getdblpar,
ar_setwidedraw - Set Autorouter wide line display start width (AR)
int ar_setwidedraw( // Returns status
double ]0.0,[; // Required width value (STD2)
ar_setwidedraw function sets the current
Autorouter wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons. The function returns nonzero if an invalid width value has been specified.
ar_storepart - Place Autorouter part or padstack (AR)
int ar_storepart( // Returns status
string; // Reference name
string; // Library symbol name
double; // X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Rotation angle (STD3)
int [0,1]; // Mirror mode (STD14)
ar_storepart function stores a part (or padstack) with the given placement parameters to the currently loaded layout (or part) element. The next unplaced and selected net list part is used if an empty string is passed for the reference name. The function returns zero if the part has been successfully placed, (-1) on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters, (-2) if all parts are already placed, (-3) if the specified part is already placed, (-4) if the part cannot be loaded, (-5) if the part pins do not match the net list specifications or (-6) if the part data could not be copied to the current job file.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_storepath - Place Autorouter internal polygon as path (AR)
int ar_storepath( // Returns status
int [0,99]; // Path layer (LAY1)
double ]0.0,[; // Path width (STD2)
ar_storepath function generates a trace on the currently loaded layout or part using the specified placement parameters. The trace polygon points are taken from the internal polygon point list previously stored with
bae_storepoint. The function returns zero if the trace has been successfully generated, (-1) on invalid environment, (-2) on missing and/or invalid parameters or (-3) if the point list is invalid.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
ar_storeuref - Place Autorouter unnamed reference (via or pad) (AR)
int ar_storeuref( // Returns status
string; // Library symbol name
double; // Reference X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Reference Y coordinate (STD2)
double; // Reference rotation angle (STD3)
int; // Reference layer (LAY1)
int [0,1]; // Reference mirror (STD14)
ar_storeuref function stores an unnamed reference (via or pad) with the given placement parameters to the currently loaded layout element (layout, part or padstack). For vias, the reference mirror mode, the reference layer and the rotation angle are ignored. The function returns zero if the reference has been successfully placed, (-1) on wrong environment or missing/invalid parameters, (-2) if the reference cannot be loaded or (-3) if the reference data could not be copied to the current job file.
This function changes the current figure list and should be used carefully in
forall loops for iterating
L_FIGURE index variables to avoid unpredictable results on figure list access and prevent from running into endless loops.
C.4.4 CAM Processor Functions
The following
User Language system functions are assigned to caller type CAM; i.e., they can be called from the
CAM Processor interpreter environment of the
Bartels AutoEngineer:
cam_askplotlayer - CAM plot layer selection (CAM)
int cam_askplotlayer( // Returns status
& int; // Returns selected layer (LAY1)
cam_askplotlayer function activates a
CAM Processor layer selection menu. The function returns zero if a valid layer has been selected or (-1) if the layer selection has been aborted.
cam_getdblpar - Get CAM double parameter (CV)
int cam_getdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// [ 0 = System parameter; write-only access ]
// 1 = Pixel bitmap resolution (STD2)
// 2 = Last bitmap plot pixel ratio
& double; // Returns parameter value
cam_getdblpar function is used to query
CAM Processor double parameters previously set with
cam_setdblpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions cam_getintpar,
cam_getdrlaccuracy - CAM drill tool tolerance query (CAM)
double cam_getdrlaccuracy( // Drill tool tolerance (STD2)
cam_getdrlaccuracy function returns the
CAM Processor drill tool tolerance.
See also
cam_getgenpltparam - CAM general plot parameter query (CAM)
void cam_getgenpltparam(
& int; // Plot all layers off/on (1=on, 0=off)
& int; // Plot border off/on flag (1=on, 0=off)
& int; // Plot rotate off/on flag:
// 0 = rotate 0 degree
// 1 = rotate 90 degree left
& int; // Plot mirror mode (CAM1)
& int; // Plot markers off/on flag:
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
& double; // Plot accuracy (STD2)
& double; // Plot origin X coordinate (STD2)
& double; // Plot origin Y coordinate (STD2)
cam_getgenpltparam function returns the
CAM Processor general plot parameters.
cam_getgerberapt - CAM Gerber aperture definition query (CAM)
int cam_getgerberapt( // Returns status
int [1,900]; // Aperture table index
& int; // Aperture D-code:
// 10..999 = valid D-codes
// (-1) = aperture not defined
& int; // Aperture type:
// 0 = special aperture
// 1 = round aperture
// 2 = square aperture
// 3 = thermal aperture (heat trap)
// 4 = rectangular aperture
& int; // Aperture drawing mode:
// 0 = aperture for all drawing modes
// 1 = aperture for flash structures
// 2 = aperture for line structures
& double; // Aperture dimension/X size (STD2)
& double; // Aperture dimension/Y size (STD2)
cam_getgerberapt function gets the definition of the Gerber aperture stored at the given table index of the aperture table currently loaded to the
CAM Processor. A D-code of (-1) is returned if there is no aperture defined at the specified table position. The function returns nonzero on missing or invalid parameters.
cam_getgerberparam - CAM Gerber plot parameter query (CAM)
void cam_getgerberparam(
& string; // Gerber plot file name
& double; // Gerber standard line width (STD2)
& int; // Gerber format (CAM4)
& int; // Optimized Gerber output mode:
// 0 = Optimization off
// 1 = Optimization on
& int; // Gerber fill mode:
// 0 = line fill
// 1 = multi-aperture fill
// 2 = G36/G37 fill
& int; // Gerber arc output mode:
// 0 = use arc interpolation
// 1 = use Gerber I/J arc commands
& int; // Extended Gerber (RS-274-X) mode:
// 0 = no Extended Gerber
// 1 = Extended Gerber with
// standard aperture table
// 2 = Extended Gerber with
// dynamic aperture table
cam_getgerberparam function returns the
CAM Processor Gerber plot parameters.
cam_gethpglparam - CAM HP-GL plot parameter query (CAM)
void cam_gethpglparam(
& string; // HP-GL plot file name
& double; // HP-GL plot scaling factor
& double; // HP-GL plotter speed (-1.0=full speed)
& double; // HP-GL plotter pen width (STD2)
& int; // HP-GL plot area fill mode:
// 0 = fill off
// 1 = fill on
cam_gethpglparam function returns the
CAM Processor HP-GL plot parameters.
cam_getintpar - Get CAM integer parameter (CAM)
int cam_getintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Top layer color code
// 1 = Heat trap base angle
// 2 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: not used in CAM Processor
// Bit 2: Suppress variant mismatch warnings
// 3 = Area mirror visibility mode:
// 0 = Normal area mirror visibility
// 1 = Disable area mirror visibility
// 4 = Last pixel plot result type:
// -1 = No pixel plot yet
// 0 = Board outline pixel ratio
// 1 = Element borders pixel ratio
// 5 = Last pixel plot total pixel count
// 6 = Last pixel plot copper pixel count
// 7 = Generic printer scale mode:
// 0 = Fixed scale factor
// 1 = Scale to paper size
// 8 = Flag - Color table saved
// 9 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 10 = Bitmap outline milling mode:
// 0 = No Milling
// 1 = Draw filled outline with millings
// 11 = Generic printer drawing mode:
// 0 = Set Color
// 1 = Merge Color
// 12 = Batch output flag
// 13 = Drill tool table optimization flag
// 14 = Plot preview mode:
// 0 = 0 = None
// 1 = 1 = Plotter pen width
& int; // Returns parameter value
cam_getintpar function is used to query
CAM Processor integer parameters previously set with
cam_setintpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions cam_getdblpar,
cam_getplotlaycode - CAM plot layer code query (CAM)
int cam_getplotlaycode( // Returns HP-GL plot pen number (CAM4)
int; // Layer number (LAY1)
cam_getplotlaycode function returns the layer-specific HP-GL plot pen number currently selected for multilayer plots. The layer-specific HP-GL pen number is also used for non-HP-GL multilayer plots where positive pen numbers denote layers currently selected for output and negative pen numbers denote layers not selected for output.
See also
cam_getpowpltparam - CAM power layer plot parameter query (CAM)
void cam_getpowpltparam(
& double; // Min. distance heat-trap to drill (STD2)
& double; // Min. distance isolation to drill (STD2)
& double; // Tolerance heat-trap to drill (STD2)
& double; // Tolerance isolation to drill (STD2)
& double; // Power layer border width (STD2)
& double; // Power plane isolation width (STD2)
cam_getpowpltparam function returns the
CAM Processor power layer plot parameters.
cam_getwidedraw - CAM wide line display start width query (CAM)
double cam_getwidedraw( // Returns width value (STD2)
cam_getwidedraw function returns the
CAM Processor wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons.
cam_plotgerber - CAM Gerber photo plot output (CAM)
int cam_plotgerber( // Returns status
int; // Gerber plot layer (LAY1)
string; // Gerber plot file name
double [0.00001,0.01]; // Gerber standard line width (STD2)
double ]0.00000000053,[;// Gerber plotter unit length (CAM2)
int [0,1]; // Optimized Gerber output mode:
// 0 = Optimization off
// 1 = Optimization on
int [0,2]; // Gerber fill mode:
// 0 = line fill
// 1 = multi-aperture fill
// 2 = G36/G37 fill
int [0,1]; // Gerber arc output mode:
// 0 = use arc interpolation
// 1 = use Gerber I/J arc commands
int [0,2]; // Extended Gerber (RS-274-X) mode:
// 0 = no Extended Gerber
// 1 = Extended Gerber with
// standard aperture table
// 2 = Extended Gerber with
// dynamic aperture table
int [0,1]; // Error highlight reset flag:
// 0 = keep error highlight
// 1 = de-highlight errors
& int; // Returns flashed structure count
& int; // Returns rect. filled structure count
& int; // Returns circle filled structure count
& int; // Returns multi filled structure count
& int; // Returns line filled structure count
& int; // Returns line drawn heat-traps count
& int; // Returns overdraw error count
cam_plotgerber function generates the Gerber photo plot data for the specified layer and writes it to a file. The function only sets the specified Gerber standard line width, fill mode, and arc output mode plot parameters and reset the error highlight, if no output file name is specified (empty string). The function returns zero for successfully generated plots, 1 for invalid plot parameter specifications (i.e., parameter out of range, no aperture for standard line width, etc.) or (-1) on plot errors. Plot overdraw errors are automatically highlighted.
cam_plothpgl - CAM HP-GL pen plot output (CAM)
int cam_plothpgl( // Returns status
int; // HP-GL plot layer (LAY1)
int [1,99]; // HP-GL pen number
string; // HP-GL plot file name
double [0.1,100]; // HP-GL scaling factor
double [-1.0,99]; // HP-GL speed ([centimetres/second]) or:
// -1.0 = full speed
double [0.00001,0.01]; // HP-GL pen width (STD2)
int [0,1]; // HP-GL area fill mode:
// 0 = fill off
// 1 = fill on
int [0,1]; // Error highlight reset flag:
// 0 = keep error highlight
// 1 = de-highlight errors
& int; // Returns overdraw error count
cam_plothpgl function generates the HP-GL pen plot data for the specified layer and writes it to a file. The function only sets the specified HP-GL plot parameters if no output file name is specified (empty string). The function returns zero for successfully generated plots or (-1) on plot errors or invalid plot parameter specifications. Plot overdraw errors are automatically highlighted.
cam_setdblpar - Set CAM double parameter (CAM)
int cam_setdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Add extra dynamic aperture width, 0.0 clear list (STD2)
// 1 = Pixel bitmap resolution (STD2)
// 2 = Last bitmap plot pixel ratio
double; // Parameter value
cam_setdblpar function is used to set
CAM Processor double system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
cam_getdblpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions cam_getdblpar,
cam_setdrlaccuracy - Set CAM drill tool tolerance (CAM)
int cam_setdrlaccuracy( // Returns status
double [0.0,0.01]; // Drill tool tolerance (STD2)
cam_getdrlaccuracy function sets the
CAM Processor drill tool tolerance. The function returns nonzero if invalid parameters are specified.
See also
cam_setgenpltparam - Set CAM general plot parameters (CAM)
int cam_setgenpltparam( // Returns status
int [0,4]; // Plot all layers off/on:
// 0 = all layer plot mode off
// 1 = all layer plot mode on
// 2 = plot connected pins/vias only
// 3 = plot all pins and connected vias
// 4 = plot all vias and connected pins
int [0,1]; // Plot border off/on flag:
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
int [0,1]; // Plot rotate off/on flag:
// 0 = rotate 0 degree
// 1 = rotate 90 degree left
int [0,5]; // Plot mirror mode (CAM1)
int [0,1]; // Plot markers off/on flag:
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
double [0.0,0.01]; // Plot accuracy (STD2)
double; // Plot origin X coordinate (STD2)
double; // Plot origin Y coordinate (STD2)
cam_setgenpltparam function sets the
CAM Processor general plot parameters. The function returns nonzero if invalid parameters are specified.
cam_setgerberapt - Set CAM Gerber aperture definition (CAM)
int cam_setgerberapt( // Returns status
int [1,900]; // Aperture table index
int; // Aperture D-code:
// 10..999 = valid D-codes
// (-1) = delete aperture
int [0,4]; // Aperture type:
// 0 = special aperture
// 1 = round aperture
// 2 = square aperture
// 3 = thermal aperture (heat trap)
// 4 = rectangular aperture
int [0,2]; // Aperture drawing mode:
// 0 = aperture for all drawing modes
// 1 = aperture for flash structures
// 2 = aperture for line structures
double [0.0,[; // Aperture dimension/X size (STD2)
double [0.0,[; // Aperture dimension/Y size (STD2)
cam_setgerberapt function sets the definition of the Gerber aperture at the given table index in the aperture table currently loaded to the
CAM Processor. A D-code value of (-1) resets the aperture definition at the specified table position. The aperture size is ignored for special aperture types. The function returns nonzero on missing or invalid parameters.
cam_setintpar - Set CAM integer parameter (CAM)
int cam_setintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// [ 0 = use bae_setcolor instead ]
// 1 = heat trap base angle
// 2 = Warning output mode:
// Bit 0: Supress SCM changed warnings
// Bit 1: not used in CAM Processor
// Bit 2: Suppress variant mismatch warnings
// [ 3 = System parameter - no write access ]
// [ 4 = System parameter - no write access ]
// [ 5 = System parameter - no write access ]
// [ 6 = System parameter - no write access ]
// 7 = Generic printer scale mode:
// 0 = Fixed scale factor
// 1 = Scale to paper size
// 8 = Flag - Color table saved
// 9 = Airline color mode:
// 0 = Use unroutes color
// 1 = Use layer color
// 10 = Bitmap outline milling mode:
// 0 = No Milling
// 1 = Draw filled outline with millings
// 11 = Generic printer drawing mode:
// 0 = Set Color
// 1 = Merge Color
// 12 = Batch output flag
// 13 = Drill tool table optimization flag
// 14 = Plot preview mode:
// 0 = 0 = None
// 1 = 1 = Plotter pen width
int; // Parameter value
cam_setintpar function is used to set
CAM Processor integer system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
cam_getintpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions cam_getdblpar,
cam_setplotlaycode - Set CAM plot layer code (CAM)
void cam_setplotlaycode(
int; // Layer number (LAY1)
int; // HP-GL plot pen number (CAM4)
cam_setplotlaycode function selects and/or sets the specified layer-specific HP-GL plot pen number for multilayer plots. The layer-specific HP-GL pen number is also used for non-HP-GL multilayer plots where positive pen numbers denote layers currently selected for output and negative pen numbers denote layers not selected for output.
See also
cam_setpowpltparam - Set CAM power layer plot parameters (CAM)
int cam_setpowpltparam( // Returns status
double [0.0,0.01]; // Min. distance heat-trap to drill (STD2)
double [0.0,0.01]; // Min. distance isolation to drill (STD2)
double [0.0,0.01]; // Tolerance heat-trap to drill (STD2)
double [0.0,0.01]; // Tolerance isolation to drill (STD2)
double [0.0,0.02]; // Power layer border width (STD2)
double [0.0,0.02]; // Power plane isolation width (STD2)
cam_setpowpltparam function sets the
CAM Processor power plot parameters. The function returns nonzero if invalid plot parameters are specified.
cam_setwidedraw - Set CAM wide line display start width (CAM)
int cam_setwidedraw( // Returns status
double ]0.0,[; // Input width value (STD2)
cam_setwidedraw function sets the current
CAM Processor wide line display start width, i.e., the minimum trace width for displaying traces like filled polygons. The function returns nonzero if an invalid width value is specified.
C.4.5 CAM View Functions
The following
User Language system functions are assigned to caller type CV; i.e., they can be called from the
CAM View interpreter environment of the
Bartels AutoEngineer:
cv_aptgetcolor - Get CAM View aperture color (CV)
int cv_aptgetcolor( // Color value (STD18)
int; // Aperture index
int; // Aperture mode
cv_aptgetcolor function returns the color value which is currently assigned in
CAM View for displaying the specified Gerber aperture type.
See also
Function cv_aptsetcolor.
cv_aptsetcolor - Set CAM View aperture color (CV)
int cv_aptsetcolor( // Returns status
int; // Aperture index
int; // Aperture mode
int [-33554432,33554431];
// Color value (STD18)
cv_aptsetcolor function sets the color value to be used in
CAM View for displaying the specified Gerber aperture type. The function returns zero if the assignment was successful or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Function cv_aptgetcolor.
cv_deldataset - Delete CAM View data set (CV)
int cv_deldataset( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Data set index
cv_deldataset function removes the specified
CAM View data set from the workspace. The function returns zero if the operation was successfully completed or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Function cv_movedataset.
cv_getdblpar - Get CAM View double parameter (CV)
int cv_getdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Input X offset (STD2)
// 1 = Input Y offset (STD2)
// 2 = Heat trap isolation width (STD2)
// 3 = Wide line display start width (STD2)
// 4 = Length of one Gerber plotter unit (STD2)
& double; // Returns parameter value
cv_getdblpar function is used to query
CAM View double parameters previously set with
cv_setdblpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions cv_getintpar,
cv_getintpar - Get CAM View integer parameter (CV)
int cv_getintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Gerber import layer selection mode:
// 0 = Assume single flash and line input layer
// 1 = Select both flash and line input layer
// 1 = Gerber layer query:
// 0 = Layer not used
// 1 = Layer used
// 2 = Display color table/assignment:
// 0 = Aperture color table/assignment
// 1 = Layer color table/assignment
// 3 = Area display mode:
// 0 = Filled display
// 1 = Outline display
// 4 = Via D-Code
// 5 = Heat trap base angle
// 6 = Gerber Optimization:
// 0 = Coordinate optimization off
// 1 = Coordinate optimization on
// 7 = Gerber Circle/Arc Mode:
// 0 = Arbitrary Gerber arc angles
// 1 = Max. 90 Gerber arc angles
// 8 = Input Mirror Mode:
// 0 = Mirroring Off
// 1 = Mirroring at X-Axis
// 2 = Mirroring at Y-Axis
// 3 = Mirroring at Origin
// 9 = Zero Supression Mode:
// 0 = Suppress leading zeros
// 1 = Suppress trailing zeros
// 10 = Extended Gerber:
// 0 = Extended Gerber (Header) off
// 1 = Extended Gerber (Header) on
// 11 = Gerber Coordinate Specification:
// 0 = Absolute Coordinates
// 1 = Incremental Coordinates with Reset
// 2 = Incremental Coordinates without Reset
// 12 = Gerber Documentary Layer Mode
// 0 = Flashes as Documentary Line
// 1 = Flashes as Documentary Area
& int; // Returns parameter value
cv_getintpar function is used to query
CAM View int parameters previously set with
cv_setintpar. The functions returns zero if the query was successful or (-1) otherwise.
See also
Functions cv_getdblpar,
cv_movedataset - Move CAM View data set (CV)
int cv_movedataset( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Data set index
int; // Data set movement mirror flag
double; // Data set movement X offset (STD2)
double; // Data set movement Y offset (STD2)
cv_movedataset function moves (and mirrors) the specified
CAM View data set using the specified offset parameters. The function returns zero if the operation was successfully completed or nonzero otherwise.
See also
Function cv_deldataset.
cv_setdblpar - Set CAM View double parameter (CV)
int cv_setdblpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Input X offset (STD2)
// 1 = Input Y offset (STD2)
// 2 = Heat trap isolation width (STD2)
// 3 = Wide line display start width (STD2)
// 4 = Length of one Gerber plotter unit (STD2)
double; // Parameter value
cv_setdblpar function is used to set
CAM View double system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
cv_getdblpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions cv_getdblpar,
cv_setintpar - Set CAM View integer parameter (CV)
int cv_setintpar( // Returns status
int [0,[; // Parameter type/number:
// 0 = Gerber import layer selection mode:
// 0 = Assume single flash and line input layer
// 1 = Select both flash and line input layer
// 1 = Gerber layer usage:
// Read-only parameter!
// 2 = Display color table/assignment:
// 0 = Aperture color table/assignment
// 1 = Layer color table/assignment
// 3 = Area display mode:
// 0 = Filled display
// 1 = Outline display
// 4 = Via D-Code
// 6 = Gerber Optimization:
// 0 = Coordinate optimization off
// 1 = Coordinate optimization on
// 7 = Gerber Circle/Arc Mode:
// 0 = Arbitrary Gerber arc angles
// 1 = Max. 90 Gerber arc angles
// 8 = Input Mirror Mode:
// 0 = Mirroring Off
// 1 = Mirroring at X-Axis
// 2 = Mirroring at Y-Axis
// 3 = Mirroring at Origin
// 9 = Zero Supression Mode:
// 0 = Suppress leading zeros
// 1 = Suppress trailing zeros
// 10 = Extended Gerber:
// 0 = Extended Gerber (Header) off
// 1 = Extended Gerber (Header) on
// 11 = Gerber Coordinate Specification:
// 0 = Absolute Coordinates
// 1 = Incremental Coordinates with Reset
// 2 = Incremental Coordinates without Reset
// 12 = Gerber Documentary Layer Mode
// 0 = Flashes as Documentary Line
// 1 = Flashes as Documentary Area
int; // Parameter value
cv_setintpar function is used to set
CAM View integer system parameters. The function returns zero if the parameter assignment was successful, or (-1) otherwise. The
cv_getintpar function can be used to query parameter values set with
See also
Functions cv_getdblpar,
PCB Design System Functions © 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 20 November 2007, 12:29 [UTC]