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4.1 General
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4.3 Designing PCB Layouts
4.4 Autoplacement
4.5 Autorouter
4.6 Special Layout Features
4.7 CAM Processor
4.8 CAM View
4.8.1 Starting the CAM View Module
4.8.2 CAM View Main Menu
4.8.3 Customized CAM View User Interface
4.8.4 In-built CAM View System Features
4.8.5 Processing Gerber Data
4.8.6 Processing Drilling and Milling Data
4.8.7 Retrieving Layouts from Gerber Data
5 IC/ASIC Design
6 Rule System
7 Utilities
BAE Libraries
User Language Programmer's Guide
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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: PCB Design :: CAM View
Bartels AutoEngineer® - User Manual

4.8 CAM View

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

The CAM View module provides features for displaying Gerber data ("Gerber View"), Sieb&Meier and/or Excellon drilling data and Excellon milling data in order to check CAM data validity and to estimate the efficiency of tool usage. CAM View features multiple input, selective data set movement and sorted output with variable offsets, optional mirroring and adjustable aperture tables, thus supporting panelization. CAM View also provides a powerful function for translating Gerber data to BAE layout design data, i.e., with CAM View the user is able to import Gerber data produced by foreign PCB layout systems.


4.8.1 Starting the CAM View Module

It is recommended to start the Bartels AutoEngineer from the directory where the design files should be generated since this considerably simplifies job file access. If you intend to process the examples provided with this manual it is recommended to move to the BAE examples directory installed with the BAE software. The CAM View module can be called from the Bartels AutoEngineer main shell. Start the BAE shell by typing the following command to the operating system prompt:

> bae Return/Enter Key (CR)

Move the menu cursor to the CAM View menu item and confirm this choice by pressing the left mouse button:

CAM ViewLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

The CAM View program module is loaded and the CAM View menu is activated. If this fails to happen then check your BAE software installation (see the Bartels AutoEngineer® Installation Guide for details on how to perform a correct installation).


4.8.2 CAM View Main Menu

The CAM View standard/sidemenu user interface provides a menu area on the right side, consisting of the main menu on top and the currently active menu below that main menu. After entering CAM View, the Files menu is active and the menu cursor points to the Load Gerber Data function.

The Windows and Motif versions of the CAM View module can optionally be operated with a pull-down menu user interface providing a horizontally arranged main menu bar on top. The WINMENUMODE command of the bsetup utility program is used to switch between SIDEMENU and PULLDOWN Windows/Motif menu configurations. See chapter 7.2 for more details.

The following main menu is always available whilst processing CAM data with CAM View:



The View or Display menu can either be activated by selecting the corresponding main menu item or by pressing the middle mouse button. The View or Display menu provides useful functions for changing display options such as zoom window, zoom scale, input and display grid, color settings, drawing mode, coordinate display mode, etc.


The File menu provides functions for loading, moving and writing Gerber, drilling or milling data sets, for generating layouts from Gerber data and for deleting the currently loaded CAM data from main memory.


The Parameter menu provides functions for setting input offsets and mirror modes for subsequent data load processes, defining the via D-Code for generating layouts from Gerber data, selecting the Gerber format, the circle mode, the coordinate format, and activating and/or deactivating Extended Gerber format or Gerber optimization when loading and/or writing Gerber data.


The Utilities menu provides functions for exiting BAE, returning to the BAE main shell, sorting drill data, reporting aperture usage and listing DDB file contents.


4.8.3 Customized CAM View User Interface

Menu Assignments and Key Bindings

The BAE software comes with User Language programs for activating a modified CAM View user interface with many additional functions (startups, toolbars, menu assignments, key bindings, etc.). The bae_st User Language program is automatically started when entering the CAM View module. bae_st calls the uifsetup User Language program which activates predefined CAM View menu assignments and key bindings. Menu assignments and key bindings can be changed by modifiying and re-compiling the uifsetup source code. The hlpkeys User Language program is used to list the current key bindings. With the predefined menu assignments of uifsetup activated, hlpkeys can be called from the Key Bindings function of the Help menu. Menu assignments and key bindings can be listed with the uifdump User Language program. The uifreset User Language program can be used to reset all currently defined menu assignments and key bindings. uifsetup, uifdump and uifreset can also be called from the menu of the keyprog User Language program which provides additional facilities for online key programming and User Language program help info management.

Cascading Windows/Motif Pulldown Menus

The Windows and Motif pulldown menu user interfaces of the CAM View module provide facilities for cascading submenu definitions. I.e., submenus can be attached to other menu items. The uifsetup User Language program configures cascading submenus for the pulldown menu interfaces of the Windows/Motif CAM View modules. This allows for easy submenu function location (and activation) without having to activate (and probably cancel) submenus. The function repeat facility provided through the right mouse button supports cascading menus to simplify repeated submenu function calls.

Windows/Motif Parameter Setup Dialogs

The following Windows/Motif parameter setup dialogs are implemented for the CAM View module:

  • Settings - Settings: General CAM View Parameters
  • View - Settings: Display Parameters

The uifsetup User Language program replaces the parameter setup functions of the Windows and Motif pulldown menus with the above menu functions for activating the corresponding parameter setup dialogs.

Windows/Motif Pulldown Menu Konfiguration

When using pulldown menus under Windows and Motif, the uifsetup User Language program configures the following modified CAM View main menu with a series of additional functions and features:


4.8.4 In-built CAM View System Features

User Language

The Bartels User Language Interpreter is integrated to the CAM View module, i.e., User Language programs can be called from CAM View. It is possible to implement any user-specific CAM View function required such as status display, parameter setup, reports and test functions, customer-specific batch procedures, etc.

CAM View provides both explicit and implicit User Language program call facilities. User Language programs can be started with explicit program name specification using the Run User Script function from the File menu (empty string or question-mark (?) input to the program name query activates a User Language program selection menu).

User Language programs can also be called by simply pressing special keys of the keyboard. This method of implicit User Language call is supported at any time unless another interactive keyboard input request is currently pending. The name of the User Language program to be called is automatically derived from the pressed key, i.e. pressing a standard and/or function key triggers the activation of a User Language program with a corresponding name such as cv_1 for digit key 1, cv_r for standard key r, cv_# for standard key #, cv_f1 for function key F1, cv_f2 for function key F2, etc.

The CAM View User Language Interpreter environment also features event-driven User Language program calls, where User Language programs with predefined names are automatically started at certain events and/or operations such as cv_st at CAM View module startup, cv_tool when selecting a toolbar item and cv_zoom when changing the zoom factor. The module startup User Language program call method is most useful for automatic system parameter setup as well as for key programming and menu assignments. The toolbar selection event must be used to start User Language programs which are linked to toolbar elements. The zoom event can be used to apply an update request to a design view management feature.

Bartels User Language also provides system functions for performing key programming, changing menu assignments and defining toolbars. These powerful features can be applied for user interface modifications. Please note that a large number of additional functions included with the CAM View menu are implemented through the User Language programs supplied with the BAE software.

See the Bartels User Language Programmer's Guide for a detailed description of the Bartels User Language (chapter 4.2 lists all User Language programs provided with the BAE software).


4.8.5 Processing Gerber Data

General Parameters

The Input Offset, Gerber Format, Circle Mode, Mirror Mode, Trailing/Leading Zeros, Extended Gerber, Optimization and Coord.-Spec. functions from the Settings menu are used to set global parameters for loading and/or writing Gerber and/or drilling/milling data sets.

The input offset is added to the input coordinates when loading CAM data. Different input offsets can be specified to load the same layout at different positions, and, subsequently, the whole data can be written to Gerber and/or drill data output files to support panelization. CAM View can hold Gerber data from different layers and drill data in main memory at the same time. I.e., only one input offset specification is required for each panel element. The Clear Memory function from the File menu can be used to delete previously loaded CAM data from memory before loading new CAM data for panelization.

The Gerber Format function from the Settings menu is used to specify the Gerber format for loading and/or writing Gerber data. The default option Gerber 2.3 Format selects 1/1000 inch integer units. Option Gerber 2.4 Format selects 1/10000 inch integer units. With option Other Format the user is prompted for the length of one plotter unit, thus supporting arbitrary Gerber format specifications.

The Circle Mode function from the Settings menu is used to select the mode of processing arc segments when loading Gerber data. With the All Arc Values default option, arbitrary arc definitions can be loaded without modification. This is valid for the Gerber data generated by the BAE CAM Processor and most of the known foreign systems. Some foreign systems can only generate arcs of up to 90 degrees where the length of the arc center point vector is also specified. In this case, the Max. 90 Degree Arcs option of the Circle Mode function is only furnished for correct Gerber data processing.

The Mirror Mode function from the Settings menu is used for optionally mirroring the input data set(s) to be subsequently loaded. The mirror modes provided with the Mirror Mode function are Mirroring Off (default), Mirror at X-Axis, Mirror at Y-Axis and Mirror at Origin, respectively. Note that input data mirroring is always done before any input data offset specification applies.

The Trailing/Leading Zeros function from the Settings menu is used to specify whether Gerber coordinate specifications are to be interpreted with trailing and/or leading zeros suppressed. On default, the Trailing Zeros mode for expecting trailing zeros and suppressing leading zeros is used. The Leading Zeros mode for suppressing trailing zeros and expecting leading zeros is only valid with Gerber Format 2.3 and Gerber Format 2.4, i.e., any other Gerber format specification defaults to the Trailing Zeros mode.

The Extended Gerber function can be used for optionally generating RS-274-X format Gerber output (Extended Gerber with Embedded Apertures). On input, RS-274-X Gerber format is automatically recognized by CAM View.

The Optimization function can be used for optionally generating optimized Gerber output with redundant D01 ("light off") plotter control commands eliminated, thus significantly reducing the amount of Gerber output plot data. On input, optimized Gerber data is automatically recognized by CAM View.

The Coord.-Spec. function can be used to select the coordinate input mode for Gerber and/or Excellon data load operations. With the Abs. Coordinates option, input coordinates are assumed to be absolute, whilst with option Inc. Coordinates, input coordinates are assumed to be relative and/or incremental.

Aperture Tables

For correctly loading and displaying Gerber data the same aperture table is required as was used when generating the Gerber plot. Both the CAM Processor and the CAM View module provide functions for the definition and administration of Gerber aperture tables. Aperture tables are stored to the cam.dat system file in the BAE programs directory. The aperture table named standard is loaded automatically when starting CAM View. The Load Aperture Table function from the File menu can be used to load any other aperture table available in cam.dat. The Edit Aperture Table function from the Settings menu can be used to change aperture definitions in the currently loaded aperture table. The Load Aperture Table and Edit Aperture Table functions can also be used after loading Gerber data, which would cause a Gerber data display update according to changed aperture definitions. The Save Aperture Table function from the File menu can be used to save the currently loaded aperture table with a selectable name to the cam.dat system file.

Use the following commands to define a round line aperture with 0.3mm diameter and D-Code 10 at aperture table index 1:

Edit Aperture TableLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber Aperture Table Index (1..900,+,-) ?1 Return/Enter Key (CR)
Aperture (R)ound/S(Q)uare/(T)hermal/(S)pecial/(A)rea/(-) ?r Return/Enter Key (CR)
Aperture Diameter/Side Length (0.127mm) ?0.3 Return/Enter Key (CR)
Drawing Mode (A)ll/(F)lash/(L)ine ?l Return/Enter Key (CR)
Gerber D-Code Number (10-999) ?10 Return/Enter Key (CR)
Gerber Aperture Table Index (1..900,+,-) ? Return/Enter Key (CR)

Loading Gerber Data

The Load Gerber Data function from the File menu is used to load Gerber photoplot data files. The user is prompted for the Gerber plot file name after specifying layers for line drawn structures and flashed structures, respectively. The line draw and flash layer assignment is required by the features for decoding Gerber data to BAE layout data (see below). Gerber input layer assignments can also be utilized for panelization where Gerber data from different layers must be written to separate data files.

Layer assignments can also be used for comparing different Gerber file versions of the same layout. When loading different Gerber files versions to different layers, then the common structures are displayed with mixed colors resulting from the colors assigned to the input layers (if the Layer Assignment option is selected with the Color Assignment function from the View menu).

Use the following commands to select Gerber format 2.4, and load the Gerber plot file demo_l2.ger which has been generated in chapter 4.7.11 (select layer 2 for both the line drawn and the flashed structures):

SettingsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber FormatLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber 2.4 FormatLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Load Gerber DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer 2Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer 2Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Plot File Name ?demo_l2.ger Return/Enter Key (CR)

Use the following commands to repeat the Gerber load from above with an input offset of 3.2 inch in X direction:

SettingsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Input OffsetLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
X-Offset (0.000 mm) ?3.2" Return/Enter Key (CR)
Y-Offset (0.000 mm) ?0 Return/Enter Key (CR)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Load Gerber DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer 2Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer 2Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Plot File Name ?demo_l2.ger Return/Enter Key (CR)

View, Display

The View menu provides functions for changing general display options such as zoom window, zoom scale, display grid, color settings, etc.

The Display Mode function is used to select the mode for displaying Gerber data. The Display Areas Only default option displays structures as pure areas. Option Display Outlines also displays aperture outlines, thus providing most information about how areas have been filled.

The Color Assignment function is used to select the mode of color assignment. With default option D-Code Assignment colors can be assigned to D-Codes and aperture drawing modes. With option Layer Assignment colors can be assigned to layers.

The Change Colors function operates according to the current Color Assignment. With Layer Assignment, the Change Colors function provides a layer selection menu. With D-Code Assignment, the Change Colors function prompts for a D-Code number and a drawing mode, where f (Flash) selects flashed structures, l (Line) selects line drawn structures and b (Border) selects drawing area outlines. The default D-Code color setup is light gray for flashed structures, gray for line drawn structures and red for border lines.

Use the following commands to select the yellow color for the line drawn structures which have been generated using D-Code 10:

ViewLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Color AssignmentLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
D-Code AssignmentLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Change ColorsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber D-Code Number (10-999) ?10 Return/Enter Key (CR)
Mode (f)lash/(l)ine/(b)order ?l Return/Enter Key (CR)
Move to Desired Color,yellowLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Black color assignments can be used to suppress the display of selected elements.


The Report function from the Utilities menu provides a statistical report on what apertures and/or D-Codes are how often used for what kind of structures.

Use the following commands to activate the Report function:

UtilitiesLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
ReportLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

After activating the command above the following listing should appear in the graphic workarea:

D10  0.30 mm  Rnd. :
      Lines   : 58
D11  0.25 mm  Rnd. :
      Lines   : 454
D16  1.52 mm  Rnd. :
      Flashed : 64
D18  2.54 mm  Rnd. :
      Flashed : 16
      Lines   : 4
D29  1.40 mm  Sqr. :
      Flashed : 20 ...

Structures reported with a Lines of length zero mode are unexposed Gerber coordinates.

Moving Gerber Data

The Move Data Set function from the File menu can be used for moving previously loaded Gerber data sets. The data to be moved can be selected from a popup menu where available data sets are listed according to the load sequence. Each data set entry of the popup menu displays the layer(s), the offset to origin, the mirror mode and the input data file name. After selecting the desired data set, the user must specify the movement vector by selecting the start and end point of the movement. During these selections, the input grid corresponds with the current display grid settings. Pressing the right mouse button during data set movement activates a context menu with functions for performing absolute and/or relative jumps.

Writing Gerber Data

The Save Gerber Data function from the File menu is used to write currently loaded Gerber data of a selectable layer to a named file.

Use the following commands to select Gerber format 2.3, and write the Gerber data currently loaded to layer 2 to a Gerber file named demo_l2.g25:

SettingsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber FormatLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Gerber 2.3 FormatLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save Gerber DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer 2Left Mouse Button (LMB)
Plot File Name ?demo_l2.g25 Return/Enter Key (CR)

The Clear Memory function from the File menu is used to delete the currently loaded data from memory and to re-initialize the display to prepare for loading other data. Use the following commands to clear the memory:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Clear MemoryLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

4.8.6 Processing Drilling and Milling Data

Loading Drilling/Milling Data

The Load Drill Data function from the File menu is used to load drilling and/or milling data. The Load Tool Table function for loading a drill tool table must be applied before loading Sieb&Meier drill data; otherwise the Load Drill Data function issues a No tool table loaded! error. Take care that the tool table corresponds with the drill data to ensure complete and correct drill data management. Note that the Load Tool Table function deletes previously loaded drill data from memory.

The Load Drill Data function allows for the selection of either Sieb&Meier or Excellon format. Both input units and processing of trailing and/or leading spaces are automatically derived from the input data file. The current Gerber input parameter and/or format specifications are automatically used for input data not providing corresponding format commands. Excellon input Inch unit specifications are processed using the currently selected Gerber format (Gerber Format 2.3, Gerber Format 2.4, etc.).

The function for loading Excellon data features automatic milling data recognition, i.e., Excellon milling data is automatically recognized and/or processed. With Excellon output function the output data type (i.e., either drilling data or milling data) must be specified since each drill class can contain both milling and drilling data.

The drilling and/or milling data sets are loaded and saved with drill class specification, respectively. It is possible to load drilling and/or milling data sets with different drill classes and to generate drilling and/or milling data output with selectable drill classes. With milling data the drill class can be used to differ between plated and non-plated. Drill holes and milling puncture points not assigned to the standard (-) drill class are indicated with the corresponding drill class letter (A, B, ..., Z).

The Load Drill Data function automatically activates the color table entry for the drilling data display. This color table entry is set to white if it is still undefined (i.e., black and/or invisible). This ensures that drilling data load operations can be visually monitored.

Use the following commands to load the Sieb&Meier drill data file demo.drl to drill class - using the corresponding drill tool table demo.tol (see also chapter 4.7.12, where these files have been generated):

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Load Tool TableLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Tool Table File Name ?demo.tol Return/Enter Key (CR)
Load Drill DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Drill Data File Name ?demo.drl Return/Enter Key (CR)
New drill class (-,A..Z) (-) ?- Return/Enter Key (CR)
Sieb & MeierLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

View, Display

Currently loaded drilling and/or milling data can be displayed using the layer color assignment with a non-black color (e.g., white) selected for the drill holes, as in:

ViewLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Color AssignmentLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Layer AssignmentLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Change ColorsLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Drill HolesLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Move to Desired Color,whiteLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
ExitLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Moving Drilling/Milling Data

The Move Data Set function from the File menu can be used for moving previously loaded drilling and/or milling data sets. The data to be moved can be selected from a popup menu where available data sets are listed according to the load sequence. Each data set entry of the popup menu displays the layer(s), the offset to origin, the mirror mode and the input data file name. After selecting the desired data set the user must specify the movement vector by selecting the start and end point of the movement. During these selections, the input grid corresponds with the current display grid settings. Pressing the right mouse button during data set movement activates a context menu with functions for performing absolute and/or relative jumps.

Writing Drilling/Milling Data

The Save Drill Data function from the File menu is used to write currently loaded drilling and/or milling data to a named file.

Use the following commands to write the currently loaded drilling data in Excellon format with drill class - to output file demo.exc:

FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save Drill DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Drill Data File Name ?demo.exc Return/Enter Key (CR)
New drill class (-,A..Z) (-) ?- Return/Enter Key (CR)
ExcellonLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Drill DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)

Sorting Drill Data

The Sort Drill Data function from the Utilities menu is used to activate an algorithm for sorting the currently loaded drill data to minimize the distances between subsequent drill holes. Note that Sort Drill Data performs separate sorting on each of the currently loaded drilling data sets. Overall sort on multiple drill data sets can be applied by loading all data sets, save them as single data set, clear the memory, reload the single data set and run the Sort Drill Data function on the reloaded data set. Note also that the complexity of the drill sort algorithm grows quadratically with the number of drillings per tool, thus raising CPU time requirements enormously when working on large layouts and/or panels (>1000 drill holes).

Use the following commands to sort the currently loaded drill data, and write the sorted drill data to a file named demosort.drl:

UtilitiesLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Sort Drill DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
FileLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Save Drill DataLeft Mouse Button (LMB)
Drill Data File Name ?demosort.drl Return/Enter Key (CR)

4.8.7 Retrieving Layouts from Gerber Data

Loading Gerber Data

All of the required Gerber data must be loaded to the CAM View module before generating a layout from that Gerber data. When loading Gerber data for layout generation, the line drawn structures should be loaded to their respective layers whilst the flashed structures can be loaded to either signal layers or documentary layers. In most cases it is advisable to load the flashed structures onto documentary layers since flashed structures usually represent pads which, when placed on signal layers, would create redundant copper at the layout pin positions once the corresponding parts are loaded. Pad info retrieved from the flashed structures should rather serve as an aid for placing the parts on the layout. It is a good idea to select a special documentary layer such as Part Groups for loading flashed structures. Certain documentary Gerber plots such as the Insertion Plan can also be loaded to the corresponding BAE documentary layer to support subsequent part placement procedures.

Creating a Layout

After loading all Gerber data to CAM View, the Create Layout function from the File menu can be used to generate a layout from that Gerber data. With the Create Layout function first a via D-Code must be specified. Use the Report function and/or appropriate D-Code color assignments to find out which D-Code is used for vias. Flashed structures generated with the specified via D-Code are translated to via definitions. Automatic via translation is only carried out for the first Gerber data input file to avoid multiple via placement at the same coordinates. The Create Layout function automatically generates a via padstack using an all layer pad with the size of the selected via aperture and a drill hole with half that aperture size.

After specifying the via D-Code, the Create Layout function prompts for the file and element name where the layout should be written to. Note that Create Layout overwrites previously existing layout elements (nevertheless, you can use the Layout Editor group functions to mix different layouts retrieved from Gerber data).

Further Layout Processing

The sequence of the following operations is crucial for the creation of valid layout data.

After successfully running the Create Layout function from the CAM View File menu, you should return to the BAE main menu (use function Main Menu from the File menu) and start the Layout Editor. Within the Layout Editor you should load the layout and place all of the required parts (use the Add New Part function from the Parts menu). Note that User Language programs can be used for automatic placement instead of interactive placement if placement data ASCII files are available with appropriate formats. After completing the placement the layout should be saved, and then the Back Netlist function from the Utilities menu should be used to generate a net list with the same file and element names as were specified when creating the layout. Back Netlist generates a net list from the copper placed on the currently loaded layout. However, Back Netlist works only on DDB file level, i.e., it won't change the currently loaded net list. You should re-load the layout immediately after running Back Netlist (refrain from activating any function which could store the still empty net list currently held in main memory). A connectivity generation is automatically carried out after re-loading the layout, and then the layout is ready for processing by the Bartels AutoEngineer.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: PCB Design :: CAM View

CAM View
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