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1 Introduction
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4 PCB Design
5 IC/ASIC Design
6 Rule System
6.1 General
6.2 Rule Definition
6.3 Rule System Applications
6.3.1 Circuit Design Rule System Applications
6.3.2 PCB Design Rule System Applications
6.4 Rule System Predicates
7 Utilities
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Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: Rule System :: Rule System Applications
Bartels AutoEngineer® - User Manual

6.3 Rule System Applications

Bartels AutoEngineer® Dokumentation

A series of advanced Bartels AutoEngineer features are implemented through the integrated Neural Rule System. This chapter describes the rule system applications provided with the Schematic Editor and the PCB layout system.


6.3.1 Circuit Design Rule System Applications

Antenna Highlight Mode

Assigning the scm_pin_drc rule on SCM sheet or project file level causes pins to be highlighted which only have a short single-segment connection. Usually such pins are highlighted to provide a function for fading out pins which are not to be connected. The scm_pin_drc rule is defined in the scm.rul rule definition file from the User Language directory (baeulc). The scmrule User Language program supports rule assignments to SCM paln elements and/or project files. scmrule can be called through Run User Script or through the Rule Attachment function from the Settings menu if uifsetup is activated.


The antenna highlight mode can only be activated if the scm.rul rule definition file (and thus the scm_pin_drc rule) has been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the scm_pin_drc rule must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise antenna highlight mode assignments won't work.

Bus Display Mode

Assigning the scm_bus_fill rule on SCM sheet level causes busses to be displayed and plotted in fill mode. The scm_bus_fill rule is defined in the scm.rul rule definition file from the User Language directory (baeulc). The scmrule User Language program can be used for assigning rules to SCM elements. The scmcon User Language program can be used for setting the desired bus display mode through the Outline Display and/or Filled Display option. scmcon can be called through Run User Script or through the Bus Display Mode function from the Connections menu if uifsetup is activated.


The bus display mode can only be set if the scm.rul rule definition file (and thus the scm_bus_fill rule) has been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the scm_bus_fill rule must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise bus display mode assignments won't work.

Text Visibility Control Text Classes

The Text Class function with the Text Assignment, Symbol Mask and Sheet Mask options from the Other Functions submenu of the Text menu. can be used to assign text classes for display and/or plot visibility control. The Text Assignment option activates a dialog box for assigning text classes to mouse selectable texts. The Symbol Mask option can be used on schematic plan level to fade-out texts of a specific text class from mouse-selectable symbols. The Sheet Mask option can be used to fade-out all schematic plan level texts of a specific text class. Each text can be assigned to different text classes. A text is faded-out if one its assigned text classes is faded-out. Texts without text class assignment are always visible.

A total of up to 31 different text classes are supported. Text class names can be optionally specified in the bae.ini file. The system assignes default text class names such as Class 1, Class 2 etc. if no text class names are defined in bae.ini.

Text classes can be used to increase the legibility of schematic plans by fading out less significant (symbol) attributes.

Text Visibility on Rotated Symbols

The scm_rot_vis_0, scm_rot_vis_90, scm_rot_vis_180 and scm_rot_vis_270 from the scm.rul rule definition file (see User Language directory baeulc). can be used to control text visibility on SCM symbol level depending on SCM symbol rotation on SCM sheet level. Texts with scm_rot_vis_0 rule assignments are only displayed on symbols with zero degree placement rotation angle on SCM sheet level, etc. These rules can be used to place and/or display symbol name and attribute value texts depending on symbol rotation modes. The Disolve Rotations and Combine Rotations options from the scmrule User Language program can be used for easy text rotation visibility rule assignments on SCM symbol level. Disolve Rotations creates four copies of the currently loaded symbol at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation angles, allowing for rotation-specific text editing. Combine Rotations copies the texts back to symbol and automatically attaches the corresponding rules to the modified texts. scmrule can be called through Run User Script or through the Rule Attachment function from the Settings menu if uifsetup is activated.


Rotation-specific text visibility modes mode can only be set if the scm.rul rule definition file including the scm_rot_vis_0, scm_rot_vis_90, scm_rot_vis_180 and scm_rot_vis_270 rules have been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the scm_rot_vis_* rules must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise text rotation visibility mode assignments won't work.

Pin Graphic Plot

On default, graphics (graphic lines, dotted lines, graphic areas) on pin marker level are not plotted. However, the scm_pin_marker_plot rule from the scm.rul rule definition file in the User Language directory (baeulc) can be assigned to the currently loaded SCM sheet to force plot output of pin marker graphics. The scmrule User Language program can be used for assigning rules to SCM elements.


The pin marker plot rule can only be set if the scm.rul rule definition file (and thus the scm_pin_marker_plot rule) has been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the scm_pin_marker_plot rule must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise pin marker graphic plot requests won't work.

Plot Elements Visibility Control

Plot visibility option are available in the Rule Attachment submenu of the Set Group Rules and Select Elements functions from the Settings menu. On default, all SCM elements except for comment texts and tag symbols are plotted. The Plot visibility option can be used to assign the Disable Plotting attribute to other elements. Plot-disabled elements are displayed on screen using the Variant Attributes color.

Plot visibility modes are saved with design variants, thus allowing for variant-specific plot outputs.


6.3.2 PCB Design Rule System Applications

Part Type specific Graphic and Text Display

Part type specific graphics and texts can be defined by assigning rules containing llnvis predicate value settings (Logical Library Name Visibility; for examples see the layout_llname_* rules in the layout.rul definition file of the User Language programs directory baeulc) to documentary layer polygons and/or texts on layout part level. These part elements are only displayed on layout level if the llnvis predicate value matches the part $llname (Logical Library Name) attribute value. This, e.g., allows for the definition of footprints (e.g., SMD s1206) with different insertion plan graphics for capacitors (e.g., $llname c) and resistors (e.g., $llname r).

Layout Placement Preferences

The rot0, rot90, rot180, rot270, mirroron and/or mirroroff rules from the partplc.rul rule definition file in the User Language directory (baeulc) can be assigned to parts, padstacks or pads to define placement preferences such as rotation and/or mirror modes for these elements. These rules are automatically considered by the manual and autoplacement functions from the Layout Editor and the Autorouter. After compiling the partplc.rul file with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp, the ldefmang User Language program can be used on part, padstack or pad level to set these rules.

Trace Edit Display Mode

The lay_edit_wide_filled, lay_edit_wide_outline and lay_edit_wide_filldist rules from the layout.rul rule definition file (see User Language programs directory baeulc) can be assigned to layouts to force unfilled or filled or filled wide trace segments display during manual routing. The Edit Display function from the gedtrace User Language program can be used for assigning one of the trace edit display modes Line Display (default trace segments line display), Filled Display (wide trace segments filled display), Outline Display (wide trace segments outline display), Fill & Distance (wide trace segments with minimum distance lines display) or Fill & DRC (wide trace segments with minimum distance lines display and DRC).

With Fill & DRC, traces are displayed as with Fill & Distance, however, a design rule check is activated during interactive routing, changing the distance line display color from trace color to white upon design rule violations. Elements of the currently processed net are excluded from the design rule check. The distance line indicates the DRC spacing between traces. I.e., it is possible for a distance line to cut a pad without a DRC error being displayed if the current trace to copper clearance setting is less than the trace to trace clearance setting.

gedtrace can be called through Run User Script or through Other Functions from the Traces menu if uifsetup is activated.


Trace edit display modes can only be set if the layout.rul rule definition file (and thus the lay_edit_wide_filled lay_edit_wide_outline rules) have been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the trace edit display mode rules must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise trace edit display mode assignments won't work.

Via Check Range for Manual Routing

A Layout Editor design rule check function for displaying valid via positions during manual routing can be activated with the Via Check Range function from the Other Functions submenu of the The via check range is specified in multiples of the currently selected input grid, with valid via check ranges from 1 to 5. A via check range of 1 only checks the current grid point, a via check range of two includes all grid points adjacent to the current grid point, thus totalling the via check area to 9 grid points, etc. Valid via positions are indicated through a small white circle with a diameter equal to the width of the currently routed trace, but not exceeding 40 percent of the input grid width. The via check is deactivated if the input grid is disabled or if the No Via Check option from the Via Check Range function is selected.

Dashed Polygon Line Display

Assigning one of the poly_dash1, poly_dash2 or poly_dash3 rules from the polygon.rul rule definition file (see User Language directory baeulc) to a documentary line cause the documentary line to be displayed in dash mode. poly_dash1 creates standard mode dash lines. poly_dash2 creates dashed lines with short line segments and long gaps. poly_dash3 creates alternating short and long lines separated by short gaps. The Dash Mode function from the gedpoly User Language program can be used for assigning dash modes to documentary lines or for resetting any previously assigned dash modes through the Straight Line option. gedgroup can be called through Run User Script or through the Other Functions function from the Areas menu if uifsetup is activated.


Documentary dash line modes can only be set if the polygon.rul rule definition file (and thus the poly_dash1, poly_dash2 and poly_dash3 rules) have been compiled with the Rule System Compiler rulecomp. rulecomp stores the compiled rules to the brules.vdb file in the BAE programs directory. I.e., the rules are not saved with the design. When transferring the design onto a different computer, the polygon dash rules must be transferred to this computer as well; otherwise documentary dash line mode assignments won't work.

Polygon Line Width

The Set Polygon Line Width function from the Other Functions submenu of the Areas Layout Editor menu can be used to assign individual line widths to selectable documentary lines and split power plane areas. Polygon-specific line widths are considered by the display and plot functions. The default line width of zero displays lines with one pixel width and uses the standard line width when plotting polygon lines.

Split power plane line width settings are considered by the connectivity. Any drill hole intersecting or touching a split power plane line is isolated from the corresponding power layer.

Text Line Width

The Set Text Plot Width option from the Other Functions submenu of the Text Layout Editor menu can be used to assign individual plot widths to selectable texts. Text-specific plot widths are considered by the display and plot functions. Default text plot width zero displays text with one pixel width and uses the standard line width when plotting texts.

Height DRC

The Height DRC function from the Other Functions submenu of the Layout Editor Parts menu can be used for part height design rule assignments. The Height Offset option is used to define part-specific DRC height offsets for selectable parts. The DRC height offset of a part is added to its keepout areas' height DRC specifications when performing part design rule checks. The vertical regions between the board surface and part-specific height DRC offsets is free for part placement, thus allowing to place parts underneath each other. The Check Exclude option can be used for selecting an alternate part to be excluded from the part height design rule check. This feature is useful for placing alternate parts at the same position for variable and/or exclusive insertion.

The Height DRC function for assigning polygon heights (option Height Specification) and polygon height limits (option Height Limit) to selectable documentary layer keepout areas is provided with the Other Functions submenu from the Areas Layout Editor menu. Height specifications are usually assigned to keepout areas on part level whilst keepout area height limits are usually specified on layout level. Intersecting keepout areas with height specifications are treated like documentary distance violations.

Height DRC errors are indicated using a rectangle with diagonal lines. Keepout areas with non-zero height limits are not checked against each other, and the Height Distance Violations entry for displaying the number of height design rule check violations has been added to the report generated by the Report function from the Layout Editor Utilities menu.

Copper Fill Net Assignments to Isolated Vias

The Set Fill Net function from the Via Functions submenu of the Layout Editor Traces menu can be used to assign copper fill default nets to group-selected vias. The automatic copper fill functions (see chapter 4.6.8) connect isolated vias with copper fill net assignments to corresponding net-specific copper fill areas. I.e., this feature can be used to force the generation of heat-traps in otherwise plain net-specific copper fill areas. Copper fill net assignments for vias with existing physical trace or copper connections to signal nets are ignored by the automatic copper fill routines.

Drill Hole Power Layer Assignments

The Other Functions submenu from the Text, Drill Layout Editor menu provides the Drill Power Layers and Drill Heat Traps functions for assigning drill hole to power layer connection preferences. The Drill Power Layers function can be used on padstack level for selecting the power layer(s) occupied by mouse-selectable drill holes. The Drill Heat Traps function can be used on padstack level for assigning power layer specific drill hole connection modes such as heat trap mode (default) or direct connection mode to mouse-selectable drill holes. Both functions allow for repeated drill hole selection and drill hole power layer settings assignment in a dialog box. User interfaces without dialog box support allow for power layer bit mask input.

Drill hole power layer and heat trap rule assignments are important for blind and buried via definitions and are considered by the facilities for connectivity generation, power layer display and CAM output.

Bartels :: Bartels AutoEngineer :: BAE Documentation :: BAE User Manual :: Rule System :: Rule System Applications

Rule System Applications
© 1985-2025 Oliver Bartels F+E • Updated: 09 November 2013, 19:25 [UTC]

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Regelsystemanwendungen - Deutsche Version Rule System Applications - English Version