Nameinstall - Bartels AutoEngineer Installation Utility Synopsisinstall install [-c] srcfile[pattern] dstfile[directory\*] DescriptionThe install utility program is applied for installing the Bartels AutoEngineer PC software (or parts of it) to the PC hard disk. install can also be used for packing (compressing) and/or unpacking (decompressing) selectable files. The install utility program is the one and only tool feasible for performing a correct PC installation since the BAE PC software files are stored in compressed format on the disks of the BAE install media. Modes of OperationBAE Software InstallationThe BAE PC software installation process can be started with the install command, where the current directory must contain the contents of the BAE install media, i.e., either floppy disk 1 of the BAE install kit or the BAE CD-ROM must be mounted, and the working directory must be set to the corresponding drive. The
install program comes up with a self-explanatory dialogue, where the user (amongst other parameters) has to specify the install mode. The install mode is used to select the file set to be installed. Standard install modes copies all software files. Update install modes does not replace certain system files ending on
Compress/Decompress FilesThe formal install syntax for compressing and/or decompressing selectable files is install [-c] srcfile[pattern] dstfile[directory\*] where option
ExamplesDecompress all
> install a:\*.ddb c:\baelib\* Decompress the file
> install b:\ged.fnt d:\bae Compress the file
> install -c design.ddb design.cmp DiagnosisThe error messages issued by install are intended to be self-explanatory.